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Everything posted by Besttechie

  1. No Problem. I love those two sites myself, especially purevolume. B
  2. You mean, besides this one? If you like music: If you like to watch videos, they seem to be releatively fine here...: B
  3. Yeah, I saw that on Youtube a few days ago, lol. It's quite good. B
  4. All done. That was actually very quick, only took about 5 minutes. B
  5. Hey Everyone, I will upgrading the forum today to the latest forum software IPB 2.1.6, it shouldn't take long at all, probably less than 30 minutes assuming everything goes as planned. I'm hoping to get this done before 12PM (East Coast Time) today. So the forums will be down shortly sometime between now and then. B
  6. Very cool, mac! I requested your 'friendship', I hope you don't mind. Btw, got mine right here: If anyone is interested B
  7. Yeah, but I can guarantee that those kids who are up after mid-night are in there teens. I don't think many kids younger than maybe 13 or 14 would be up past mid-night. I think marty meant younger kids and not so much teenagers. While people argue that some video games and movies cause violence, if your parents allow you to watch and play those types of entertainment then that's there choice. B
  8. They actually decieded to put it back up, but I was extremely angry with the way they handle things. I could go on and on about them, but I won't. However, I did request that the article be taken down after it was put back up, and that I don't want anything to do with them. B
  9. How to configure/setup an FTP Server First download and install my personal favorite free FTP Server software: Once installed the first thing you will want to do is open port 21. Port 21 is the standard port for FTP, if you have a router you’ll have to go into the router configuration/setup and port forward port 21. You can find directions on how to do that for Linksys Routers here (Most routers have a similar way to setup port forwarding): Next you may want to create a DynDNS
  10. Just curious and this might have been answered, but if it was I missed it. What if you don't install the patch? Will they install it for you like they did with SP2, I see two things to install in my Windows Update one is a patch and one is the WGA Notification patch. What if I just install the normal windows patch and not the other, will they just assume I have a pirated copy of Windows? Does anyone know? B
  11. No, once the server is up, you have to use Winamp to be able to use shoutcast, and all you have to do is play the audio file and the server will broadcast it to whoever tunes in. You'll be broadcasting from your PC, so to tune in the people who want to listen will have to know your ip, for example: http://iphere:8000 will be the address. Unless of course you go to dyndns or setup a domain/host name that points to your IP. B
  12. Shouldn't need another PC, make sure you get this too: Install, configure, and turn the server on. B
  13. Yeah, I just port forwarded port 8000 and if I recall correctly that is the default shoutcast port, you can do the port forwarding through the router's config page. B
  14. You could set it to use your home PC as the shoutcast server. That's what I do for BT Radio, you'll need broadband to use your home PC as the server though. B
  15. therock247uk will help you clean your system and show you how to help yourself stay protected when he's done cleaning your system. By doing a system restore you won't be helping yourself any, chances are you'll end up reinfected without proper protection, etc. He should post with new directions soon. B
  16. DAVE! Good to see you're okay! In fact, Matt, Dragon, and myself were just talking about you yesterday I'm glad you're okay, was a little worried. Hope everything works out in court as well. B
  17. Since this issue appears to be resolved ... this Topic has been closed. Glad we could help. If you're the topic starter, and need this topic reopened, please contact a staff member with the address of the thread. Everyone else please begin a New Topic.
  18. Since this issue appears to be resolved ... this Topic has been closed. Glad we could help. If you're the topic starter, and need this topic reopened, please contact a staff member with the address of the thread. Everyone else please begin a New Topic.
  19. Hi, Well, removing New Dot Net is actually quite easy. Go to your Control Panel --> Add/Remove Programs --> Find New Dot Net and Uninstall it. Reboot and it should be gone. You may want to also post a HijackThis log in the Malware Removal forum, just to double check you have no other malware/spyware on your machine. B
  20. Hey, For the radio, no. I don't think that's possible however, I can look into it more. I don't think I will be able to though. Sorry about that. B
  21. That's very cool! It says I look like Jesse McCartney (61%) B
  22. Well, I'd like to find a time that would fit into most people's schedules. So maybe I should post a thread asking what times/days work best for most people and then do it then. I'm hoping to do another radio show soon. B
  23. Hey Everyone, I just wanted to let everyone know there is a brand new site out. It's still a work in progress and I guess you could say it was 'launched' today, however it's not done yet. The site is called Perfectography and it's run by none other than Mandy, of course. I don't know if you any of knew she was into photography, but she is and she decided to start a web site about it. So I've been working really hard to get everything together. The site as of now consists of a picture gallery which is going to have photographs she has taken (there's only one in there now, but there should