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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. It's not a "chicken or egg" question since the people I know aren't complaining about it. In fact, they enjoy amenities that are only possible because the oil companies pay enormous local taxes (which they constantly fight against having to pay, but that's another story). You put refineries where the people are 'cause you need a lot of employees, they have to be near where the finished product is going 'cause trucking the finished product long distances costs a ton o' money, and they also need to be near where the raw oil is available because you can't built pipelines anywhere you please for
  2. I'd go with hardware. Software adds a layer of complexity. However, if your hardware isn't up to snuff (you notice a performance hit) obviously go with software.
  3. Doh! I wish I had been that creative. To this day I cringe when I hear an old-fashioned ringer ("I'm gonna get caught, I'm gonna get caught ... ").
  4. Is there any chance of there being a backup? Or a restore/undelete?
  5. Previous advice, good. Why I went this way, I don't know: Glue broken glass to the top of the key. Or pry the key off and push a pin through from underneath so it sticks out the top (then cut off the excess underneath). Glue small foil strips to either side of the key & wire them to the wall socket (single use, however). <edit> Guess I could'a been more specific as far as real advice; I'd make them learn (an electric dog training collar maybe?), OK, seriously, I'd use the previously mentioned keyboard mapping utility. Change the Delete key to another location like Scroll Lock
  6. Just sharing my experience with StarDock: I tried it years ago with results similar to the previous posts. It ate up resources, caused occasional crashes and interferred with other programs (similar to what you're experiencing). Frankly, any program that alters the way Windows works has a lot of responsibility; It has to do what it says it'll do, it has to cooperate with the rest of Windows' code, and it has to be compatible with whatever you throw at it. In a very real sense the software has to be better than Microsoft's original code for Windows (insert joke about Microsoft's quality). That
  7. Two things worry me; The name of the company, Computer Discount, Inc, is close to Computer Discount Warehouse, a large well-known outfit that now goes by the name CDW. Are they intentionally trying to ride CDW's coattails? Are they trying to be deceptive? The other thing is, is it new? Or is it a repaired item? I don't see any mention of this, though I'm not familiar with the Amazon marketplace so I don't know if they insist sellers make this distinction. One of the two customer reviews states the product has a potentially troublesome history, which could mean these are repaired.
  8. Wow, if Windows won't load in Safe Mode ... Time to find the OE install disk. I don't know the command mode (if XP has that option) restore string (to restore a previous Registry save), hope someone else knows what that is (again, if that's an option at all in XP).
  9. JDoors


    Ya got me thinkin': What's the FIRST "perfect" movie you remember seeing? For me it was 2001: A Space Odyssey. I'd have been about thirteen years old and had only seen movies at The Biograph, the theater on my street (at least it had history: John Dillinger was shot out back, and several movies on the subject had been filmed there since). For 2001 I had to go downtown late at night, a mini-adventure right there. Then I had to find the one theater showing the movie; Marina City. Amazing architecture. That theater was huge compared to the Biograph, so I was ready for a heckuva movie experienc
  10. I'd try defragging in Safe Mode. If you still can't use yours restore it from the original disk (or from the hard drive if there's a restore folder or partition) or search for the ME version and use that. I no longer have the link but the Windows ME defragger works with 9x and is considered an improvement over the older version. Resources vary enormously, and so does advice regarding them. Each item displayed uses another chunk of the limited amount of resources pre-XP Windows has available, so the less you display the more you have available for running programs (fewer icons, lower resolutio
  11. Sorry, can't help myself: " ... Notice how [the assistant pricipal] is smiling as she is getting the student in trouble, as if she gets a sadistic pleasure from punishment." It's nice to see someone enjoying her job! (A photographer AND a humorist, nice!)
  12. Added to favorites, noticed they have a section devoted to "technical terms," if anyone needs information about that they might want to check it out.
  13. JDoors

    About U?

    Ahh, thanks for not disappointing us Liz. We all knew this would get a rise outta you!
  14. I think you should be GRATEFUL! That an infected PC is what keeps you up at night rather than a drug addiction or some other truly horrible worry. You must be blessed if that's all that's keeping you up at night. :hugs 'n' kisses:
  15. JDoors


    My Niece recommended a movie I probably would never have considered on my own, too "girly" (if you can say that without offending anyone nowadays). Holy cow. Seriously, this movie is as perfect a movie as I've ever seen: "The Man In The Moon." It's a few years old but as I said, not the type of movie I'd be picking off the rental shelf, so I missed it. It was Reese Witherspoon's movie debut and it's ... well to be honest it's left me almost speechless. Every scene in this movie rings true, every bit of dialog, every performance. The settings, costumes, cinematography, all perfect for the peri
  16. That's actually worth a rant right there, that as adults we have to think and think hard before we help, or even talk to, someone else's kid. I live on a very steep hill and see kids struggling on their bikes to reach the top, "Hey, throw the bike in back & I'll take you to the top." Uh, nope. Can't do it. I don't even want to consider what kids think today when adults pass them by without volunteering to help them when they could use it. Come to think of it, when I was a kid I wrecked my bike and had to drag the wreckage several miles home, nobody offered to help me then. Maybe it's not
  17. I don't know how HE did it, but when I was in high school I learned of a study done in college that showed students who look the teacher directly in the eye and nod their heads as if they were paying attention did well without actually doing a lick of work. I started sitting in the first row, looking the teacher in they eye, and nodded my head as if I had a clue what they were talking about. It actually worked in several classes (not all though). In the classes that it worked the teachers acted like I was their best student. They talked directly to me (I guess they thought it was nice to fina
  18. There's a setting in IE to "Just go to the most likely site" after a search, sounds like it'd do the same thing. "Internet Options"/ "Advanced" tab/ "Search from the address bar" section/ "Just go the most likely site" radio button.
  19. "Main Internet line," sounds like cable rather than the phone line (for DSL). Please specify what you see onscreen when you realize there's a problem. Your browser stops responding? Is there an error message? Or error page? (Plus answer the questions from Pete's post.)
  20. AWESOME. We need more arrests. I remember the scare just a couple of arrests put into music pirates (at least for a while ).
  21. Wow, one of the "cloud" photos looks like an artist painted it! And I'm drawn like a moth to the "a light" picture. (I can be punny, huh?)
  22. I'd have given you an "A" just for making me laugh by including this quote. (Though as a teacher I would want to know exactly where that quote came from. )
  23. Is that the FORCE shutdown command? If so, be sure you don't have any unsaved files open. If it's just the regular shutdown Windows is smart enough to give you a chance to save any open files before it exits. Great, I know there's a tweak to get the forced shutdown but ... I was too lazy to look it up and compare.
  24. Must be that time of year or something 'cause I was (while stopping every two blocks) thinking the exact same thing. And I'm sure it's the lawyers (inferred from previous post): If a kid had something happen to them and they COULD have stopped the bus a block closer, someone'd sue and blame the school district (umm, that'd be us taxpayers). When I walked three quarters of a mile to school, back in the age of the dinosaurs, were there less pedophiles or what? Is the problem worse, or are we as a society just more paranoid? (Or maybe, better informed?)