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Everything posted by Besttechie

  1. Hi Subject51, Please follow the directions in this thread and post a HijackThis Log. Someone will then be able to assist you further. B
  2. Doesn't surprise me, they never do. All of their software auto-updates on its own. It's actually something that has bugged me about them for a while. In fact, in the chatroom I had a whole discussion with Pierce about this. I can see where they want to make it easy for people who can't operate a computer as well as others, but they really should give an option to disable auto-updates. And then, you'll get people saying well, what if by accident the option becomes enabled for some reason or another and the user doesn't know to update? Yeah.. it's a really controversial topic IMO. I perso
  3. There are no sonic's around here either, afaik. I've personally never seen one. However I do like bearskins idea about the tips. As someone who is growing up and learning how society works ... I guess one of things you could say is important to learn is how to tip. Anyone have any suggestions on how much to tip at certain resturants? How do you decide the percentage to give other than by service...? I've never really been to a fancy resturant by myself (always go with my parents). So my main question is how much would you tip at a fancy steakhouse/resturant compared to if you went to th
  4. And I'd like to clarify the posts aren't deleted, they are simiply removed and put in the "Trash Bin". B
  5. He is missed for sure, he could light up a thread with his sense of humor or just his "hahahahahhaha....". When I opened BestTechie before the forums...just when there was a site Gary and I used to just chat on email about stuff on the TTV forums. Could always count on him to liven things up. R.I.P Buddy. You are missed. B
  6. Inactive topic... If you still need help on this problem, contact me or one of the Moderators to re-open this up. Topic closed.
  7. Inactive topic... If you still need help on this problem, contact me or one of the Moderators to re-open this up. Topic closed.
  8. Inactive topic... If you still need help on this problem, contact me or one of the Moderators to re-open this up. Topic closed.
  9. Inactive topic... If you still need help on this problem, contact me or one of the Moderators to re-open this up. Topic closed.
  10. Since this issue appears to be resolved ... this Topic has been closed. Glad we could help. If you're the topic starter, and need this topic reopened, please contact a staff member with the address of the thread. Everyone else please begin a New Topic.
  11. Since this issue appears to be resolved ... this Topic has been closed. Glad we could help. If you're the topic starter, and need this topic reopened, please contact a staff member with the address of the thread. Everyone else please begin a New Topic.
  12. I've had that happen to me as well. B
  13. Thanks Preston. I've never personally used that one. So I'll have to look more into it. Maybe you could write a review or maybe a tutorial on how to use it for the BestTechie Knowledge Base? Let me know if you would be interested in that. B
  14. Within the actual OS? Not that I know of. If you have a laptop that has like a Pentium M processer it'll use less power when its unplugged. In fact, it'll lower the cpu speed and just use what's needed, which is why you get better battery life with them. I don't know of any way to lower power usage within Windows other than Power Management. B
  15. I agree with what Dave (Chappy) said. Most likely the easiest way is to set it up that way, transfer all your files to one drive (set it as the slave), format, copy them back. Which is what Dave was saying I believe. I would also agree on the point that since the hardware is different you have different drivers, etc. Which as mentioned could cause issues/conflicts on another machine with different hardware. Best bet is to start fresh but back up your data and then copy it back over. B
  16. I bought some RAM for my new PC. DDR400 PC3200 - 2 Packages of 2x512MB sticks. IIRC ~$85 each. B
  17. I agree with some of what's been said. I personally think iTunes is the best way to go for transfering music to your iPod. However, the new iTunes 7 is a bit resource heavy, I would think Apple will have a patch soon that will fix that. Anyway, there are alternative.. I believe there was one called XPlay that was supposed to be really nice. <-- not free though. Probably easiest and best to stick with iTunes. B
  18. Yes, Matt is absolutely correct. We have come to the conclusion is it most likely people with those "canned spam" (again, no pun intended) posts ready for copy and paste. B
  19. Well I was playing my music and this came up: [09/24/06 -:- 11:04:37] * @Jeff np: Chicago - Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? [03:20m/875Kbps/44KHz/FLAC] Thought that was funny, lol. B
  20. They tend to target particular forums at a time. It used to be Open Chat and now its the Modding forum. You have to remember the admins/mods are not always around to remove spam as soon as its posted, but we always remove it as soon as we notice it. Also, staff does have certain mod privs in some forums, so if you do have mod privs in the forum that has spam feel free to move the spam post to the trash bin and notify a admin/mod about it and we'll take it from there. B
  21. To tell you the truth, I really don't know. Maybe the servers clock is fast? lol. I'm just not sure. B
  22. Since this issue appears to be resolved ... this Topic has been closed. Glad we could help. If you're the topic starter, and need this topic reopened, please contact a staff member with the address of the thread. Everyone else please begin a New Topic.
  23. No problem, glad to help. Looks like you were going in the right direction after all. B
  24. Hey flatiron, HJT log is clean. I'm going to say the reason it's slow is the reason you already stated above. For Windows XP I recommend at least 512MB of ram. So you will want to upgrade that .. and Norton is a huge resource hog. A combo of not enough RAM and Norton can definitely cause slowdows, especially when running other programs as well. 1. Get at least 512MB of RAM 2. Remove Norton 3. Get AVG (If you want free) or NOD32 (If you want to pay) B
  25. LOL, you were! I actually saw that on the bottom of the forum this morning and thought the same thing! Happy birthday Liz! Next year, maybe you'll be a year younger ... who knows! I just happen to know a guy who can edit forum members... Have a great day! B