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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. I would try but I can't quite make sense of what you're saying. "Never Dial" is actually a common setting for dialup, are you certain you do not need or want that selection?
  2. I remember this trick from WAY back, when I was a kid almost-but-not-quite eligible for the draft and Vietnam, then several friends and family members since then, and I'm sure it has always been used during military recruitment, probably dating back to the cavemen: Grog,"Why you say we hunt mastadon when we fight ape instead?"
  3. One of my daily news sources also revealed Cindy's background. I'm sure the reporters you read were being rhetorical when they asked why the mainstream (liberal) press has yet to do so. We all know why. [rant] Someone asked me about her story when it first appeared and I said LOUDLY (at work, all eyes turned toward me), "It's disgusting the way she is dishonoring her son and the other men and women in the military!" I then explained the obvious for those who get their news spoon-fed to them. After finding out what a little propagandist she has been it made it all the more disgusting, she's no
  4. I second the above. I'd first reinstall or update the video drivers. Whenever something does not display correctly it points to the drivers. Since it is always a video problem, it could certainly be the video player install is either incomplete or corrupted. An uninstall/reinstall of that may fix it. Third would be a browser problem, a repair of that may be necessary.
  5. You brought up a point I had meant to address: The employment contract stated he couldn't work for a competitor for a set period of time (I don't remember if that's truly enforceable anyway) but ... In what way does Google compete with MS?
  6. From the symptoms to what you've done to correct them with no positive results I'd bet you can't get that particular kb to work satisfactorily. Whether that's due to a manufacturing defect in that one kb, a design flaw in the entire product line, an incompatibility issue with the kb and your system or bad kharma, I couldn't say. An unscrupulous person would buy an identical new one, see if it works properly, if the same problem occurs just return it, but if it does work put the old one in the box and return it as damaged.
  7. Sounds like what takes place in the conference rooms of every type of industry across the nation. Executives blow off steam due to valued employee leaving all the time. MicroSoft would be no different, but they ARE more public than most so we get to hear about it. Ha-ha! Ballmer blew a gasket!
  8. Thanks for the link. I can understand in another time if the U.S. politely declined outside aid, but with all we have on our plate today I was heartened to see how we're handling the offers.
  9. On the bright side, I'm seeing more responsible reporting lately. There's still a lot of agitprop, but it's fewer and further inbetween. No puppies & kittens yet (you just wait, it's comin').
  10. Sounds cool, but how does it differ from a RAID? <edit> Wow, sounds powerful and like its uses are only limited by your imagination.
  11. Can they make the 'limb' grow back larger?
  12. How old is the keyboard? Wireless everything has improved in just the last few years so a newer one might not have that bug. Sounds like it requires too much processor time so when the processor's doing anything else, the keyboard belches. <'scuse me>
  13. Considering how inexpensive my service is compared to ya'lls I'm not TOO embarrased: Service: DSL ISP: Earthlink Price: $19.95 /month Download Speed: 1280 kbps Upload Speed: 105 kbps
  14. I'd have to say 'factory defect' in the raw wire that no one noticed during fabrication of the cable or assembly of the system. Dust finally completed a leaking ground for those wires causing the erratic behavior. I have no explanation on why the 'missing' wire didn't cause a noticeable defect. <edit> Ok, now I have the explanation, thanks.
  15. OmiGod, that's the saddest part then: it's all due to typical American-style management! Aiiieee! I can't stand it! Micromanagement by higher-ups who don't know how to do the job in the first place! Argghh.
  16. Umm, that doesn't sound like a good idea to me either ...
  17. Well, they ain't goin' on no cruise, those ships (I presume) will simply be used as refugee 'storage' until better and more permanent shelter is found. That certainly could take six months or more so it seems like a wise decision to me. I didn't notice the smoking, damn people, if THIS isn't the time to stop scrounging for cigarettes I don't know WHAT it would take! I wondered about the hand ventilators, they spoke about them but I didn't see them actually using them (understandably, it is medical care and deserves privacy). However I tried to imagine having to pump them throughout the night
  18. Quick test: unplug all possible sources of interferance and see if the keyboard works.
  19. Aww, I wanted to try one of those new-ish "grape" apples. Nevermind then.
  20. DO NOT get defensive about using the XP firewall: It's a bajillion times better than not using one at all. Or is that a kajillion? Kerjillion?
  21. Just a few thoughts on the mess down South: I'm betting a lot of people didn't take the time and effort to evacuate because no one ever believes that a disaster will strike them . I'm quite certain poor people have friends and families, when our family needed help we asked for and received help, and vice versa when we were able to supply assistance, why are so many people saying it's the Federal Government's job to take care of them? I have my theories on that one. I'd bet more people reacted with dignity and compassion than you'll ever see on the evening news. People turning this into a polit
  22. That doesn't count as a confession! It happens to everybody as they get older!
  23. Be more specific: What type of fruit? And how much? Hey, you OWE me man!
  24. As far as infected downloads go, the people who post here are smart enough and experienced enough that they would not recommend sites that carry bad software. Those sites have a reputation to maintain and would root out any bad stuff before they offered it. As for free vs. really free, there are a lot of different types of software that can justifiably use the label free, you just have to read the information given for that software to understand HOW free it is. Read the links given to wikpedia's definitions.
  25. I know JUST the person to send this off to ... thanks.