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Everything posted by JSKY

  1. I see MS's new anti-piracy efforts are at work on your system. Even if you get the different keys to work for you. As soon as you hit the update site and it installs the Genuine Windows Advantage tool. (first thing it does now). Most of your updates will get cut off. If you have a legit disk. Just call MS and talk to them. They will tell you how to get it going. And there not as bad as people think.
  2. LOL!!!! Boy, he found a real nice warm place. Any young ones?
  3. JSKY

    Global Warming

    The wife and I watch allot of The Discovery Science Channel. And in one episode, they are drilling in Antarctica ice down to two miles. Ice that is millions of years old. There are periods where there were carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide levels way way above what there are now in the atmosphere. (volcanic, and impact caused). Also they have discovered reading the layers of ice that the periods of ice ages are long with very small periods of warming in between. And we are at the top point of our current warming cycle. Ice ages last thousands and thousands and thousands of years, but the war
  4. Well I for one, just want to know. Who's got the Spaceship??? And why haven't you offered us a ride!!!
  5. JSKY

    Must Be Fall

    My house is also around 100 years old, We lowered the ceilings to help maintain the heat better. But talk about a sound house. Still have three rooms that have plaster and lath in it, also original push-button light switches. Made the mistake of replacing the light fixtures. Now I'm always looking to find them again. And the woodwork I have here. Complete with original doors. (glad the previous owners never painted them). We have decided to leave the house as is. in the rooms we haven't touched. Talked to some friends who said it could actually help the value of the house, people want origina
  6. Happy Birthday Falcon1986!!! May you have many more!
  7. Yes, The original was posted on TTV by jdlech, On the last night of TTV, in the final hours, I copied it and placed it in it's orignal structure. Including links to jdlech's website. It includes the original header. "This is a consolidation of the "Best of the Best" links found on the CFH boards. There's been many contributors to this post and many of them have given these links out countless times. These links have proven themselves time and time again. It's our sincere hope that these links will solve your computer problem. And if you don't have any outstanding computer issues to address, t
  8. Does he have and run Spyware Blaster, And a firewall program? Have him check the settings in those. They have options to disable ActiveX programs if checked.
  9. Thanks all, But Matt deserves most of the credit. He did all the work getting it to work, and looking good here at BTs.
  10. JSKY

    Holiywood 2037

    Now if you were 110 years old, they might be sexy. But I'll have a better opinion in another 50 or so years on the subject....LOL
  11. I always wondered, They say the earth is over 5.5 billion years old. And that all life started in the last 3/4 of a billion years. Now we know that civilizations, buildings and most of what they build can completely disappear in thousands of years. And what in millions of years. Now a major thing like a large comet could wipe out everything, and reduce all life to barely nothing, and change the face of the earth. So what could have started in the previous billion years. When the earth was only 4 billion years old. Could a race have grown and developed here. Whole civilizations grown, develo
  12. JSKY

    About U?

    WOW!!! That is great LCplMurphy. Thats the one language everyone should learn, it should be universal.
  13. Yes it is. It's at the beginning of the show (or book). All the dolphins leave earth before it gets destroyed because it's in the way for the building of the galactic highway. They are all saying "So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish"
  14. Yes it does, Have to wait and see how things go with them.
  15. How about a nice Long Island Ice Tea to start the Friday night out with. And maybe I'll see if there's some White Witch on the jukebox
  16. O MY GOSH!!! I left my towel behind! But thanks for all the fish. Now to start the in- provability drive and head to the otherside of the galaxy for a cheeseburger.
  17. JSKY

    Must Be Fall

    It's getting down into the mid 40s here at night lately. Mid 60s to 70s in the daytime. In about two to three weeks all the trees should really be turning. ( I live in the upper elevations of the Black Hills). About 10% are starting to show alot of color now. And my vines have a little red showing up. The lower planes will be in another month. But we get people from all over showing up to see the fall colors.
  18. JSKY


    Now that's good!!! Lol
  19. Happy Birthday to you my friend. And many, many more!
  20. JSKY

    Must Be Fall

    Hi all. You know it must be Fall. Nights are getting colder, The trees are starting to turn yellow, and the people are starting to stay indoors. And of course, starting up PCs that have seen little air time for some time. Now that's where the fun comes in. I have to say I'm sorry I haven't been here as much as I would like to be. But all of a sudden I have gotten swamped with computers. Having a home here at BTs, you get used to everyone knowing somethings about PC safety. And tend to forget the general public has no idea whats goes on with their computers other then it's used for e=mail or l