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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. A little naive, but not stupid. There are a ton of reasons one might not take the time to let everyone know what the results were (in addition to just not bothering to do so). I'll name one: Someone might have posted in a dozen places and used the answer from a different one to respond to, forgetting this one.
  2. I had to do that recently and one awkward part was getting safely online. I subscribe to security software (auto-updates & installs online) so I don't have a CD with that stuff on it, you can't really back it up as it installs deep into Windows' registry, etc., so I wound up going online and downloading everything while I had no protection. What's a better way? Order a CD before you begin?
  3. I agree litterers (wish there was a nastier-sounding word specific to them) suck. I see no hope however, when I see the neighborhood kids throwing candy wrappers on the ground. The next generation of litterers ...
  4. If I understand where you're at at this point, just using utilities that delete temp files and such won't cut it. There are no totally reliable utilities that can decide for you what files you wish to keep and which you can get rid of, there are too many potential problems with that. For example, you may have some leftover folders from programs you no longer use, those folders may contain only a file or two, but no utility can decide for certain whether those files are needed elsewhere or not (some utilities try, but it's tricky). So you wind up with three choices; Manually root out everythi
  5. I'm sure this goes against the intent of this exercise but I don't see any reason I couldn't spend the vast majority by writing checks to various investment banks & services, i.e., buy investment securities. C'mon, I'd be spending it, wouldn't I? Assuming that doesn't count, I'd buy property. Or combine the two ideas and buy shares in a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT). ... After, of course, writing checks to local builders to upgrade my home, checks to local stores for up-to-the-minute technology toys, and checks to a near-local auto dealer (only a Hyundai dealer in town so f
  6. Mine must be from the MidWest. I asked if the correct term for a carbonated beverage is "soda" or "pop." After thinking for a while (his brain actually glowed red!) he said "pop!"
  7. I understand having so much on your plate that some things just don't quite get done (especially if you use less experienced help), but it's definitely a personality flaw of his to lay any blame at your feet. Just smile and say, "I know you'll be able to get this taken care of, and we'll see you on <such-and-such>." That sentence will say a lot; It reminds him he is the one responsible for the problem, it avoids the implication he's part of the problem, it encourages him to resolve the problem by suggesting you have confidence he'll take care of it, and it reminds him of when it must be
  8. I would enter the BIOS and turn off the option to "boot from CD." This won't cure any CD problems (drivers, cables, etc.) but at least he'd be able to finish booting up and could work on the problem from there. If it actually does finish booting THEN tries to read the CD there is a program loading or a shortcut that points to the CD. One way this can happen is if you install a program from a CD and have the shortcut point to the CD instead of a folder on the hard drive, every time the program tries to load it looks for a CD. Boot to Safe Mode, check the Start/Programs/Startup menu for progra
  9. [nice] Bearskin in NOT superstitious! Good for you! [/nice]
  10. From Troubleshooting "Invalid Product Key" support page: "If you are unable to locate your product key, or your product key label is damaged, contact Microsoft Product Support Services. For more information, please see the following Microsoft Web site: " The page apparently had a phone number to call but unfortunately as they no longer support 98SE the link is invalid. Looks like they took down many 98SE pages as I tried others with no success (though it's possible there is a problem with their servers). If they won't support their own product I would not hesitate to use the Internet to find
  11. I've previously complained about outsourced tech support and the difficulites that entails. When I started my system up today the DSL modem would make the DSL connection but would not connect with my ISP. I tried a bunch o' things with no succes, decided to unplug it for a while to see if it would reset, again, with no success. I called tech support, got someone with an accent (ahem) and even though all she really did was use the step-by-step script, it worked! Perfectly! Easily! With no mis-communication, no frustration, no talking down to me as if I didn't know anything, no asking me to do
  12. Wow! I couldn't take my eyes off that sunset.
  13. There must be a policy whereby staff can obtain access to blocked addresses. Instead of getting frustrated your teacher should just find out what that policy is and use it.
