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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Comprehensive, well-known and trusted: Edmunds
  2. Well, I sure can't disagree with their opening blurb: "The current adults, small time, you have yearned robot * & * We would like to ride the robot which < once upon a time, you can operate by your! > It made actualize Real bodily sensation robot ' LAND WALKER ' News of BBS" (I want the phased cannon option! Oh yeah!)
  3. It reminds me of similar attempts at creating a "cocoon" over the years, obviously this is one of the highest tech ones yet. Maybe it's just me but on close inspection it looks a bit claustrophobic. I needs me some more elbow room.
  4. Some other items that may be important: What type of connection do you have to the Internet? What type of security software do you have running? (Popup blockers, etc.)
  5. Looks like you had an interesting trip, saw a lot of the sights I'd show visitors (big buildings, lakefront). Although a few museums, beaches and the zoo would've been nice additions to your visit. What were you doing way out by the Rock River? (Or is that closer to home?) And you seem to have a strange fascination with water towers ... (JK!)
  6. Holy cow! I rarely look at all the text information, I prefer the nice pretty maps instead. So it's probably some bored nutcase exercising his talent in a useless manner, right? Liz, the lower left corner of that display (not seen in my snapshot) shows what's happening during the trace. In layperson's terms it's: "I'm looking for where that came from ... OK, let's see if I get a response from that location ... now that one ... now that one ... OK, here's close to where it most likely came from." Usually it has to "look" at a few "nodes" which is sort of the big computers that
  7. The RAM is, IMO, "just" enough, more would be immensely better. The current amount will be the bottleneck in the system but only if she's used to multitasking. For casual useage it won't be a problem. Otherwise the system should be fine. As for the scanner, they're really inexpensive so I wouldn't worry if you can't get the old one to work, a new one won't cost an arm-and-a-leg.
  8. JDoors


    Hadn't heard of Off the Map so I looked it up. The actress portraying the daughter is Valentina de Angelis. Netflix didn't have any other movies with her in it so this may be her first movie. The critics and member's reviews made it sound pretty good so I added it to my queue, thanks for the recommendation. (If anyone else is tempted be sure you enjoy "slow paced" movies, from the synopsis and reviews this isn't about car chases, explosions, gunfire, etc.) Good grief, I cross-referenced the director -- He's been quite prolific.
  9. Occasionally I open my firewall and check who's been trying to get in to my system. If I see an unusual address (say, from Russia), out of curiosity I trace it. MOST times the trace takes place quickly, occasionally it has to "ping" several nodes before it finds the culprit, and sometimes it has to ping up to twenty nodes. So I see an unusual address (the "nt.net" part got me curious), trace it, and it's taking a long time. I look at the "nodes" count and it's past twenty, then thirty, then forty, THEN FIFTY, THEN SIXTY -- And it's still going! All this for some guy in Canada? I don't think
  10. If Norton was blocking a connection there's an incorrect setting in there, so I'd guess you'll have to spend some time looking at the options and settings. Specifically the Firewall. Another option if he has the install available is to reinstall it, it should detect the correct settings for you.
  11. Did a quick web search for MAKE COMPUTER SPEAKER BEEP and on the second page (the first didn't have what you needed) found several ideas, including a DOS batch file (and instructions on how to create it) that would make the system speaker beep. Sounds (get it?) perfect.
  12. Having been a Sears customer for ages and ages, and an employee years ago for years and years, I assume their "Let me talk to a manager" policy would still be a potential way around this -- Though I too have noticed the negative changes at Sears so this may no longer be your "ultimate" threat when you don't get what you want. I wonder if they ever advertise "Satisfaction Guaranteed" any more? "Satisfaction Guaranteed" story: A customer brought in three five gallon containers of paint, all had been opened. "I don't like the way it covered," they said. The clerk noted that Sears never carried t
  13. JDoors


    1) What a great thing that guy did to buy dinner! 2) You danced! 3) You made a connection! 4) Your Dad has perfect "Dad timing!" (Believe me, he's gonna do that to you many more times ... ) Glad everything went well.
  14. Am I the only one who's noticed "... manufactured in China ..." has become synonymous with "buyer beware?" Lead paint on toys, exploding batteries, melting appliances, broken bicycle frames, etc. It seems the only thing common among recalls lately is the "made in China" label. (Or is it just that most products nowadays are made there so you would expect this?)
  15. Assuming you're legal, I would never recommend obtaining Windows updates from non-MS sites. They can be riddled with malware. What a great way to get your computer infected! "I'm gettin' me some o' that Microsoft security updates, yup I am," and all the while you're downloading viruses, Trojans, worms, etc. Do whatever you have to do to fix your problem obtaining Microsoft updates instead.
  16. Didja see the link in this thread? Big Box-Mart!
  17. They don't want to help the poor, they want taxpayers to support the poor (i.e., "give" them stuff). Their inbred hatred of business makes the idea of "jobs' for the poor completely alien to them (with the exception of government jobs, the government should, of course, "give" them jobs) so they blindly rant against the very businesses (with the exception of suppliers of luxury goods -- how come you never hear complaints about the price of a Louis Vuitton bag? Oh, but those evil drug & oil companies sure are screwing us, huh?) that could bring many out of poverty. ... ramble, ramble, rambl
  18. Finally! Got past the "server too busy" error and laughed out loud. 'Cause it's so true. We need another Henry Ford who believed paying his employees and contractors a good wage meant they could afford a better product, and then selling in quantity enabled him to bring the price down. Wal-Mart's mission seems to be to drive everybody's wages down so they don't have enough money left to buy anything BUT their cheap crap. Not exactly a noble business model.
  19. JDoors

    About U?

    Hey Ian! Yee-gads, I hope that's not your baby picture there.
  20. I literally shivered when I read that! Out of coffee?!? <jeepers, another shiver!>
  21. For the first time ever I did receive a "Did not install" message, then everything stopped. All I did, as the rest of the message suggested, was to hit "Install" again and everything went, and is, fine.
  22. JDoors


    Out of those I'd say Full Metal Jacket is significant, but then I think Kubrick is a genius. I still wouldn't put it on a list of "perfect" movies though. Very good, and very disturbing! You got me thinking if there were any comedies I'd consider perfect or even significant, couldn't think of any. However when my friends and I saw Uncle Buck at the theater we laughed as long and as hard as we have ever laughed. At one point (which I'll descibe below) we were rocking with so much laughter we nearly broke the entire row of theater seats! The only reason we stopped laughing was because we were m
  23. All you need is a Lazy-Boy with a built-in toilet and you're set.
  24. Bad day: Co-workers chase you down as soon as you arrive to tell you management's latest "idea." Still asleep: Walking down the stairs you miss the last step. (Don't you HATE when that happens?)
  25. The right kind of employees is a problem. If the job requires some on-the-job training, no problem (maybe), but if it's in a highly specialized field, it's a problem. Then you have to go where the skills are. "Gas pipelines" are for natural gas. Gasoline is not piped. As long as people don't understand the word "compromise" or the phrase "trade-offs," we're not gonna see any significant new infrastructure or drilling on land. It's part of our culture now to hate big business regardless of the negative consequences. There was a time when people were willing to take risks, willing and anxious