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Everything posted by JSKY

  1. LOL....Yes, those are great. I love em.
  2. I think you'll like it there. Just watch out in "Old Vegas" as they call it. You could catch more then you bargened for ...if you catch my drift .....LOL
  3. Have you tried in safe mode? Does the PC just shut off, or does it go into a shutdown? Try this. R-Click on MY Computer and click on properties. This opens up System Properties Window. Then to "Advanced">"Startup and Recovery"and click on "Settings". In the Startup and Recovery Window, place a check in "Send an Administative Alert", and uncheck "Automaticly Restart". The next time the PC shuts down it will stop and list that is causing the problem. Copy and list back here what it gives as an error. (it could be a long list).
  4. I have to agree with the SP2 upgrade and a firewall. I run a router and Zone alarm firewall. And even to my surprise. I do get a couple of attempts in a month that Zone Alarm stops. Even after I re-figured my router. I guess if your on line long enough. it's possible to work through a router. (or they might be legit, but I'm not to sure. A registered program update since they know I have it?) As for SP2. There are upgrades for your whole operating system. Not jusk security patches.
  5. My gosh. It been like a rollercoaster here. Now it changes by the day. I mean really by the day. It's getting to be a game trying to guess when to get gas.
  6. HAhahahaha!!! Sound like something that would happen to me.
  7. These are to close to the truth...LOL
  8. JSKY

    Where 'o Where

    Welcome back Chappy. Glad your doing better. Next time you sneak off, let us know. We'll take a vote and let you know if it's OK....LOL
  9. Now knowing you. A site like this doesn't surprise me....Question is...How many have you tried.
  10. LOL....Takes me back to grade school, and seeing who we could get to try it. But you make it sound delightful.....
  11. Wow, I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather. Talk to him, get him to tell you stories of when he was young and growing up. If his time is indeed short, listen to his stories. You will find in the future, you will be really glad you did.
  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Rawe!!!
  13. A double header birthday Happy Birthday to the two of you
  14. Yes, I seen on the news where there weren't nearly as many as everyone expected. That is good news. We all know how rumors go. By the time 10 or 50 people repeat a story...... I'm supprised the southern states didn't fall into the sea.
  15. I'm sorry to hear this Joe. What part keeps you in pain? Middle or lower back? I don't know myself, but my wife also has a bad back. Not constant. But when it goes out I have a good idea what it must be like. I know sometimes she wants the same thing. Not sure, probably real expensive. But I seen on Discovery Health how they can do a simple??? brain surgery where they ....kill a part of the brain that deals with pain sensory. The subject is wide awake the whole time so they get the exact spot. I know you have tried. But 20 min of ice followed by 20 min of heat (a couple of times) applied help
  16. LOL I like em all. And I bet they worked to.....LOL
  17. MMmmmm. That's a tuff one. How will I know what mine is. Let's see... SLAP! OK Now I know......LOL
  18. Mondays are for beer drinking. I'll have a cold one now to ready me for beddie...
  19. Their haunting melody whispering eternally skyward
  20. JSKY

    I'm Back.......

    Real Glad everythings ok with you mikex. Good to have your back.
  21. I have to agree wolfman. Call the FBI. It's weirdos like that who will stop at nothing until they are stopped. Keep a eye on your daughter. Tell her not to talk to anyone she doesn't know real well at or near school. Teach her to yell and scream real loud if anyone tries something. Not to alarm you, but it's people like that that could try taking your daughter. And the FBI has special Agents who will take you VERY SERIOUS... And take everyones advice about keeping copys of the e-mails. I will be hopping you can get this resolvied real soon.