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Everything posted by JSKY

  1. Hot Toddies for everyone. On a snowy night like this, everyone needs to stay warm and toasty. Inna-gadda-da-vida Playing!!!!! Cool
  2. JSKY

    Snows A Coming

    Well, here it is. Foggy and rainy all day with temps around 35. Now it's coming down hard and even sticking to the streets. Now the local news is saying 1 to 6 inches down on the plains and 6 to 10 inches here in the hills (with possible more then that). The police scanner has been reporting cars in the ditch all over. Wife just went to work and called saying she was slipping all over, even in four wheel drive. Said she should have fun coming home later. Yes, Ol' Man Winter's here. Glad I got all my wood in this spring. Nice fire going in the parlor stove as I write. A little over an inch r
  3. JSKY

    Snows A Coming

    Well, I mowed my lawn for the last time of the year. Didn't really need it. grass has already stopped growing for the season. But had to do it. Put the mower away for the year and started getting the snowblower ready. (sure glad I bought one). Local foracast is still saying to expect snow, so I guess ol' man winters a-coming early. I love the first snowfall. It's the 1000th one I get tired of. LOL Heard on TV Montana and Idaho getting 5" this morning. So at least I know how much to expect. For my friends in the southern states. Enjoy the nice days ahead for me.
  4. Came across this. Is it a well kept secret? Cyberstalker Case Involving Some Of The G4TV On-Air Personalities This comes from Digg.com about a little more than a month ago > from Fox 11 in LA but there is no more info. about this: > > It was bound to happen sooner or later. Some obsessed fan was > cyberstalking the girls of G4TV and harassing them via email. The > suspect allegedly threatened "unspeakable acts" targeting Morgan, > Lauren, Kristen, and Diane. The LAPD Threat Management Unit is > investigating, and traced to a Florida man using Hotmail accounts. > No com
  5. From ZDNet Security ZDNet Security Security experts have discovered a malicious program aimed at tricking users into clicking on phony search results on fake Google, Yahoo and MSN sites. People with infected machines who try to visit those popular search sites are redirected to spoof versions, antivirus company Panda Software said Friday. The spoof sites serve up bogus search results intended to generate traffic and revenue for other sites that are presumed to be in on the scheme, said Patrick Hinojosa, Panda's chief technology officer. "This is a business; this is organized crime," Hinojosa s
  6. I will agree with everyone else here. Re-hide your files and forget they even exist. They are needed files. And you can kill a pc pretty darn fast with removing them. There are tons of other places you can go through if you want to clean things up manually. But I just let "Disk Cleanup" take care of them. If you want new things to clean-out. Try this one for size. Taken from the archives Of TTV, at G4: Clear index.dat files manually in Windows XP. Even if you regularly clear your Internet History, Temp files, and cookies to keep ordinary snoops at bay, you're overlooking a very important det
  7. JSKY

    Snows A Coming

    Last Wednesday, temps dropped down into the low 30s here. And we got a skiff of snow on Terry Peak. (about 8 miles from me and all up-hill). Didn't last long tho. But now we are going to get an Arctic cold front swinging down from Canada. The forecast says lows will be mid to low 20s and SNOW for us here. (I live close to the 1 mile above sea level mark). It's coming a little early. Halloween is when we expect our first snow falls to start hitting. Darn! Time to dig out the storm windows and get them up. Then start storing all the nice weather toys away, and find the snow shovels, boots, long
  8. I just want to say. My hats off to all of you posting your creations here. You all are doing unbelievable work. I'm very impressed with everyones work. Great job all of you.
  9. LOL!! There are some darn goods one here Marty. Liked the first one.
  10. Dear Ma and Pa, I am well. Hope you are. Tell Brother Walt and Brother Elmer the Marine Corps beats working for old man Minch by a mile. Tell them to join up quick before all of the places are filled. I was restless at first because you got to stay in bed till nearly 6 a.m. but I am getting so I like to sleep late. Tell Walt and Elmer all you do before breakfast is smooth your cot, and shine some things. No hogs to slop, feed to pitch, mash to mix, wood to split, fire to lay. Practically nothing. Men got to shave but it is not so bad, there's warm water. Breakfast is strong o
  11. JSKY

    New User Name

    #1 reason not to keep your computer in the bathroom. (Don't hate me!) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LOL. Have to agree with JDoors on this one... Glad your back in agian.
  12. Well. There both darn good. LOL Kinda fun to.
  13. Happy Birthday jsbowen
  14. Well, I have had to use them at work. And friend who wanted to make sure their young children are safe. I Have tried different ones. Some are easier then others. If you need to try one. Here are several to check out. First column, Towards bottom of page. Keyloggers
  15. Nice. Has some real good links. I'll pin it here. so we can all use it. Thanks.
  16. Thanks for the link. I'm going to check it out. Have about 30 PC where I work and it looks like it'll come in handy.
  17. The Better Half.......Or so I'm told. At least, that's what the wife keeps telling me anyway. LOL
  18. ROFL...... O my god... My gut hurts from laughing at this one...Good Joke.
  19. Download, update and run. Bazooka Adware and Spyware Scanner You can also try. A-Squared and Ewido . But I think Bazooka works best to see if you have a keylogger.
  20. Mmmmm. I use Avast Pro. Full Edition and it's not even listed. And it works great for me. Got me wondering now.
  21. Glad you got it. Would have been one of the last but least things I would have checked. Have a PC at work with exploded caps, and it does the same thing, Tho it never crossed my mind. You always hope it's the last thing you need to look at is the board.
  22. JSKY

    New User Name

    Send Jeff a PM. and he can look into your settings. And double check your name and password. (need admin clearance for that)
  23. I'll have to say Thank You to my ISP, Cable, Phone provider now called PrarieWave. Showed up at my house yesterday and reported a drop in my service. (never noticed anything) They replaced the box on my house that controls everything and informed me that they are upgrading their H.Speed Cable Internet service. From 100.0Mbps to 150.0Mbps or better. And there won't be an increase in my billing. YAY!!!