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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. I know your tongue was planted firmly in cheek, but you reminded me of a situation that proves things can happen, fast. I walked across the street to chat with the neighbor, he was in his garage working on a construction project (the noise from his table saw drew my attention). We weren't talking for even one minute when we heard the saw start up -- BahRAWWWWWWWWWWW! In less than sixty seconds his daughter had flipped the switch. Man, the stuff running through our heads -- How? Why? What COULD have happened! She hadn't even been IN the garage when I went over there, geez, drop the ball for
  2. Back in MY day ... I grew up in Chicago, never felt the need for a car at all, moved to the 'burbs when I graduated High School (middle 70's) and ... bought myself a brand new car. The one I wanted, the one I had posters of in my room, the one I had brochures from every auto show going back for years. I made a collage featuring the car on my bedroom door with pictures from every source I could find. Damn, I really wanted that car, so I bought it first chance I had. Glad I did 'cause, bless it's little soul, I had the time of my life with that car (and learned a lot of hard lessons). T
  3. Mental illness? Good time to review an event at the riverboat: Back when we sailed (we're dockside now) a guy lost all his money and had to wait for the boat to return to the dock. He went to the bathroom, got bored in there and lit the paper products on fire. Arson on a boat is a VERY bad thing. It counts as a Class X Felony against each passenger and crew member (essentially attempted murder since there's limited chance for rescue or escape). That adds up to 2000 Class X Felonies. From being bored. Stupid people tricks.
  4. Hard times requires hard choices: Sell 'em all. Only save them in the unlikely event your parents are going to school soon for the same subjects. With warmer weather the Explorer's mileage jumped up a couple of MPG.
  5. JDoors

    Dumb Senator

    One of my biggest pet peeves: Exemptions and special deals for politicians and other government employees (police, teachers, judges, etc.). Though they're just people, they're the ones that chose that line of work, we didn't force it on them.
  6. Thank you! He was probably in his thirties at the time. A kinda macho guy; tatoos, goatee, wears leather, rides a Harley, hangs out at bars. You'd think he'd know that, huh?
  7. JDoors

    My Life

    I think I tend to look at life that way. Most of the time. Some of the time. Occasionally.
  8. Whoopsey! Glad it wasn't too bad. A friend was driving my Comanche off-road and hit a branch that went through the grill. He was all apologetic, I was all, "It's a truck." Same guy (hmm) badly scratched the bed during a move, same thing, "It's a truck." On the other hand, another person borrowed the truck to move a Harley, loaded it using the lowered tailgate instead of removing it, which bent it badly in the middle. That, I thought was dumb and uncalled for. He claimed he didn't know you could remove the tailgate, but, is that really a little known secret? Keep havin' fun with the truck!
  9. Just a technical correction: I don't have anything like IESFM (still using Windows '9x). It's my Earthlink software that tags the link.
  10. That was back in my upgrade-aholic days (discussed elsewhere) so I went through; 300, 2400, 9600, 24k (I think) then the 56k. Was there a faster one? Anyway, then "acceleration" (and I remember all the controversy over that, "it does nothing" they'd say, while I noticed great improvement). Stuck with that forever before DSL came down in price to equal dial-up. Still waiting for direct fiber-optic (which'll blow my mind I'm sure).
  11. OMIGOD, you make everything sound scrumpcious. Still spring-y here so there's enough rain to make my lawn look good (and require mowing almost every four days). Since I don't water the lawn once Summer arrives it'll dry up and I'll only have to mow down the non-desireables once in a while. The neighbor's pine trees are still standing, so I'm gathering as many pine cones as possible before they cut 'em down. They're dropping pine cones like crazy, I need to use a bag and sometimes two (most times in the past I only picked up a few here and there, but lately ... wonder if that's another sign t
  12. Or they could reduce the tax load since they make more than the oil companies do out of each gallon sold. Which is the more likely scenario?
  13. Hey, I started with a 300 baud modem. Does that translate into 0.3K? 'Course it was all (DOS) text back then, so it was faster than my DSL is now.
  14. I certainly understand why you would say that. The alleged improper business practices sound either entirely acceptable (not giving 0% loans to people who don't qualify -- nobody's FORCING you to accept a loan at a higher rate, don't buy the damn thing if you can't afford it) to entirely unacceptable, but all too COMMON (making you jump through hoops to get refunds or warranty service, though knowing consumers many of those complaints are likely due to customer stupidity or malfeasance).
  15. Yesterday was nice, weather-wise, so I decided to fix the hanging downspout/coax problem out back. I haul the wood extension ladder out back and set it up, untie the coax from what remained of the downspout, and re-affixed the coax correctly to the siding. It should be said that I'm a big guy, the ladder's a hand-me-down, and swaying twenty feet up in the air on an old ladder that I exceed the weight limit for is ... scary. But then I figure I have the ladder set up, I have the sheets of vinyl-clad aluminum fascia cover that blew off ... oh ... a while back, so let's git 'er done! It was s
  16. I watched the show when it was on. Though they went too far, too long, it was funny. Where can I get me one-a them thar iRacks?
  17. Interestingly enough, my security software tagged your post as potentially dangerous (a big yellow caution bar appears at the top of the IE page).
  18. I knew it couldn't last ... Some wind storms blew through and when I went out back there was (more) damage to my downspouts. Some moronic installer tied the satellite coax to the downspout, so when the wind took the downspout it also tore up the coax. Now there's a tangled mess back there, some bits hanging off the house, some landed in the yard. I'd fix it today but that wind? It preceded rain storms. Or should I climb a ladder two stories into the air to wrangle a 20 foot long piece of metal, in the rain?
  19. You take all the fun out of being paranoid.
  20. Nice twist on the old "note in the fisherman's tackle box" joke.
  21. The judge, as he began to realize HE might be next -->
  22. You know, that is actually one of the downsides to no longer grabbing every upgrade: I can't help anyone any more! It started slowly, aside from the questions I would never have known the answers to anyway came a question here and there about a version I didn't have. Then more of them, and more, and, now, here I am, utterly useless. Go back people! <you don't want vista ... you don't want vista ... you don't want vista ...>
  23. One of the reasons I don't panic when gas prices spike is I can see it in perspective. A column I read had a guy figuring out his perspective on the subject: I see no reason to panic over the price of gas.
  24. If they continued the scene, it'd turn into a bloody horror film.