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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. " ... Had you been a German citizen in 1939, you would have made a loyal Nazi. ..." Geez, calling you a Nazi seems a little harsh. Seems to me the site's saying, "If you don't agree with us you are $$@#$!" Sounds like they're the Nazis.
  2. Thanks -- I lost a ton o' favorites fighting some nastiness and one of those links was to a glue recommendation site, this'll do nicely.
  3. I don't mind, if they're not gonna hunt me down for having an opinion. It's interesting that someone else here stated they remember more precipitation, as I also stated, and here you are stating you remember far (FAR) less. You know, "they" say there's global warming, global climate change, and then millions of people go, "Hey! The climate here DOES change! It MUST be true!" It seems to me this is just the way we discuss weather nowadays -- Instead of blaming the weatherman, or an early goose migration, or squirrels hoarding more nuts than usual, we say, "The weather sucks because of
  4. In the Chicago area the weather's been ... Well, Chicago weather. Sometimes warmer, sometimes cooler. Sometimes record highs, sometimes record lows. Less rain & snow than I remember as a kid, but how accurate those memories are I can't say. My personal observations then are that the temperatures have not been significantly warmer or cooler, but precipitation has been less. However, precipitation records prove me wrong, we've been drier many times in the past. As for global warming, I believe one would have to be arrogant to say that you can know with any certainty that temperature fluctua
  5. It can be complicated. There are some 'default' Windows folders, a program like TweakUI has the option of reselecting them if they have been changed. But ... the complicated part ... not all programs are designed to "work with" Windows in this regard. Some programmers think they know better than you where you want files stored, some haven't given it much thought and didn't design their program to look for a default folder, and some even change the Windows default to what THEY think it should be. Each program may, or may not, allow you to select a default folder. That would be in a menu item
  6. Another thought: Internet Options, Advanced tab, Browsing section, be sure Enable Install On Demand (Internet Explorer) has a check in it. If his computer simply doesn't have the correct Active-X control this option allows IE to automatically download and install the correct one (assuming the GE site is scripted to do this). If this option is not selected and a site tries to use a non-existant control, the site may do what he's experiencing, not load at all.
  7. Assuming the icons are "shortcuts" to the actual files you can move or delete them without concern: The program files they point to will stay right where they are on your hard drive. Before you move one you can doublecheck that it's a shortcut by rightclicking it, selecting Properties from the popup menu, and ensuring the dialog box has a Shortcut tab with the icon properties. To arrange things I would run Windows Explorer, change the Folder View to 'show all files,' open the Windows folder, find the Desktop folder there and 'select' it. Then the File/New/Folder menu would allow me to create
  8. We'd need to know what software he's using to broadcast with, and if his son has the same software. It may just be a matter of having his son download or enable the proper software.
  9. I hadn't said anything 'cause XP's still a mystery to me, I thought maybe "Minimize All" was a similar-but-not-the-same functon/command as "Show Desktop." If Show Desktop is in XP too you can do a file search for SHOW*.SCF, then click & drag that file (in '9x it's in the Windows\System folder, among other places that it may show up) to the QL bar (though I put mine in the Start Menu -- I don't like clutter!).
  10. Well, it wasn't really clear from the subject title if the test was supposed to ferret out any gullibility on your part, or if you were gullible enough to fall for any of their ideas. So I went back and checked "True" to all of them and they concluded: "You are a total mind slave, utterly controlled by corporate and government interests." Yup, that about describes me. Plus, I'm, "... actually plugged in to a propaganda machine that shapes [my] reality for [me]." Some thoughts <edit> I did not realize how long this would take!: 1) "The milk / weight loss myth is a clever marketin
  11. Just to be sure some setting hasn't been overlooked have him select the "Medium" security level and try again. Using the medium settings he should be able to load GM.
  12. I'm not qualified to parse HJT logs to take this with a grain of salt, but it looks like it's either an option selected in one of those many, many Yahoo customization programs you have running (very likely), or may be related to the WILDTANGENT entry (many anti-malware programs tag wildtangent as spyware, though it's more due to the fact that some wildtangent programs "phone home" than that they customize the way IE works).
