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Everything posted by TheTerrorist_75

  1. Is Norton set to scan on start up? If Norton can be allowed to do this it might be causing a conflict which is stopping the network connection loading and creating the freeze up. This all could be relative to SP2 trying to load it's own new security at the same time also.
  2. Tyme posted: Hi Guys and Gals, Tyme just wanted to say Thanks!! today. Says they're letting him out in about a week. Broken left wrist, leg and a few ribs.
  3. I dropped Tyme a line and let him know about Beluga's boards.
  4. I just love when right winged conspirist use total fallacies in an attempt to demean someone who is against their exaulted leader. It truly sickens me when they use the big scare word TERRORIST when impugning those who oppose their warped thinking. Internet "Whispering Campaigns" Falsely Accuse Teresa Heinz Kerry / Teresa Heinz Kerry and the Tides Foundation Bogus E-mail (excerpt): Teresa Heniz Funds Hamas? Subject: Catsup, Pickles and the Radical left . . . .So how does Mrs. Heinz Kerry spend John Heinz's money? Just one example: According to the G2 Bulletin, an online intelligence newsletter
  5. #1) During the late morning of 7/4/75 after celebrating my 21st. birthday I reeled from my cell to the admitting desk to retrieve my personal belongings. While I was signing the release sheet and being informed of my court date the desk Sargent said I was nothing but a f'ing terrorist. It took me several days to find out what I did to earn that connotation. I earned it! #2) I sent payment for an item and received nor heard anything from the seller for over 6 weeks. I figured this person shafted me so I did a little research and found out where he worked and sent him a picture of said place by
  6. I don't think Suppy has any room left since he took in Dutchbro...... Suppy is in another Universd all right but I can't mention what it is, would be considered flaming........Hahahahahaha......Starts with an "S" though......ends with a "Y" too....... Poor suppy is now in the hands of two evil monsters from the SDMS System: Principal: Mr. Salvatore F. Menzo and Assistant Principal: Steven J. Cooke. He is sentenced until the next legal holiday.