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Everything posted by JSKY

  1. This is a registry tweek. If you don't know what you are doing. Please don't try this. You can screw up your PC. Want a tweek that will really speed up your boot time? Then try this one out for time. there could be many factors involved. Types of programs installed. Types used more then others, System settings, Etc. that might affect the bootup time. Windows Prefetcher [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Session Manager \ Memory Management \ PrefetchParameters] Under this key there is a setting called EnablePrefetcher, the default setting of which is 3. Increasing thi
  2. Wish granted, but the nuclear regulatory commission is looking for you. I wish I was musically talented.
  3. ** ** Thank You for the link flatiron__2 No I have not forgotten, Nor will I. Those were my brothers and sisters. And it was a part of my vast yard I call home. And when this awfull thing happened. A part of me was hurt, that can never be healed. Forgotten....Never. To those who will never be forgotten. My prayers, and my thanks.
  4. You do real good work handplane. It's nice to see those who still know the art of working with wood. I tried it in school way back when. But wood and I didn't see eye to eye.
  5. Try changing the battery.....or batteries.
  6. ????????????????? Where's the spout for the whiskey???? I can't believe you forgot that. But the rest looks authentic.
  7. LOL.... macmarauder, Ever mad genius's have their followers. (or groupies). Let's just hope they don't get into your room and steal all your plans you have hid in there. Liz....You a lurker???? Now I know who's been peeking out from under that rock over in the corner.
  8. Hey! You do some great work there. Do you make other signs and sell them at flee markets or yard sales?
  9. After 25 years together....it's more like sunrise and sunset. We see eye to eye when she says so...And I just smile and say ok dear. No really. we have our differences, (which I won't list in case she walks in and sees this and sets me straight). But all in all...Life works out ok for us.
  10. Self taught here. First "Computer" was a TI99/4A and then moved up as they grew. Wow!!!. I still remember how Win3.0 changed the way computers ran. And then came the greatest of changes ...Win95 And then up through the newer OS's that followed. There was no such thing as tech support, message boards, chat lines or any kinda help out there. If you wantet to keep it running....You learned to fix it yourself, or go without.
  11. Isn't that the truth!...LOL
  12. JSKY


    I agree! It's a keeper. Making a copy to keep handy. Thanks
  13. Now that is a very good sum of money, I am glad to have helped, and will continue to do so in the future. And it really makes me happy to see so much go to helping out the ones who need it most. In every event Jerry takes on.
  14. Hi and welcome to BTs Karasu-kun Glad you like the place. Hope you'll come to call it home.
  15. JSKY

    Bad Mood Day

    Well done my friend!!! Well done!!!
  16. A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY-led-zelda-
  17. Now this is a good idea!! Later today I'll come up with a nice one to put on my site. Great idea Parrotgeek!
  18. I have a feeling that by the middle of next month, everything is going to skyrocket. I'm glad I have wood heat. Expext the price of heating to go up also this winter. I feel sorry for the elderly, To eat or stay warm .
  19. JSKY


    Hi and Welcome to BTs, Inutashio. Glad to have you stop in.
  20. Morning cup of coffee with a little Irish Cream before work please..
  21. Cleaning out the Prefetch File By deleting everything: DO NOT REMOVE OR DELETE THE ->(layout.ini)<- FILE WHICH RESIDES IN XP'S PREFETCH FOLDER OR YOU WILL SLOW DOWN YOUR PC AT START UP AND WHEN YOU OPEN WINDOWS PROGRAMS Once it is gone it can stay gone on some PC'S forever and your Prefetch Folder will never work again no matter what you do in the registry to try to rectify the problem. Repairing the Prefetch Folder: If this has happened to your prefetch folder DON'T WORRY because here is how, in 5 easy steps how you can rebuild the -> (layout.ini) <- file again. 1): make sure tha
  22. Glad they were nailed. Probably younger and did't know what they were doing, or bragging to much....LOL
  23. When did he lose his wife. It could be an anniversary. People tend to get down around times like that. Those who know him and have his e-mail should sent him a message and just say hi. Let him know he has friends out there.