  13. Wow ... What a difference! Is Terragen easy to use right off the bat, or did you get THAT good that fast?
  14. I agree Aluvus, it's a bunch of paranoid poppycock. I didn't think it worth my time to refute most of the items (a few are true -- enough) but thanks for doing it.
  15. JDoors


    The lengths some people will go to to get OUT of actually working: The Work Blind
  16. That would be a good idea but just as in politics you have to be ... How shall I put this ... Crooked, to have a chance in hell of advancing through the system, which brings me to my next rant:[rant] You could be the most competant, sweetest, honest, altruistic, principled, thoughtful, heroic person on Earth, but you won't get very far in politics, where those traits could help turn around or even save our country, because you have to lie and cheat, make deals and payoffs, and step on people's backs to get ahead in politics. Even if you manage to get INTO the system, once you are privy to the
  17. You should follow Pete's link and redownload then reinstall the driver (as he stated; in the Step 1 box select IGP Graphics Drivers, then in Step 2 select SiS 530, in Step 3 select Windows 98se, then click the Download button in the resulting page). Some error may have occurred during your original install, or the file may be corrupted or otherwise inappropriate (though there's the possiblity that the driver from the Compaq site IS the correct driver, I'd still try the video card manufacturer's drivers just to be sure).
  18. First thing I'd check (since I have no ideas how running the CD may have caused this) is that you don't have "Insert" enabled, i.e., you have not pressed the Insert key on the keyboard (just press it again to see if it will undo the problem). <edit> Otherwise when something is not displaying correctly I always suspect the video driver -- it could be corrupted or changed -- Reinstall the drivers. Though that seems a drastic step, it's not difficult if you have everything you need available. A simple test would be to change to Windows VGA (reboot) then back to your current driver (another
  19. No version of Photoshop has entered into the public domain, i.e., they are still under copyright protection and cannot be obtained "for free." The last entries in this fabulous post has links to alternatives: Common Programs Needed By EVERYONE!
  20. Every study I've read puts the trade-off point at around two minutes (average, depends on the number of cylinders, etc.). Some of the reluctance to turn off the engine is just inertia when it comes to changing habits (nobody was taught to do this or is in the habit of doing this), or having outdated ideas (cars were sometimes hard to start and were less reliable all around). The habit will be taken care of for us through technology, there are already some cars that shut down the engine during stops and there are more to come. Once that technology becomes increasingly common those who doubt the
  21. I don't have too much of a problem paying taxes for schools even though I have no children in the system. At least it gives me the right to complain about how they spend it! I also understand tax policies that give breaks for those who bear children are meant to encourage and support the traditional family and family values. We all know how well that's working, traditional families and family values are ... Aww, who's kidding who, right? That tax policy isn't really cutting into the amount families with children contribute to the local school system anyway since it's federal ta
  22. You do bring up some good points, all of which have counter-arguments, valid or not, from the unions. 1) Not a year-'round job? Answer: They put in extra time that's not on the clock. 2) Too many administrators and not enough cooks? No answer as far as I know. 3) Short day? See answer for #1. 1) When considering how much they make, we should be allowed to consider ... Well ... How much they make. Not just at their position in school, but additional income. If I worked one day a year and got paid $10,000 for that one day I could claim I'm working for poverty-level wages if you don't count any
  23. "Quick Power Self Test?" No wonder it was difficult to find. I wonder what language that was originally written in?
  24. I mentioned it was flash for a reason: You have to have FLASH installed, and many popup blockers can be set to block flash animation (mine usually is, I have to turn it off every time I want to view flash graphics). So you either don't have FLASH or your security software is set to stop it (to stop ads, which are often in flash).
  25. [rant] Casinos! Arrgghh. I'm IN the casino industry and I know ... err ... suspect ... where the money's going. The one I work at makes a million dollars A DAY. That's 365 days a year, with 70% going to taxes. And there are ten casino licenses in my state! And yet, what's on the ballot every single election cycle? Schools asking for more money.[/rant] A couple of recent local investigative news stories pointed out that several school districts have millions of dollars sitting in overlooked accounts. A rounding error for them I guess.