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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. JDoors

    My Project

    Wow, that really DID work! Now I gotta go look at mine ... You did the sandpaper routine, right?
  2. ... Mmmmm ... new car smell ...
  3. Better the half-hearted anger over you buying her something than the smoldering silent treatment because you did not. Congrats on 15, hope to see your picture when the time comes.
  4. I saw that and have to admit, I couldn't think of anything else either.
  5. JDoors

    My Project

    Hey, you reminded me of something. They have "lens polish" specifically made for the Lexan used for headlights. I first saw it on the web somewhere but have since seen it in the auto section of the local Mega-Mart (not its real name). It's supposed to return the lenses to "like new" clarity.
  6. Fertilized the lawn, installed new motion detector fixture for the back yard, while the power was out a new dimmer switch for the downstairs hallway, cleaned up the yard, removed plastic film insulation from windows. Lawn: In twenty years I have yet to figure out how to get the spreader to wind up empty at the same time as I've finished the lawn (one bag just happens to be the right amount for my size lawn). I either wind up with leftover (which I either go over the front lawn again or store for later) or I run out too soon (filling up with the stored leftovers, if any). Motion detector: The
  7. JDoors

    My Project

    I've been 'round and 'round with this argument before. Aside from it being potentially illegal (originally to limit blinding oncoming traffic -- depends on state laws, which I admit have largely been overidden by new Federal laws to accomodate "daytime running lights") it's actually promotes dangerous driving habits. Fog lights light up immediately in front of the car with a wide-spread beam (so you can tell if you're still on the road when forward vision is obscured by fog -- that wide-spread beam is what causes it to bleed into oncoming traffic), often "yellow" in color to penetrate
  8. JDoors

    My Project

    Those foglights are SOOOOO perfect! ( ... Hoping you're not the type to blind everybody when there's no fog just because you want to look "cool" ... Or fall for the "it lights up the road" fallacy; sure, it lights up the road, right in front of the car, which is great and necessary in fog, but when it's NOT foggy you should be looking further down the road than foglights reach, so all you're accomplishing is annoying other drivers ... like me ... )
  9. JDoors

    World Facts

    Rome, Antarctica?
  10. JDoors


    Don't know why, but I'm always spotting patterns like that. (Embarrassing admittance): When digital clocks came out I would stop what I was doing just to see times like 11:11:11 or 12:34:56 come and go.
  11. Jetta's are great cars, the Wolfsburg edition is especially nice. You will love the livin' heck out of it! At the risk of TMI, my first car (not a camera bug so the photos suck): A 1975 Opel Manta. Equivalent to a Chevy Cavalier but higher quality having been designed and built in Germany. The door latches, for one example, were almost identical to those used by Mercedes. I have to admit I wrung the living bejeesus out of that car, but it took it all in stride. Eventually the expense of repairing a German car with over 100,000 miles got to be too much. Example: though an "economy" car it h
  12. Since I don't drink I get infinite miles per gallon, so SOMEBODY's really swilling the beer to drop that average all the way down to 41 mpg!
  13. (Thread took a strange turn ... ) Maybe Honda should buy their antennae from Ford? I forgot about one strange fork-in-the-road I took for a while. Found a station that played, essentially, RAVE music. All day long listening to the station was like being at a rave. Party, party, party -- dance, dance, dance. I always hated everything from disco to dance music, but this stuff was awesome (I'm cranking an artist, Orbital, that I discovered on that station as I speak). That only lasted a couple of months though, the station changed hands and went Hispanic. Arggh! What was I going to do no
  14. I tried yesterday too. Tried to change my profile to choose one of their canned avatars and kept getting error after error. Went back to the board and I no longer had "permission" to view anything. I gave up. Do you think I missed anything?
  15. Thank goodness the Chicago area has WXRT 93.1 (it's on the web, but I don't have a fast enough connection so I'm not certain it's play-for-play identical). I started listening to it in high school on the advice of a stoner (it was only a part-time station then) and have, with a few short years of exception, been listening to it ever since (whoa, that's thirty-five years!). They got politically active there for a while and ticked me off no end, so I tuned out. After getting my fill of pap on all the other stations I kept going back (the longest "break" was when I found a local station with a b
  16. Perspective people! "Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, " and "Yeah-yeah-yeah" are some of the more memorable lyrics from a previous generation of music, and the adults lamented the lack of intelligence, the promotion of bad behaviors, and the improper use of grammar then too. How long has this cycle been happening anyway? That said, I don't like 99.99% of rap. I disagree about the "music" portion being poor, I've heard some of the most awesome music, but it gets completely ruined by annoyingly repetitive second grade rhyming schemes. I can take some rap in a song, but there'd better be so
  17. Problem one: The screensaver has to support multiple monitors. Problem two: The screensaver has to support your monitor's current resolution (though bars on the top & left are odd). Is this with any screensavers, including the simpler ones included with Windows? Or one in particular? In my experience many (most) aftermarket screensavers are not well designed and often have problems such as this.
  18. Not exactly a privacy issue unless the riders are peeping in the homeowner's windows, and they're probably too busy muffling their screams to be thinking about doing that. Many cities have noise ordinances that, at the very least, restrict the hours you can produce noise ... The homeowners can always work towards an ordinance that further limits the "right" of the amusement park to do business. There's a nearby town that's enacted draconion noise laws, you can't have your car stereo turned up for example. I'm sometimes annoyed by the billion-megawatt car stereos thump-thump-thumping alo
  19. I read the article closely and thoroughly thank you, and I have the same response: You live next to an amusement park, get used to it. They expanded? That's what amusement parks do, or they go out of business (plenty of vacant property around Chicago from out-of-business amusement parks, if you're lookin' for some land). That's what airports do, and factories, and residential developments. Towers go up, electrical lines are run, roads are built. Things change. They made an effort to be good neighbors in spite of the fact that they are only doing what amusement parks do, thrill their customer
  20. ... Hell in a handbasket? Every generation says the same thing though, so try to stay optimistic. There are a lot of good things happening too, it just doesn't sell the toothpaste.
  21. Somebody deserves a medal for thinking ahead!
  22. Oops, it was Easter? Darned crazy work schedule. I had fish & chips.
  23. It is too bad they mentioned the park was 30 years old without mentioning how long the homes had been there. I have no patience for people who buy property near something that is bound to be a nuisance, then complain about how the nuisance is ruining their property values. O'Hare is the nearest major airport to me and there're no end of complaints regarding airport operations. Hey, I grew up in a home within spittin' distance of the Chicago EL tracks so I know from noise. Every six minutes.