  14. Bravo! I havent' seen the movie since it came out, brings back memories ... Good times ...
  15. So I'm reading it, laughing, when I got to the end I said, "holy crap." Why? 'cause of this: "This classic Dave Barry column was originally published on Feb. 27, 2000." Five years old and it's as true as ever! I gotta find the link where the OnStar operator decides to take over the car: OnStar: "OnStar, may I help you?" Driver: "My horn keeps blasting away!" OnStar: "Oh, yeah, I'm doing that." Driver: "Waa-ah?" OnStar: "Yeah, I was just messin' around, want me to drive? Tell me when to turn, OK?" Driver: "Arrghhh!"
  16. Not if you're an old DOS hand able to type 80+ wpm.
  17. Ahh, justification. It's a wonderful thing. You're damn straight it could have happened if the guy was on other mood altering drugs, but I know what his drug of choice was (at that time, he later really screwed up his life with much worse), so that's what I was addressing. It's not like he was smoking ON the job, it had been hours and hours before that particular accident. I don't agree with your "it stays in the system longer but you're ok" premise. The active chemical is in your system and it still has an effect (explain how it cannot). Even if your buzz is gone you're still under the influ
  18. Stay safe. Hope you have reason to recover some normalcy soon.
  19. Although ... When I worked in a factory a nice guy who was often stoned, and on one particular day was fried out of his mind, decided to retrieve a tool that had dropped onto an extremely fast running conveyor belt. I don't think I have to draw a picture here, the guy's hand wound up getting crushed. The two things I remember most was his lack of expression as I ran over to help, like, "well this is bothersome." Dude! Your hand is getting crushed! And that he quietly repeated the same thing over and over, "ow <long pause> ow <long pause> ow." Ow? <shudder> One of many stori
  20. Safe Mode is the first thing you try when a file cannot be deleted otherwise, but a file like that is sometimes an indication that you have some type of malware. After you remove the file I recommend scanning for malware (or maybe do it before you go any further).
  21. Cute typo! I remembered the rest of the story (this happened nearly twenty years ago when our neighborhood was new; new construction, new homeowners): I took it upon myself to shovel his <edit> sidewalk too (no blower, all by hand) and eventually he relented and, probably out of embarrassment at having someone else do all that work, he began to shovel his <edit> sidewalk himself. He (and his wife) were the type that never once said "Hi" (until one day when the wife had a home business and they wanted to sell me something). Funny story: I had been using a local auto repair shop for
  22. As the Chief said, if you do not use Dial-up you do not want nor need your system to attempt to dial up. So is there a reason you wish to have your system attempt to make a dial-up connection when you don't USE dial-up? As your system attempts to make that unused connection it may be making changes in the registry that show up in dialog boxes as unwanted selections. And I don't recall if you addressed the issue of malware, which can force your system to dial out against your wishes (with the same resulting changes in the registry).
  23. Anyone can sue anyone at any time and as you know, some people cannot resist the money train. I don't know what the outcome of the horror story suits you mentioned might be but near as I can tell they had no case, though that doesn't mean there are no costs involved. [rant] I was told by a neighbor years ago, as I was shoveling snow off the walk in front of my house, that I was making myself liable to a lawsuit if someone slipped and fell. That really ticked me off, he was using fear of a lawsuit to justify not shoveling his walk and trying to convince me to go along with his flawed logic. Our
  24. Oh man, that's half the fun of public bulletin boards! Being able to butt into other people's conversations! (Unless you use PMs, which is what you should do if you don't wish to invite public discussion. )
  25. That's your polite way out next time, when you won't be caught off-guard like you were the first time. "Company policy states we cannot discuss this at this time, is there anything else I can help you with?" My personal policy is to NOT report such behavior unless the person refuses to cooperate when you decline to participate. One conversation does not constitute harrassment. (Yes, I know, the paranoia about sexual harrassment has distorted that definition, but it still has legal standing.) <edit> Oops, forgot to add a related rant: [rant] I hate those employees who run to the boss at e