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Everything posted by JSKY

  1. Now that is funny. Tell her you really work for the IRS. And that you never put anything on there, just sent everything you could find back to the main office. And that she should be getting a court order for tax evasion real soon.
  2. Yes!! Thank You Mac. You Have Saved the World.
  3. JSKY


    I'm glad you had a great time ampshock. And I do agree that you should find this girl and get to know her better. I think you really impressed her from the way you described the night.
  4. JSKY

    Bird Flu

    Well, When it gets here. Then I will worry more. Seems everything is becoming bad for us. Maybe the old Head Hunters were on to something and weren't crazy after all. And it would cut down on overpopulation. Side order of the crazy neighbor down the street anyone?
  5. O` NO! I missed your B-DAYS ! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE TWO OF YOU!!!
  6. Don't know if this helps everyone. But I removed and reinstalled SpyBot and it fixed most of the bad checksum's I was getting. Don't know why.
  7. Keep getting a hold of as many organizations that you can. Check the wildlife out real close. And I mean all types, right down to the insects. Have some of these groups help. Not sure just what the area you live is like. (never been close to the area). But one might be surprised what ......Animal, insect, ETC. might have it's only habitat in your area. And the removal of it's home could endanger the species. There are farming communities in California that can't do anything to their fields because of some small bugs that live no other place but there. Tho I live in a forest, and treehuggers ha
  8. JibJab has just released their newest skit. It's called "Big Box Mart" You can find it here at. jibjab
  9. Well!!! Happy 21st B-Day. Now your of age, be responsible celebrating.
  10. mother-in-law.....(Can't help it)
  11. Your not far from the truth there. Not sure how many times in the past year I had to swerve to miss getting hit. And there's not all that many people where I live. Can't even picture a big city are crowded area.
  12. Causing them to faint, surprising me
  13. Yippy!! Happy Birthday Arachnid40
  14. Hey. We all fall for something "Not so smart" once in a while. Not long ago, I was checking out screensavers. Seen one I liked, and so without thinking. Downloaded, and ran it. Something a little voice in the back of your mind says no, no, no. don't do it. Too Should have listened to it. Spend the next 8 hours cleaning the little, added surprise from my PC. But we learn. (sometimes). At least he was smart enough to listen to that little voice. And deleate it.
  15. HAhahaha...LOL That's good bozodog.