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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Oh, I agree, showing bodies in the news is not acceptable to me either. However as I hinted at (and I should know by now that hinting is rarely successful), it's meant to convey a certain message, a POLITICAL one. Media outlets that are unbiased or that support the reasons behind a war do not do it for the same reasons you and I find it despicable. Only those outlets that sell their wares by dealing in schlock every day or those purposely trying to horrify their audience to enforce their editorial point of view about a war stoop so low. And yes, I understand how they justify it. Their reasons
  2. Free NetStatLive @ AnalogX <edit> Just looked at the site & it's not obvious where this utility is located so: NetStatLive info page.
  3. Jobs calling music companies greedy: Higher prices for iTunes will cause damage to the music industry. Greed's gonna get 'em and I'm losing any empathy I had. Eolas: MS has a history of incorporating other's work into their products. Maybe, just maybe, they'll eventually wind up paying someone for their work (Gates could pay that $500M using the change that's fallen between the seats of his car). HD-DVD vs. Blu-Ray: The lower cost of implementing HD-DVD will probably win out over the better technical specs of Blu-Ray. "Better" is not enough to win over consumers. BTIreland dedicated hate si
  4. Just a guess: You agree with much of Michael Moore's work. Less of a slam-dunk: You like several of Oliver Stone's movies. ( @ Internet psychological profiling!)
  5. I'd uninstall & reinstall. Whatever's broke will probably get fixed.
  6. JDoors

    Snows A Coming

    Holy moly. I'd guess he was hitchhiking? Good job, bet it was as close though.
  7. JDoors

    Snows A Coming

    So I'm on break at work and we're watching the weather on TV. They mention the snow coming your way and I say, "Well, there it is, the first mention of snow." People panicked! What I meant was that snow's falling up your way and that means it's inevitable here, although a month or so away. What they heard was, it's snowing here soon. I tried explaining but the whole concept of the weather out West being a portent of our weather apparently was over their heads. People don't "get" me. But then, I love snow and they don't, so that just goes to show you ... umm, well, I don't know what t
  8. [bold emphasis added] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Had to look up "tortious," never heard of it. My computer dictionary hadn't either. Finally found it online. Thank goodness it didn't refer to "torture," which was my first thought (and made me wonder how the heck you can be accused of torture online). (Oh, wait, G4 ... now that was torture!)
  9. All this talk of the dangers of rootkits ... I'm gonna just stick my head in the sand until it all goes away ...
  10. Whoa, browsing hidden files looking for trash to throw out is not a good idea. They're hidden JUST FOR THAT REASON -- So you don't mess with them. The odds that you'll find hidden files that are unnecessary is slim. If some sort of malware hides files the usual tools will still find them so there's no point in looking there manually. (Plus ... to be a bit blunt ... if you have to ASK about hidden files then you have no business looking at them.)
  11. JDoors

    New User Name

    #1 reason not to keep your computer in the bathroom. (Don't hate me!)
  12. Saving the actual writing 'til last makes sense and I've seen that behavior before, but this was an Earthlink update and their install programs have given me plenty of trouble in the past. Bad programmers I imagine (oh boy, I wanna say somethin' about ... umm ... WHERE the programming is done. Is that diplomatic enough?). As for knowing what's updating that's not a problem as the ones that frequently update always display an icon in the task bar as they download and a dialog box before they install. Earthlink? Now that's another story: They update much less frequently but I have seen in the p
  13. Whoah! Here goes my imagination again ... It looks like the planet in Pitch Black . I expect to see those scary creatures flying out any moment now. What're the grey bars?
  14. BANG! I don't know why I didn't see that first off. Nineteen, twenty and twenty-one? Tell 'em to pay for their own ISP (some won't issue different accounts to one address though). Or mom, if she uses the computer, could get another ISP and let the girls worry about losing their account access. One reason I'd go that route is it should NOT be necessary to babysit adults, thus, no keylogger -- If you ask me.
  15. I don't know if it's just my vivid imagination or what, but that looks more like some sort of alien craft igniting a nuclear bomb -- or something.
  16. There's always file recovery. Any 'undelete' program should be able to locate your bookmarks and recover them (if they haven't been completely overwritten yet). Do I have a link? No (other than to the commercial version I use: File Rescue Plus). There's a small free one others may have the link to. Remember if the program you choose is small enough it's best to d/l it to a different drive or partition so you don't run the risk of overwriting the files you're trying to recover with the undelete utility!
  17. Yup, I have to agree. Although I said it's annoying I never said I'd turn any of those off. ESPECIALLY the A/V, firewall & security suite. One or more of those seem to update every day, sometimes even more often than that. No way I would keep them up-to-date if I had to remember to do it manually. And if I were to do it once a week (as if I'd remember) I'd be five, six, seven or more updates behind by that time. Honestly? I don't know how those companies stay in business. For a reasonable price they do a lot of research, write a lot of code, and send out a kajillion updates every day. But
  18. OK, I have these updates that check continuously (and I want it that way): Antivirus Firewall Security Suite ISP software ISP IE toolbar Windows And these check when I run the program while online (some I want, some give me no option): Windows Media Player Quicktime Realplayer Camera software Adobe Reader Half a dozen others. Then the software that I have to manually choose to update: Too many to list. SOMETHING's updating almost every day, many require a reboot, many install routines are poorly written & fail causing more work for me, it's getting in the way dammit! Today the I
  19. I actually didn't have any advice other than to mention the firewall and that not having SP2 might be the cause of the problem to begin with. Then someone else mentioned an extremely likely situation: Without SP2 and a firewall your system is highly likely to have been compromised, and if it is then you may have to fix that before you can get Windows Update to work at all. If that is the case then run HiJackThis and post in the appropriate thread, someone can check it out and eliminate that as a possibility and we can go from there. Not to sound strident, but a firewall is the single most imp
  20. I like your positive outlook on the subject! "I'm worried about bills, wait, do I have any due? Do what? Oh, look, the sun's glinting off the dew on the grass, that's pretty. I should cut the grass today, gotta wait for the dew to evaporate ... wait? What was I waiting for? ... "
  21. I hope you have a trusted router if you refuse to run a firewall. If you ever saw a firewall's log of "events," that is, attempts to gain access to your computer, you'd positively freak out. Someone's trying to get in every few seconds from all around the world (Asia, China in particular, Russia & other Baltic states are the ones that worry me most). I thought MS forced SP2 on you if you wish to use their update site. Bah, I'm stickin' with '9x.
  22. I think you may have hit the mark here. It may be an incompatibility with 1.0 vs. 2.0. I have a 2.0 card up and running on my '9x machine.
  23. It depends on how thoroughly you tweak the options. If you're one to make a change, observe the results, try another change, check out the results again and so on, then sure, you may be able to find some tweaks that help due the way you use your particular hardware and software, things that are different enough from the norm that Windows' own settings may not take them into account. Otherwise, that is if you aren't going to be obsessive about it ( ), then for most people with common hardware and common software using their computers in a common way, it's not going to be worth the time and eff
  24. You know, MS's policies are so extensive and convoluted I doubt a public message board is the ideal place to ask these questions. I bet MS has pages devoted to this subject and it might be best to go to the source. If you're trying to conform to their policies then they are the ones to ask. Forgive my suspicions but if all you're trying to do is to get around their policies then I got nothin' to say. <edit> Thanks for taking that in a good-natured way. I couldn't remember what your purpose was, sorry. (Good grief, how's my memory gonna be when I really get old?)
  25. Just to clear something up, have you bought and paid for five installations of Windows on five different computers? It's not clear why you seem to be saying that an SP1 installation differs from one with SP2.