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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. That's it! I would "buy" myself some politicians to get some consumer protection laws passed that had some teeth in them. Insurance companies would no longer be allowed to use ANY criteria they can dream up to assess risk. "People with red shirts make more claims than people with white shirts, let's jack up their rates!" It has become obscene. Credit card companies, same thing. "People who brush their teeth with paste toothpaste default more often than people who brush their teeth with gel toothpaste, let's jack up their rates!" Again, obscene. Banks? No more "fees." Make your profits
  2. What I don't quite get is how the 'horrors' were widely reported and now the exact same media outlets are reporting how much of that was rumor and speculation, without mentioning, of course, that THEY were the ones that spread those rumors and speculation nationwide in the first place! Apparently they feel no culpability for spreading rumors and speculation and bear no responsibility to get the facts right before they report on a story. To me that makes any outlet that repeated those rumors and speculation without clearly defining them as such as low as the lowest tabloid. Unless they come ri
  3. Since I work in the casino industry (albeit in the MidWest) I know plenty of people who have either moved from or moved to Las Vegas. None have ever complained about living there. The people who've moved to the MW from LV usually have done so to be closer to family. The people who move from the MW to LV usually have done so for job opportunities. The only thing I've heard that I personally wouldn't like is the X-treme heat. As with other extreme climates you either love it, learn to live with it, or never get used to it. That's the only thing that might be a deal breaker: Can you stand the h
  4. But at least I have my health ... Oh ... wait ... Money buys a better class of health care!
  5. Sounds like exactly what the OP asked for, but if you have to diligently follow a complicated step-by-step video to acheive it I doubt it's worth the trouble just to have a clean desktop.
  6. That analogy helps. However, try as I might, I can't think of a use for this function. It's not really meant to secure a file or hide it, is it? Or is it another way to relate files to one another, like the folder analogy? If so, why? What's wrong with folders? How would streams be an improvement? If it's useful, why ain't I heard of it? OK, that is all. For now.
  7. Are you new here? It's a "liberal media" thing, ya really wanna get in the middle of that?
  8. I'll take my 'buy property' idea, merge it with your 'buy Bill Gates' idea, and with that amount of money I'd be able to buy the walk-in closet of the tenth bedroom in Bill Gates' estate! (Probably bigger than my place anyway ...)
  9. So every movie you view generates a desktop txt file and that's what you want to make invisible? There's no Windows option or funtion that could accomplish that (far as I know), it'd have to be an add-on. Is there a way to suppress that file from being displayed via the program's options?
  10. Uhhhhh, yeah, Ok, I see-e-ee -- Nope, I'm lost. So "modlog" becomes 'attached' to "logout" as a sort of list of connected files ... and the only way now to use modlog is ... I dunno. Is this only a change in the file allocation table (or its equivalent)? Or is there some kind of physical file attachment? When you access logout is modlog is essentially ignored? Can you change/delete logout without affecting modlog? And vice versa?
  11. That'd be my guess, though more along the lines of one or more of the updates or uninstalls left behind stuff that buggered up the newer update or reinstall. It's a shame really, computers have been around for so long and we still occasionally have to manually "get our hands dirty" to make things work.
  12. As I recall, officials were claiming the death toll area-wide might be as many as TEN THOUSAND. Way to stir things up. I have an explanation why the press got it so very, very wrong, but it might start some controversy so I won't express it.
  13. My first forays into that world came before computers were networked, you had to have physical access to the hardware. Just figuring out passwords (with subsequent shenanigans), key combinations that weren't public knowledge that would give you 'administration' access, intentionally crashing systems, stupid stuff. Fun at the time. But pretty stupid. (Like changing people's user names to "I like to suck $##@@." )
  14. Oo! Oo! What's "file stream?" How's it work? What's it for?
  15. If you've used the previous advice concerning a "worm" and came up clean, it's time to try some testing to see what's causing the changes. Uninstall GTB (you can always reinstall it later) to see if your problem goes away. Another idea: Temporarily switch to an alternate browser (even if you never plan on using one other than IE, it's a good idea to have one available just for this reason), see if the problem reoccurs. Neither will eliminate whatever bit of unwanted code is changing your settings, but at least you'll get a bit of knowledge about where the problem's coming from. (I forgot what
  16. I don't remember you stating that you've run all the available malware scans. Is this the original problem or yet another? What are you doing that's infecting your machine repeatedly? You might want to reconsider your surfing habits if you keep getting reinfected. What anti-virus and firewall do you use? Any additional security software running? What ISP do you use? Some have several types of security software included for free. That is all.
  17. Create an icon that matches the exact spot onscreen & remove the name? <edit> As for the suggestions to hide the file itself, that wouldn't hide the icon.
  18. Clean up your room. I love the composition of many of those.
  19. Does Google Toolbar work with Firefox? That's the program he wants to get fixed. (I know, I know ... )
  20. My guess: A bored, under-supervised, pimply-faced teen with no social life outside of the other bored, under-supervised, pimply-faced teens they hang out with. Once they get a girlfriend or boyfriend they'll find something else to do with their time (only to be replaced by the next generation of bored, under-supervised, pimply-faced teens with no social life). (I can say that because I was once that kid.)
  21. AND ... Since I'm not that smart I like to read MOSTLY to learn new stuff, if they never post back to say this or that worked, then I lose out. So, for purely selfish reasons: Post back with your results!
  22. OK, the only part I can't quite figure out is "google toolbar offm." OFFM? (And I wouldn't call a problem with an IE add-on an IE problem exactly ... ) I don't know Google's toolbar, heard it's safe, but I would run all the usual malware scans just in case. Since GTB is an add-on, it might be set to force you to use at least some of its features, you might want to check the help files to see if those features can or cannot be disabled.
  23. Not sure if I'm overlooking something, but why not just block his e-mails? The program I use you just hit a toolbar icon "Block this Sender" and you never get mail from them again. If they use another account, block it too. And while I'm at it, why are you opening those e-mails in the first place? If it's not from someone you want to communicate with just delete it (after you block the address if that's an option). That's good policy whether there's trouble or not, you should ALWAYS delete e-mail from anyone you don't know. Set your e-mail program, especially for kids, to only accept e-mail
  24. " You know I don't like to be kept waiting, this door should already be open!" I always liked cats but never had one of my own. A roommate "surprised" me with a teensy kitten, he had fallen for the "runt of the litter" and bought her for me. I tried not to get too attached (couldn't say why, just where I was at that point in time), I hadn't even bothered to name her. "No name" was a bit awkward (and embarrassing) when she was old enough for her first visit to the vet, where she had to stay overnight. The next day I arrived at the vet's to claim the cat. A nurse brought her out of the back r
  25. JDoors


    Cool, I lost my original link to that, thanks. At first I didn't like that I had to "start" it using the mouse but when I realized that also allows you to stop the animation, something my original link didn't allow, and you could at last stop and admire the hidden artwork, I love it!