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Everything posted by Besttechie

  1. Congrats shanenin! That is very cool! Hey... think you could come to NY and fix my computer? I can always make something not work. B
  2. Done. Sorry that took so long. It's up there now! B
  3. Get well soon Marty, we'll be waiting for you and so will the boards! B
  4. I'd also like to note, a custom theme is being worked on, not sure when it will done though. B
  5. I'd like to second what Dave said, and also add for all the jewish members such as myself: Happy Chanukah!!! Happy Holidays Everyone!! Have a happy and healthy new year!! B
  6. Hi and Weclome, You may want to post a HJT log, in the Malware Removal forum for further assistance. Follow the directions here: B
  7. FYI: The stream will be starting at 4PM Eastern Time today which is 12/22/05. Come listen! OFFLINE B
  8. FYI: The BestTechie Radio shoutcast/stream is going on at 4PM Eastern Time, so if you would like to listen at 4PM the stream will be starting. The stream details are in the post above. Enjoy! OFFLINE B
  9. Hi Everyone, I recently added a new feature to BT it's BestTechie Radio! Now you may have a few questions, probably the biggest question is "What type of music will be played?" Well, there's no one answer for that I like all different kinds of music, mostly it'll be Alternative, Punk, Rock, Classic Rock, and some other stuff. I'd like you all to check it out, I'll be taking request for any bands you all may like so I can add them to my collection and play them in future shoutcasts. This is something new I will playing with, and maybe eventually we can get a schedule worked out. But for no
  10. Hi Everyone, I just recently added a new feature to BT it's BestTechie Radio! Now you may have a few questions, probably the biggest question is "What type of music will be played?" Well, there's no one answer for that I like all different kinds of music, mostly it'll be Alternative, Punk, Rock, Classic Rock, and some other stuff. I'd like you all to check it out, I'll be taking request for any bands you all may like so I can add them to my collection and play them in future shoutcasts. This is something new I will playing with, and maybe eventually we can get a schedule worked out. But f
  11. YAY!! I was getting worried. I wasn't sure what to have you do next if clearning temp internet files/cache/cookies didn't work. B
  12. Hi Everyone, The decision made to close the thread was not because this thread was getting out of control. It was the fact that, myself and the BestTechie Staff decided it was the best thing to do. For a while I have been thinking about not allowing religious or political threads, but then with the forum issue, school, etc. I never got around to bringing that up. So it kind of faded, until I saw this thread. Our community here is great and I think the best on the net, I just don't want to see things crumble from one thread. So from now on, no religious or political threads. Thank you for
  13. Ok, I was just looking around in the ACP and I adjusted a few things. Try fastreply now and also let me know if pictures are now viewable. B
  14. Hmm, sounds like it's probably a browser issue and not a forums issue. For one, if it was a forums issue, it would most likely be a global issue (meaning everyone would have the same exact problem). Have you tried using a browser other then Mozilla? Might want to try IE, Firefox, or Opera. Just to see if it's Mozilla or another something else. B
  15. Hmm, that's weird. I tried Opera and IE, both see the pictures fine and fast reply works in both as well. Try clearing your cache and temp internet files. B
  16. Happy birthday r0Ck!!!! Have a good one!!!! ...and oh yea, you going to the bar/pub tonight again? B
  17. Link to the thread with the picture issues? Also, I tried the fast reply and it worked, so I'm not sure what's going with that issue. B
  18. Happy Birthday Dave!!! Have a good one! B
  19. Atribune created a fix for this annoying piece of software, you can try to remove it that way by doing the following: Download Blockrem from HERE Unzip it to its own folder on your desktop. Boot your computer to safe mode by rebooting and tapping the F8 button repeatedly until it brings up a boot menu. >From that menu select Safe Mode by using the arrow keys to highlight it then pressing enter. Once in safe mode open the Blockrem folder on your desktop and double-click blockrem.bat (this is the file with the gear icon) to run it. Once it is running please follow the onscreen instructions. R
  20. I wake up, depending on what time it is I'll call Mandy to wake her up, because she like when I do that. Then we'll talk while we're getting ready, she leaves first. I then finish getting ready, brush my teeth, spike/mess up my hair. Get on my computer if I have any free time before I have to go, say good bye to my IRC friends and I'm off to school. On my way to school I listen to my ipod - that is a must. I need my music. B