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Everything posted by Besttechie

  1. lamuskrat, Actually you didn't post to soon I saw you post asking what to call me so I quickly made this thread to answer your question. Nothing to be sorry about. B
  2. Hi The Dragon Slayer, As of this moment we have 54 members which has been growing the past two days. The forums were started late yesterday and already have 54 members so we have been growing pretty rapidly so far. There are many old Techtv and G4techtv members here as well as people from other forums. If you go to the Members icon on the top right hand corner of the screen you can look at all the members we have already. Stick around and enjoy the boards. B
  3. Here is a list of names you can use to call me. 1. Besttechie 2. Beluga 3. B Use whichever of the three names is easiest for you. Hope that helps out with that confusion. See you all around B
  4. Hi Matt, That is a good idea. But I don't have enough people who are trianned let alone enough people to be classroom teachers here. If I get enough trianned people who are willing to be classroom teachers then yes I would do it. But as of now I don't have the staff to be able too. Good idea though. B
  5. Here is the link to download the new Call For Help episodes. Download Call For Help Shows B
  6. For more information on SomeUser opinoin look here: New Features! B
  7. Nice tweaks Crow. Didn't even know such thing existed in Firefox. B
  8. Do you mean does it replace them? If so no it does not. Keep using Ad-aware and Spybot and your regular firewall and anti-virus. B
  9. Hi WiredMonkey, Yes, I know as a matter of fact that we have some canadian posters here. I also think you can download the shows off the web if you want to watch them. Let me see if I can find the link for people to download them if they want. If I find it I will post it. See you all on the boards B
  10. Hi il wiccan, You don't have to worry about that at all. Might want to also look here: New Features! B