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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Let's just say I will remain skeptical of anyone proclaiming a cure for a disease that is generallly recognized as uncurable. There are people who claim to cure cancer, then you never hear from them again. Even if there's a grain of truth, say, there's a new treatment, it can get mis-reported as a cure rather than a new line of treatment.
  2. Well, this is not entirely true. If you look at my first post in this thread (here), I talk about this. Most malware today won't be gone by just "fixing" the entry in HJT. Often, the helper will supply one or more other tools while analyzing a log. And, even if other tools aren't needed, certain lines in HJT , such as O4s also need to corresponding file to be deleted. So, once again, while it may be safe to do this with HJT, it probably won't help too much with your malware problem. Matt I chose my words carefully: "any malware entries would be gone" is technically correct since I was a
  3. I'd bet you're right the keyboard is designed to stop sending keystrokes after a set period of time. A cordless board left unattended might have an object fall on it which would send keytrokes until the battery ran dry. Makes sense to prevent that type of problem with a simple timer. To edit the driver though you'd essentially be rewriting the code. Do you know what type of code it is? Do you have programming skills? Is the code documented in any public way? Kinda unlikely. IMO, the best way to fix your problem is to not use hardware that has built-in limitations that prevent you from using
  4. Anybody still got the link to the guy this research was supposedly attributed to? It was interesting, he had nothing to do with it (if I recall) but he wound up making a site (blog?) devoted to the subject.
  5. Wow, a designer tree! It's stunning. Wait right here while I go find my tree, ornaments, tinsel, lights, set them up, find the camera, take a pic, load it in the computer, host it and return to post .... Nevermind. I think I'll pour myself another cup o' Joe instead.
  6. Hide Titanium wires in the strips .... Just thinkin' .... C'mon, you KNOW I was kidding, right?
  7. Hey man, I use Earthlink too, anything I should be aware of that might affect me? As for price, I had dialup, called them and told them I could get 'so-and-so' DSL for 'such-and-such' price for a year, match that and I'll stay. So if service wasn't an issue you can negotiate their price.
  8. Actually, I'm going to commend you for saying so. The guy had a point that Windows will boot and obviously any malware entries would be gone. But that's like swatting a fly with a nuclear bomb. It'll work, but nobody in their right mind would recommend it. My take is the guy just got a little full of himself. You know, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing." It happens from time to time. I think people got carried away with the importance of his advice, though they are correct to defend TC's honor. BTW, TC showed a lot of restraint & class with his responses.
  9. No lights ... it's no longer worth the effort after seeing that choreographed light show ... I'm just gonna hide in the basement 'til it's over ...
  10. Jeez! Years ago where I worked some employees who manually entered data stole some information from maybe a dozen customers and used it illegally, with computers -- The sky's the limit. Yup, computers are efficient little buggers.
  11. Just to be clear: Were you running Norton's and AVG at the same time when this happened? Or did you install AVG after the problem to ensure protection? Antivirus programs integrate themselves pretty deeply throughout the OS so when one thing goes wrong -- everything could go wrong. I'd reinstall Norton (I just had to do that with McAfee to resolve an oddball problem, the reinstall cured everything).
  12. I don't fish (though I like to hang out while others do, commune with nature and all that), but I absolutely must bow down before this technology; A sonar unit in a float? Wireless transmission? Wristwatch sized display? Holy Moly!
  13. Hope you saw in your second thread that the Default User folder contains the information necessary to set up User accounts, so yeah, some of the information is exactly the same as what winds up in a User account. It should remain there however in case you need to set up a new User account (or, you could go ahead and delete it now and just post here when you try to set up a new User account and it fails).
  14. She's signing on to AOL's network, using AOL's assigned addresses, and AOL assigns her one of those addresses each time she signs on. (If only it were that easy .... )
  15. I've reached the breaking point. They did something so infuriating I can't even discuss it in detail because I cannot be reasonable. I found out last Friday, I walked around in stunned silence, and called in Saturday because, again, I am so infuriated I would not be able to ... well, it would be impossible for me to perform my job to my own standards (I deal with the public so a cheery attitude is important). I'm off for four days and I find myself blurting out angry diatribes, what I want to say at work, but I'm afraid I'll just look ridiculous -- and it won't make any difference anyway. I'
  16. I must be missing something 'cause if you just take a 6x1" strip and bend it zig-zag style, it will support a brick. No further engineering needed. OH! A bridge that supports a brick. Entirely different than what I was picturing. And beyond me! It looks like you're on the right track with triangulation there.
  17. That's true, and they're not Gods so it's understandable, but it's their disconnect from reality that makes them dangerous. Small example: Recent visit, fill out the forms, sent to another receptionist to fill out more forms. She asks me questions and fills in the blanks; "How did come to this practice, a recommendation, family?" "I needed a dermatologist, called the insurance company for a name, here I am." "Oh, we'll put down a friend recommended you, that sounds so much nicer." Nicer for who? Lie to the doctor? Why? What kind of ego-stroking does this doctor need? I can't even figure out
  18. I just found out that's the law in Illinois too. A friend told me about receiving a ticket for it just a few days ago.
  19. I prefer a program like Sequoia View which displays all the files on the drive (and any free space) visually. Here's the home page. The program scans your files then displays each file, grouped by folder, as a color-keyed block (similar in concept to but much more advanced than the visual display you get with Windows Defrag). Each file type is assigned a color so you can see, for example, how much drive space is taken up by MP3 files. Or the Windows swap file. Or Windows' CAB files. Etc. (Whoa, it looks like graphics files are taking up a quarter of my drive!) Mouse-over each block to see wh
  20. That was ... strange. Intergalactic war? (Wouldn't an INTRA-galactic war be more probable? What information do these people have that aliens are from other galaxies? Do they have a clue how long it would take to travel from another freakin' galaxy?) Bush has approved military bases on the moon for advanced warning and security? (So ... aliens wouldn't be smart enough to attack Earth from the opposite side the moon's on?) I didn't get much further in the article, it was too moronic. Cannabis is legal in Canada, right? NOW it makes sense.
  21. How can I get my neighbor's dogs to take doggy Valium? "Yipe, yipe, yipe, woof, woof, woof, yipe, yipe, yipe, woof, woof, woof." This goes on all day long. You think it has something to do with my lack of sleep? ------ Another doctor's ignorance issue: The first time I ever had a medical problem the emergency room put me on Morphine for the pain, then they wheeled me into the X-ray room, pumped me full of IVP dye, and I blacked out. When I woke up the next day I had a wrist band stating, "Allergic to IVP dye." OK, I had never been in the hospital before, how could anyone know, right?
  22. I personally would rather rely on calling a motor club and having a tow truck come out to either change the tire or tow it to where it can be fixed. There are cars that come with the kits instead of a spare tire nowadays, but they are stored safely and are probably not prone to freezing (haven't owned such a car yet so I haven't read the manual concerning this, but I can't imagine the factory supplying a fix that only works in warm weather). Oh, and just paid $2.11/G for a fill.
  23. I waited to see if someone else would mention another precaution about fix-a-flat: It's a pressurized can of flammable gas. You do NOT want to keep it in the glovebox (as someone stated). Tuck it safely away in the trunk. The cans have been known to pop just from excessive heat, so if that happens, better in the trunk than the interior of the car.