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Everything posted by TheTerrorist_75

  1. With the computer in Windows open My Computer and right click on the drive with the Knoppix CD in it and select Open. See if it burned correctly..
  2. You could definitely get dizzy tracing that. traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets 1 * * * 2 * * * 3 * * * 4 ( 16.600 ms 5 ( 20.506 ms 6 ( 36.130 ms 7 ( 36.130 ms 8 ( 37.107 ms 9 ( 37.107 ms 10 ( 96.674 ms 11 (6
  3. No degaussing LCD's. It sounds like the OP's LCD has a few damaged liquid crystals where the crack is. I don't believe that this will spread.
  4. Yes I did. It is linked at WalmartWatch which I have also contacted.
  5. When I talked to the mayor this morning he stated that he was still gearing up toward annexing the land. He's so POed that he said he would like to annex the whole town. I wrote out a proposal three years ago on how to go about restoring the lake and what costs would be incurred. The $5,000,000 needed has been approved and grants have been coming in. I will fight Walmart tooth and nail.
  6. That scumbag outfit Walmart is proposing to build a SuperCenter near the swamp at the north section of Lake Neahtawanta near me. The owner of the property has been told by Walmart not to discuss it with my city. Two small businesses at this area have had repeated problems with their septic systems and raw sewage constantly comes to the surface. One of the businesses has been shut down due to this. This area is just outside of the city limits. They propose to use temporary wells until they can hook up to a proposed water line in the outlying town that is inadequate. The town has no sanitary sew
  7. Right click your taskbar to toggle toolbars on and off. I'm not sure if the name of that one is Desktop toolbar.
  8. 1. Bad day when: You walk in the doctor's waiting room and there's twenty rugrats coughing and sneezing in everyone's face. 2. Still asleep when: You stumble barefoot into to the bathroom and discover the dog used it before you.
  9. This is their main website. Online store. Prepare to repel cookies. ResellerRatings has no information on them.
  10. That wouldn't have worked for me if I still boozed it up. What I drank a day would fill up a couple of vehicles for a week today. Here Jack Daniels is $3.25 a shot and Bud is $2.75 a bottle in the bars. It would now cost me about $175.00 for a former easy day of drinking. It wasn't so bad when I owned the bar because all I paid was the initial cost of a bottle of JD and the case of Bud which was about $30.00.
  11. I would just pop the Delete key off and make a shim that fits under it so it cannot be pressed.
  12. How To Manage Profiles Fixing Firefox Profile Problem
  13. Everyone should just pack up and move down south this winter. Grab jobs rebuilding homes and businesses. One would stay warm, be closer to the cheaper gas and get to grab some of that money coming in. Time to get a DBA. Dewey, Cheatem and Howe Contracting.
  14. I think there's more than young kids who mod their boxes and overclock. I've been doing these tweaks since I bought my first computer.
  15. You didn't lose the Pms Marsh. Remember what we talked about creating a new folder to store the PMs at G4? The one you made is titled Don like in the following image. Take care my friend. It was great talking to you last night.
  16. Why couldn't it be added to the PC Support section? We could end up with PC Support, Linux/Unix Support, Mac Support and Modding/Overclocking Support. It actually can benefit all of the OSes. People with all platforms like tweaking their setups.
  17. In Device Manager highlight the device then click the Properties button. It should name the device.
  18. Low 50s here during the day and low 40s at night. It wouldn't be too bad if the wind and light showers stopped. They say it will go back up to the 60s with sun later in the week. I still foresee mowing the lawn a few more times before getting the snowblower ready. I picked the majority of my apples and pears and have them stored for the winter.
  19. What happened with the kids walking a 1/4 mile for bus pickup is pedophiles grabbing the kids especially during the dark hours of the shortest days. Whatever happened to parents walking with their kids to a bus stop? That is a better question.
  20. That is the proper default location for it. Windows NT Session Manager
  21. Everest Home Edition no longer shows your software or keys. To be able to do this you need to purchase their Ultimate edition.
  22. If you can get that Trinitron for that price grab it. To me those were the best CRTs on the market. I gave my great-niece my old Trinitron so she could enjoy her games. The Samsung CRTs are close but not the same.
  23. It seems many of the sites that use Net-Integration have been changing to different servers. Maybe this was due to all of the attacks against them.
  24. You can usually find Samsung CRT monitors reasonable. Their flat screen 19" go for around $200 and the 21" for about $430. I found a local shop here selling the 19" for $160. Take a guess what my next purchase will be.