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Everything posted by JSKY

  1. JSKY

    From Sharon

    Cool!!! It's just great!!!
  2. Check how you have the cables, that run from you front speaker port to the motherboard are set. You might have them plugged in wrong. Or even pinned wrong if the motherboard has 5.1 capability.
  3. LOL.....You're right there. Except when we got an influx of new members.
  4. WMP for videos, and Winamp for Radio and other audio.
  5. They should hire him over at G4, He might just save the show.....LOL
  6. It won't be a great loss, It was never the same as the old place anyway.
  7. A Big Happy Birthday Chappy!!!
  8. Somehow made two post here???
  9. First thing would be starting a fire in the wood stove while the coffee is brewing. Then a cup of hot coffee and a smoke as I wait for everything to heat back up in the house. Love the smell of wood smoke in the mornings.
  10. Well, I'm glad everyone else is getting some of this white stuff. That's all it's been doing around here for a month now. All the ski areas are open. And they have opened all the groomed snowmobile trails. I would still wait for another couple of feet before suggesting just going anywhere on snowmobilies yet tho. And we had two weeks in a row where the temps ran in the teens in the day, to sub zero at night. Real nice to fire up the wood burner tho, and bask in the heat of it. As you can see, even my girl is doing her part to stay warm.
  11. Sorry I'm Late!!! Hope everything went great!!!
  12. Go up to the top taskbar to "Edit" scowl down to "Select All". Right Click your mouse on any highlighted entry.Then delete everything. Then go into your "recycle bin" and restore what you need to keep.
  13. And I would have took her home.
  14. A Big Happy Birthday Sped!!!
  15. Shadow_Thomas This time of year, we need to remind everyone of the dangers.
  16. Glad you like it.. Be sure to go into the configuration window and set it for close to your area. You can also change the ground type to fit your type of area you live in somewhat also. (trees, flatlands, mountains, etc.) And it has zoom features to zoom upto the planets for a close look at them.
  17. Have you had any success with the reformat of your Laptop Nerelda?
  18. Check you install disk (SP2) to see if it has any marks or smudges on it. It does sound like a problem with your CD, and you should allow auto updates to run. Keep a firewall running if you do have to use the M$ update site to get the updates you need for SP2. OR!!! you could download the full version of XP Service Pack 2 for IT Professionals and Developers: SP2 For IT Professionals Having SP1 installed already should not be a problem. SP2 will automatically replace or rewrite what it needs, and remove any update used for only SP1. Good Luck JSKY
  19. The smell of mountain air, early in the morning on a spring day. Just as all the flowers are starting to open up. You get that fresh air with a touch of sweetness of flowers. AAAHHHHH. Always makes me feel young.
  20. JSKY

    Find Each Other!

    No. If you click on me it says "HI From the Black Hills" 4 times, and if you scroll down, it's listed 4 times also down at the bottom of the main screen.
  21. JSKY

    Find Each Other!

    Added mine but somehow ended up with multil listings????? Don't know how. But asked Jeff to clean it out. Also it shows to be off about 5 miles. The town is off to the right a little on full zoom.