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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. That's an absolutely perfect example of where we're going in this country. "Me! Me! Me!"
  2. When you risk being run over, it's dangerous. You're supposed to pay attention to your driving, if you don't, it's dangerous. WHY someone's doing something dangerous doesn't make it not dangerous. It could be selfishness, stupidity, inattention, poor skills, whatever. Driving a two ton vehicle is dangerous even IF you're paying attention. Semantics.
  3. You have to let those maniacs go, sorry to say. When I worked security at a casino I drove past two people "talking" to each other at the entrance to a parking lot. I had the gut feeling I should turn around and check it out. When I got there one of the guys was laid out on the pavement, out cold. Turns out the guy who got knocked out was almost run over by the other guy in his BMW. As he lept out of the way he hit the BMW's door. So the guy in the BMW stops his car, gets out, exchanges words with the guy he almost ran over, then decks him. People who drive like that are freaks of nature, l
  4. Icons on your desktop? In folders? In Favorites? Where?
  5. Maybe, maybe not. Wait a while for the information to become available and find out how much each pays in taxes. There are all kinds of tax incentives available, some last for years.
  6. I suck at it. I only get like one or two per quiz. Invisible Actors Movie Quiz ====== Changed link to quiz index rather than an individual quiz.
  7. Call me cynical (because I am) but couldn't you say all that purtiness was subsidized by taxpayers? Give 'em mulit-million dollar tax breaks then say make it purty we don't care how much it costs? Neither do they, they're not paying for it. At least that's the way it worked here. The local paper broke down the amount of tax revenue businesses hand over to the town and Wal-Mart was fifth on the list due to tax breaks. Meijer, a competitor, was number one.
  8. I noticed a lot of those entries weren't on my machine but I attributed that to the apparent fact that the log showed the installation of every possible McAfee security and safety product known to mankind. I just use the firewall and antivirus. However, I do have antispam protection, anti-this and anti-that, so I have many entries that duplicate the ones shown for McAfee, only from different sources. If you want anti-everything you're gonna have a bunch of entries, if you use one brand then all those entries will be for that brand. I don't think that should automatically be considered an
  9. 17 correct still qualifies as older than dirt? I'm outraged! I happen to BE older than dirt, but I'm still outraged!
  10. United States: 128 points. (Started clicking too fast & made a couple of stupid mistakes. Never did find Rhode Island. ) World Quiz: Perfect score. (OK, that one should be easy!) Central America: 27/42. (No excuses. ) South America: I hate this quiz!
  11. 2 cents: Didn't see it, don't believe avoiding controversy altogether is the right way to go. Family friendly? My family talks about controversial subjects, and we still love each other. Except for my little sister, she's just evil. There are other places to talk about such things? Aren't there also other tech boards? Aren't there other places to talk about Christmas trees? Any subject? Not a good enough reason IMO. If you just don't want controversy here, say so and don't apologize. I have seen controversial tech threads too however ("Delete everything that shows up in your HiJackThis log,
  12. I don't remember where this happened but didja hear about "shopping cart rage?" A lunatic got mad, rammed his cart into a car in the parking lot, when that didn't do quite enough damage he picked up the cart and FLUNG it on top of the car. Grrr!!!
  13. The MicroSoft Office pages also have some additional fonts, plus you might want to try here.
  14. Umm, I have a PIII 750Mhz, 256RAM, and run Windows '98SE (please send money). If McAfee were a resource hog my machine wouldn't run at all ('9x is extremely sensitive to available resources).
  15. I was wondering where everybody was. Prices have done their "going up but not as high as they were so maybe nobody will notice" act again. ====== Yeah, my local station just put in new pumps. Can I get a "Ka-Ching!" At least there's some benefit from their increased profits. Side note: The pumps are gynormous. Short or handicapped people will NOT be able to use them, so they put up a sign saying to call the clerk for help. How about just buying shorter pumps?
  16. Eh, I think you're all wrong. The Patriot act doesn't do much of anything that other law enforcement didn't already have the authority to do, and it has to be renewed continually. The Other Side's view of the Patriot Act -- List of Articles and columns at Townhall COM As for Bush being "bad" I don't see it at all, though if I were as hysterical as some people seem to get over even the mention of Bush, I might.
  17. I'm another happy McAfee user. Now. A few years ago updates were often causing crashes, but there has been no trouble since that time. Everything runs smoothly. [edit] Oops, I had a corrupt file twice in the last year and had to reinstall, other than not knowing the correct procedure and taking a ton o' time to figure it out, after reinstalling things went smoothly. I won't hold that against them since a previous free firewall crashed my system so bad I had to reformat & reinstall. They all fail from time to time I guess. [/edit] I practice "safe computing" for the most part (I do open a
  18. I broke my ice scraper, anybody got another one?
  19. Nevermind, the source I had is associated with 180 degree solutions, IOW: Adware. Dangit.
  20. Glad you brought that up as it's one of my pet peeves. It's a cheap trick to scare people into thinking things are worse than they really are. That's the (what it's called here) "wind chill factor" and it is what the temperature and wind makes it feel like ... ON BARE SKIN. So IF you're gonna run around outside naked all winter long, go ahead and pay attention to that number because at least then you'll know what the wind chill factor was when your weiner fell off. But if you cover up when you go outside, that number is a total crock.
  21. <bonks head> That's it, I probably used an aftermarket tweak tool. I haven't redownloaded any since the last reinstall (hadn't found a need for one, maybe now ... ). ------ I'll print the registry settings to check, thanks Terrorist75. ------ ... wait ... Liz, are you saying my computer has cooties? Yeah, well yours has boogers!
  22. Man I love that video! Don't we all want to do that? (OK, when I was younger, I did intentionally run into someone -- But he had it coming!) Bookmarked the site for later review, thanks!
  23. Wow, it's been so long since I heard that one I didn't even see the punchline coming! (See, short memory has its advantages.)
  24. Ya got my sympathy back. Morons! Do they have ANY idea how computers are used?!? Morons! (Still wondering how restrictions on a school computer is a civil liberties issue ... )