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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. JDoors


    Cripes, I don't know about this stuff but it seems to me that 2 seconds isn't much time to wait for anything. Sure, you might expect a response in less time than that, but if things "stick" occasionally I'd guess increasing that setting would give it time to "unstick." Um, no, I don't know where that setting is. I'm sure an Internet "tweak" utility would give you easy access to it though. Worth a try? (Say, increase it to 5, for starters?) (It's a TOTAL guess.) (But you probably knew that.) (Ok, I'm done.)
  2. You might want to specify what "main line" is supposed to mean, and what power cable (cable modem? DSL modem?) you have to unplug (and does it have a power switch? Or does that NOT fix the problem?).
  3. JDoors

    Gimp Help

    I'm not sure how they got there: each layer you create you put the graphic image & only one set of text (each slightly moved from the previous one). So how did two, then three, get on each layer? You'd have had to put them there .... wouldn't you? (Again, it'd be easier if we were both sittin' at the machine ...
  4. We both know the answer: They CAN'T build more refineries and they CAN'T drill where the oil is. Part of that is knee-jerk environmentalism: Oil? Bad. Wilderness? Good. No drilling for oil in ANY wilderness, ever. Not a problem for the rabid environmentalists as they drive weiner cars anyway. Another part is NIMBY (Not In My Backyard): "Hey, I'm rich and I love the views out of my oceanfront condo, you're not putting an oil rig out there!" Not a problem for THEM cause they can afford the gas for their limos and private jets. The NIMBY part I can empathize with is for refineri
  5. Tried it, it's quick & easy, compared the results to the key on my Windows manual and it's correct (not that I thought it'd be wrong or anything ... ). (The Wisconsin mirror failed to download, the owner's site worked fine.)
  6. So the camcorder has been on and off, recording different events each time, and it has no software to edit those into individual, smaller, files? I don't have any links but you need a video editing program (and a hunky computer to run it). (OK, hunky might be the wrong word. )
  7. JDoors

    Gimp Help

    You've got two frames (or layers) that are blank, that's causing your graphic to flash. Also you've got one frame with the text, the next has that text PLUS the second text (it should only have the second text item), and the last frame has all three text items (when it should only have the last text item). At least that's what's showing up when I open it in Animation Shop.
  8. You think MicroSoft including a firewall with the OS has anything to do with others abandoning the market?
  9. I would imagine they'd fix that via update ASAP -- So update it if ya got it.
  10. Also try this scan: Spyware Scan at PC Pitstop It reads what's running and lists necessary and safe processes in GREEN. If it knows what it is but it's optional software (like keyboard utilities) it lists it in BLUE. If it doesn't know what the program is it lists them in GREY, those you'd look up elsewhere (usually you can figure out what they are). If it's adware or other minor annoyances it will be listed in YELLOW. If something shows up in RED, it's a nasty you want to get rid of. Click the SCAN button then choose OK in the security dialog box that appears. My results:
  11. Last things first: You must not have been around for Carter's price controls on fuel, or Nixon's price controls, or for any federal price controls on anything, 'cause if you were you would never be so naive as to believe it's all upside and no down-side. Like others have said: You tell me I can't charge what I want to charge and I'll stop supplying it as soon as MY price goes up (Hawaii does not have crude oil and cannot control the price of it). Price controlled gas is worse than useless if no one will sell you any. I saw the closed stations, long lines and rationing that price controls brin
  12. It's like anti-malware programs (Ad-Aware, Spybot, etc.): They leapfrog each other continuously. One may find out about and update for a particular virus or malware first and if you run the scan at that point it will pick it up while another will not. That doesn't mean the first program is "best" because the others will find out about the bad stuff and update too. Eventually the second will have an update the first hasn't yet found. That said, the reason to choose one anti-virus over another isn't based then on which finds more viruses, they all work, it's which program's interface and addit
  13. "Complete" programs such as Norton & McAfee don't just sit on the drive until you "run" a scan. They integrate themselves into and throughout the OS, making changes to the registry to prevent infection in the first place. They "watch" files and bits moving in real time. If you have two installed those changes will conflict with each other (each may try to "take over" a certain portion of the registry for example) and the performance "hit" from having two programs doing real time scanning might be significant. Just have one running and update it religiously. Use online virus scans if you f
  14. And all retail stores get their trash bags from the same few companies, but that doesn't make all retail stores monopolies nor are the outlets that sell the same product at a higher markup automatically greedy, money-grubbing #@$@'s. Some retailers buy massive amounts, some buy small amounts, some have efficient operations with low costs while others are less efficient and may have high costs. The same is true for gasoline distribution. It's a good thing no one has to get your approval before making a profit. I used to work for a Sears that had its own gas station. I would fill up there 'cau
  15. JDoors

