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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. JDoors

    Biker Dog

    Dangit, I get redirected to the site's home page ...
  2. I agree plain wood glue (like Elmer's) should work as the strength of the glue bond isn't going to be the deciding issue, preventing the cardboard strips from bending and collapsing will be. That will happen before nearly any glue you use will fail. ------ On second thought, though it won't technically be a glue failure, the glue will be stronger than the cardboard so the cardboard may tear at the bonded point. It might be easy to mistake that for a glue failure but the glue bond won't have broken, the fiber bond of the cardboard will though. Just so ya know in case it happens.
  3. " ... Sony is now sponsoring a "guerrilla" graffiti ad campaign to promote the PSP, covering inner city neighborhoods with images of kids playing with its overpriced, crippled handheld. Reports on the interwebs indicate that Sony or its ad agency has paid graffiti artists to spray paint images of little kids playing with PSPs in at least five U.S. cities ... " Well then, it was reported on the "interwebs" [sic] so it must be true. A few photos of a few graffiti figures doesn't convince me. Not that I'd put it past them, they always preview their newest games and hardware using cinematic cuts
  4. Not that I've ever seen them, uh-hem, but aren't there a couple of ladies (one in particular comes to mind but I can't remember her name) who have made themselves famous by being under the watchful eyes of webcams 24/7? ------ Hey, whatever happend to the DOTCOM.GUY? Anyone remember him?
  5. I haven't followed the links to determine if this is just another Internet fable or not but I did think of a couple of 'suspicious' parts: You can infer from the story that she usually uses the cruise control, but if that were so she'd know to, and would likely have had to many times in the past, just tap the brakes to turn it off within milleseconds. The moment the vehicle began to lose traction she would have been aware of it and should have known to tap the brakes and take over the throttle manually. Also, if the vehicle lost traction due to hydroplaning it would slow down, not speed up.
  6. I've had that program for a while but it goes unused ... Sadly, my graphics card is a sissy.
  7. Wow, that certainly was a scary situation. I am so very, very glad she was aware enough to prevent a scary situation from turning into a dangerous or, heaven forbid, a tragic one. It's a shame we have to balance teaching kids self-preservation without completely taking away their innocence.
  8. IF true, and not just another "let's see if we can fit this into some sort of pattern" error (people worldwide throughout history claim to see similar 'alien' faces, infants see something that also looks similar, and that might possibly explain the sightings ... or is it just coincidence?), it then brings up some serious questions about the ability to retain your earliest memories. Some people claim to remember looking up out of their crib and trying to talk but they cannot, some remember being born, and some remember before that. "Nonsense!," everybody says, "That's ridiculous! The memory con
  9. I like the idea of summarizing the decades! 50's: Too young to remember. 60's: Youthfull exuberance, then wasting my teens with, well, it was the sixties after all. 70's: Getting established (job, apartment, etc.) 80's: 60 hour workweeks, partying hard to make up for the drudgery, buying a home. 90's: Hiding out in a "safe" job 'cause I never want to work 60 hours a week ever again. 00's: Trying to figure out how to pay the continually rising costs of living with that damnable safe job.
  10. Hey, any convenience store will sell you a foil pack with just a few aspirin in it. Of course, it'll cost the same as the 200 count bottle at the pharmacy.
  11. Oh yeah, hanging from a string will be another matter entirely. Having the entire weight of the brick concentrated in one place, the width of the string ... Whoa. Can any of the structure hang below the level of the supports on either end? Like the following (don't make fun of my hand-drawn lines!): The structure above is to spread the weight of the brick out and the structure below is to prevent the span from collapsing. ------ Come to think of it, if hanging structure below is unfeasible, couldn't that part go on top of the span and the inverted "V" go on top of that?
  12. Or anybody who's ever read the owners manual. OK, there is no one who's read the owners manual.
  13. While I'm aware of several scientific theories* about the hows and whys, there ain't no scientific explanation for what I've experienced. Yet, I'll admit that much. * Most recently an attempt to explain 'deja vu'; The same information takes different pathways through the brain therefore arriving at different times. "Hey, I've been here before" (supposedly) occurs because some of the information has already arrived through a shorter or more efficient pathway, then milleseconds later, through another pathway, you actually recognize the place. Your brain says, "Hey, why have I seen this in
  14. Yeah, I've been drunk since the day I was born.
  15. I grew up in Chicago so we had all the comforts, but vistin' Granma's house meant no indoor plumbing. Hand pump water from the well, heat it on the 'far,' fill a washtub for bathing, use the outhouse for ... well I don't have to 'splain that. We always visited Granma's so it didn't seem unusual to me, but when I wrote an essay in High School about my summers on the farm my fellow city dweller students got a helluva kick out of it. I'd have to say I'm a child of the sixties: I remember when "I wanna hold your hand" came out, I thought it was the dumbest song I'd heard. Tells ya what I know.
  16. Short version: Been dealing with the paranormal since I was a child. Have come to realize everyone has natural abilities but due to cultural pressure (largely religious in nature) we are not taught what it is, that it doesn't exist when we ask about it, and so we eventually learn to suppress it. Being a stubborn SOB even when I was four years old I refused to accept that what I was experiencing "didn't exist." I eventually found the information that explained everything I had been experiencing all my life. So, suggest to me that I'm going to be visited by "ghosts" (the true nature of which is
  17. Brain freeze? ------ Lunesta Website -- Click "Free Trial Offer"
  18. I hate to see money wasted in court but in this case and others similar to it I hope the malware jokers DO get their day in court, and lose. I hope the jurors are all tech-savvy.
  19. From what I can see of the scan it isn't nearly as bad as what I suspect is on most systems out there. And when you consider the users have no vested interest in the security of the system ... it's not bad AT ALL.
  20. Guess I'll get ya started by saying ... No. I don't play games at all. Anyone else?
  21. Jeez, you young'ins from the 80's, always complaining! (That was so surprising when I got to the punchline and it was the friggin' 80's! Oh Lordy, I'm gettin' so old ... )
  22. Thank goodness you finally got some unassisted sleep. I've tried everything over the years (off and on) and they ALL have side-effects of one kind or another that I cannot withstand. In a way that's a good thing, otherwise I probably would have become dependant, i.e., addicted. Like ... uh-hem ... booze. Sure, an ounce before bedtime works. For a while. Then you need two ounces, then four, then you're drinking even though it's no longer helping to put you to sleep. I've read over and over that [edit] Melatonin [/edit] (original: Seratonin) is supposed to help, then read that it doesn't. Nev
  23. Something's beginning to sound a bit fishy about his story -- that he; edited, or was it modified, or was it he found a modded driver? That he; can't or won't let you at least TRY his supposedly modified or found driver because, as you found suspicious too, the "product id" is different? Or was it he is no longer sure where to find it? Huh? Go over there if possible, order pizza, and while he's at the door paying for the pizza copy the file. But I bet you'll find his keyboard is either entirely different or it does the same thing yours does, he just doesn't encounter the problem due t
  24. Cant wait for 3 ghosts to visit you on Christmas eve... ... PLEASE! I have enough trouble dealing with the paranormal events in my life as it is, don't wish that upon me! (Arrgh, trying to get the entire idea out of my head .... ) (Unrelated to topic: The television show Medium gets it correct: natrually they dramatize it for TV but they accurately portray the difficulites of understanding what's going on and the responsibilities that go along with such knowledge.)
  25. So far, you're winning by default! I like simple, especially the candle-in-the-window part. There's a point where it becomes more about the lights than the sentiment.