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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. NorthWest of Chicago we only got around three inches, but driving to work I go South and West, where it snowed up to ten inches. Driving was terrible (not for me and my 4X4, but everybody else was nearly paralyzed with fear). D'ja hear about the airplane at Midway airport? Skidded off the runway & ran over a couple of cars. I can't imagine driving in a snowstorm, looking ahead and seeing ... What is that? Is that a ... ? It's a freakin' AIRPLANE!!!! <<slams brakes>>
  2. Bathroom -- embarrassed to admit I skim the newspaper then -- Shower & out the door. Once at work it's cup after cup of Cafe Lattes to keep me goin'. I'm not a "latte" or other fancy drink person but their coffee SUCKS, so it's either Lattes, Cappucinos or for the rough days, Espressos (or a shot of Espresso IN my Latte or Cappucino!).
  3. Windows '98SE (if anyone remembers how to do anything with that): My Start/Find menu has some additions that I can't figure out how to get rid of (or can't remember how I did it before). At one time all I had in there was Files or Folders. That's all I ever used it for and I vaguely recall intentionally removing all the other entries (thought I used TweakUI but there's no option in there for that --- that I can find). Now there are several other things in there; Computer, On The Internet, People and Internet Audio/Video. I accidentally clicked one and it's a (damn) Real Networks addition (i
  4. Can't hurt as long as you're just using a damp cloth, sometimes it's hard to see just how clean it is unless it's on anyway.
  5. 'my bad for not reading your dedicated web page first. They didn't block Google, they put a quarter hour limit on your research. It's difficult to have sympathy, if you can't find an appropriate image using Google in fifteen minutes you're getting distracted by ... something.
  6. That's far too much work, I'll just keep turning up the brightness. Burns right through the gunk!
  7. Have you tried Altavista or Ask as suggested? A normal web search would turn up sites related to your subjects and those sites will very likely have useable images on them. Some extra steps, you'll get used to it. I wouldn't be surprised if software was able to determine where images are from and prevent their display. They wouldn't be stripped of all identifiable information so the images must contain information about where they were obtained.
  8. The absolute best way is what's listed in the monitor's instruction manual. For an LCD that's usually water & a soft cloth. No, it doesn't work well, but if you don't want to risk damaging anything that's all you should use. If you're careful about not over-wetting the screen you certainly can try mild detergents and cleaners, but if any works its way into the electronics, you're screwed. As for the water & cloth, just let it dry (with the omnipresent streaks), then clean again & let that dry (still streaky), then again ... repeat until there are no noticeable streaks. Don't over
  9. Many programs insert instructions and file references in the Windows Registry during installation. Unfortunately, those references often contain information such as the drive the program is on or where files can be found (such as DLL files). So you can't just move the program files from one drive to another as the registry will not contain the important information about where files can be found. You'll need to run the install or setup for each of those types of programs so the registry and other entries contain the correct references. Some programs, apparently Firefox among them, don't scat
  10. Almost sounds too funny to be real!
  11. Been a while since I caught up with your photos. Wow! "Sunburst over snow" is just beautiful. I loved the composition of "A Tasteful Offer." A slightly older one I loved was "Wrong Shadow." It seems you get a lot of comments from some artsy-fartsy types that suggest you should try to fit their idea of what's art and what isn't. Too bad, they're already conformists, don't you fall for it too. (On the other hand, you're obviously getting better with each group of photos you post, so maybe you're following their advice and it's working? Hell, what do I know????) ------ Well I could have used t
  12. I would think having a non-terrestial guide would have significant meaning -- You're capable of being a part of, let's say 'the larger picture.' People's level of awareness varies; some are only aware of their immediate surroundings, some of their neighborhoods, some their cities, and on up to global awareness -- and then, there's more -- Universal awareness ... Awareness of God. It also could explain the inexplicable -- like if you are sometimes not sure how what you feel/think/do fits in ... Sure it does, just not here, in this place, at this point in time. Others are not as aware and it's
  13. That is on its side, right?
  14. It's not just your school or just schools, in fact any organization that supplies Internet access has a responsibility to prevent misuse of their equipment. The consequences of not clamping down can be serious; lawsuits or damage to the system. The same thing happens at many people's place of work. People, use your own equipment for porn searches, OK? ------ (I know it wasn't you, I'm speaking in generalities.)
  15. Hmm, any reason your spirit guide must be terrestial?
  16. One of my favorites has always been the large "snakes" illusion as you don't have to DO anything, as a matter of fact, you CAN'T prevent it from working for more than a moment or two! I hadn't seen the "blind spot" demonstration before, I'm glad I already know why it works (center of the retina contains no rods or cones) 'cause they didn't explain why that disappears and if I didn't know I'd be a little freaked out by it. S'more I like:
  17. If that happens (and you aren't yet in a state of panic) just turn it back to the "Accessory" position.
  18. Not quite. It is supposed to be personal and discussing it has no advantage so it's not usually done, but I haven't consulted mine nor received any conscious advice or direction from it so no harm done either. On the other hand, I'm alive, so I guess I could give the po' thing some credit. I'm sure my Guardian Angel won't mind sharing some of the credit.
  19. For Windows '9x you'd have to use Irfanview as previously suggested or another aftermarket solution to create a screensaver that uses your specified graphics.
  20. My response: 1. I think I don't like girlie movies, but dangit, when I wind up seeing them, I do. 2. I am weird and it scares some people off so it's lucky I'm a lone wolf. 3. Had to do some web searchin' to be sure I knew who you were talking about ... She must inspire a lot of crushes considering how many sites are 'devoted' to her.
  21. OK then, under very specific circumstances, sudden acceleration is technically possible. I didn't know that. I know about cruise controls getting 'stuck' on acceleration (my Explorer has been the subject of a recall for that exact problem). However, you just hold the brake and the problem is solved (brakes are able to stop a vehicle even under full acceleration). Or how about turning off the ignition? Problem solved. I guess if you panic or aren't aware of those options it could result in an accident. But if you panic, almost anything can result in an accident. And if you don't know how to saf
  22. Frog. I'm not real happy about that.