    Gimp Help

    This is something that'd be easy to explain if we were sittin' next to each other ... You create one layer. You duplicate that layer two more times. On each layer you place the same text -- BUT -- on each layer you place the text a little bit further to one side. Then when you view each layer individually, one after another, the text will appear to move. Like a flip-book (ever see one of those?). Some of the more difficult ideas they present such as "transparancy" is just a way to make it easier to see where you're placing the text on each layer. You could also look at the location numbers
  16. JDoors

    Gimp Help

    It's not clear why you're stumped. Can you create several layers? Can you make each layer slightly different (hence the animation)? Can you access the proper dialog boxes to cause layers to animate? Have you tried printing the tutorial page to make it easier to follow while you're working? (The only animation I've done is for cursors & icons and that was a long time ago, though I've edited a few GIF's in PaintShop Pro's Animation Shop.)
  17. JDoors


    Yup, I think you got yerself a real stumper!
  18. Umm ... Ok. I mean, I get what you're saying, but how that relates to hundreds of gas stations within a 50 mile radius of every major city on the planet I'm not sure. Cable companies were given a monopoly (see definition #2) due to the expense of laying the infrastructure all the way to individual homes. Now that it's all in place (plus some other considerations) there's some competition allowed. Not to mention options like satellite TV.
  19. JDoors

    Snows A Coming

    Whoa, blizzard conditions in the upper plains, 6-8 inches of rain the in the upper Midwest. Other than hearing the word "blizzard" for the first time what I wanted to talk about in particular is the rain. It's falling in the Mississippi river watershed. Where does that all wind up eventually? New Orleans. The next few days or however long it takes to reach Lousianna could be troublesome.
  20. Well, unless you eat nuts and berries and live in a tent made of sticks and leaves you probably use money yourself, and I assume you'd like even more. So greed isn't "nasty" or evil all by itself. mo-nop-o-ly (m-nop-le)n.pl. mo-nop-o-lies. 1. Exclusive control by one group of the means of producing or selling a commodity or service. 2. Law. A right granted by a government giving exclusive control over a specified commercial activity to a single party. 3. A company or group having exclusive control over a commercial activity. A commodity or service so controlled. 4. Exclusive po
  21. I find it highly unlikely that a convenience store pays the same wholesale prices as Wal-Mart. If I buy two dozen cases from a wholesaler while Wal-Mart buys six million cases, Wal-Mart is gonna get a better price than I am. But that begs the question: Why can't the HUGE oil companies sell their product cheaper than the smaller outfits? Why hasn't the "economies of scale," which works so well for Wal-Mart, taken place in the oil industry? (I know, I know! Greed, right?)
  22. Naw, don't bother breaking it down further. Oil companies are profitable. Rulers who own their countries are rich. Boo-hoo. Your numbers: $2.93 average price without taxes plus an average of $0.43 per for tax, so the average price of a gallon of gas is $3.36? I never paid that much, let alone averaged that amount. Anyway, the whole "they make a lot of money" point is your thang, not mine. I'm just grateful we don't pay five bucks a gallon like many others do, and I've cut back on travel to save a few bucks. If I had bought the car I really wanted but chickened out buying I'd use even less (I
  23. I work at a relatively insignificant business in relatively insignificant town in the MidWest and we make one million dollars a day. That's just this one location. You state there're 176,000 gas stations? Altogether they don't make 176,000 times what we make. So are we raping our customers too? I've never agreed with "they make too much money" as an argument. Is all that cash sitting in an ever-growing stockpile somewhere? There's no "Mr. Burns" cackling while rolling around in a big pile of cash. Profits are being spent, invested, it's all going somewhere, doing something. BTW, where are "tax
  24. From what I remember, it's actually SP1 that needs to be RE-installed. There's an error or corruption in it that won't allow that particular update to be "flagged" that it's done. It's, I believe, related to Outlook and whether you use it or not Windows will try to keep it up to date. Again, if I remember correctly, nothing you do with Outlook (uninstalling then reinstalling, etc.) will fix it. I had a different update that kept reinstalling and I do not remember what I did that finally allowed it to take (me and my memory).
  25. What Liz said. (Liz, I think it's time to remove the "newbie" label!)