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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. One PC: A PIII 750 Mhz, 2 Meg RAM, Windows '98SE. Yeow-za! Cutting edge technology!
  2. From: FosFor Gadgets (Site currently having occasional server troubles.)
  3. Funny stuff, via WindowsSecrets newsletter: Link: How NOT to use Powerpoint
  4. Not any people I've met. Some examples from where I work: Fire extinguishers used as coat hooks. Blocked stairwell (repeatedly). I put out a fire and got in trouble because I used too many extinguishers ("You know, we had to refill all those extinguishers." Oh, didja now?). Misplaced fire extinguishers. That blocked stairwell really got my goat. I used a back stairwell and when I opened the door at ground level I discovered the stairwell was entirely filled with kitchen equipment. I couldn't get to the stairs (I guess if I pushed and squeezed and didn't trip over anything I could just ma
  5. I actually pulled that trick (switching fingers) using something nasty which I won't describe because you might throw up ... just like someone watching me did. Like, instantaneous, projectile vomiting. HIL-larious.
  6. Often water damage is extensive, but few people are injured by it. A good trade-off I'd say.
  7. Talking with a work aquaintance we found we had similar taste in music, and he mentioned Dream Theater. They come up a lot in "what are you listening to" threads, guess I'm gonna hafta check 'em out.
  8. Hey, I know the sound the didgeredoo makes! Haunting. You could probably assemble the blocks in that high-tech instrument in such a way as to reproduce the same sound, plus do all kinds of things to it. If ya didn't read any related stuff about the instrument in the video, it was used in a music video by Bjork, so that's on YouTube somewhere (personally, I can't bear the thought of listening to anything by Bjork, so I didn't bother finding it).
  9. Today's queue, no particular "theme": BT The Cars Groove Armada Laurie Anderson Robert Miles
  10. There are related videos that delve deeper into the instrument and its capabilities if you're interested.
  11. Read the article to the end to get the update on what they found. The whole thing just reminds me of how angry I am that those &$#%%s eliminated the Plymouth brand. Oh, yeah, that helped Chrysler. "We don't need a lower priced line of cars." How's that workin' out for ya, Chrysler? (Yeah, there are a kajillion other problems, but destroying a brand was idiotic.)
  12. Can't think of any argument in my defense.
  13. JDoors

    Seat Belts

    I knew someone who died after being thrown through the windshield. Guess it's a crap shoot.
  14. JDoors

    Seat Belts

    There will always be stories speculating what "might have happened," how someone "might be alive today" if they weren't wearing a seatbelt, but as long as we're speculating: I speculate if they were NOT wearing their belt they'd have died from the crash and or impact or would have been knocked unconscious and drowned anyway. If someone sticks with the belief that seatbelts may be too dangerous despite all the data that contradicts them, it's like any other prejudice, they will always find something that appears to support their view (not yours in particular ) while ignoring or downplay
  15. JDoors

    Brian's Update

    Wow. Umm, I mowed the lawn a couple'a times.
  16. The only radio station I listen to is pretty good about introducing artists that are of interest to me, though you're right, that was one of the reasons I thought Pandora would work, introducing the occasional interesting new artist. Oh, now I remember the "other" station (I'm listening to the genre now and I would like to "discover" more): Electronica. There's no radio station that plays that stuff around here any more so I thought Pandora would help there. As I recall the problem was there are SO many variations of that type of music a "good" discovery was too rare. Today's queue (with a the
  17. I've seen the results of poor maintenance of sprinkler systems; brown, muddy, smelly water that can clog the sprinkler heads, making them useless. Good to know they're keeping up.
  18. JDoors


    I saw a guy doin' this as FIVE Michael Jacksons. He had Michael's moves down pat, it was hilarious. The guy in the video had puppets that look more real though.
  19. JDoors

    Seat Belts

    Some of the fastest runners can run between 20-25 miles per hour. Imagine yourself running, full bore, at that speed. Man, you're really flying! Now put a barricade in your path and run full-bore, without slowing down, into the barricade. SPLAT! That's you hitting the steering wheel and potentially the windshield during an accident at "around town" speeds (as if anyone drives that slow). Splat. Buckle up. ------ The joke's a good one.
  20. Somebody ought to invent something to keep things from tipping over, like tie-down straps or something. Years ago I bought a big-screen TV from a going-out-of-business sale. Really, REALLY big. Even tied down that thing wanted to blow away at 50 mph (the speed limit was 55 but I didn't dare go any faster -- quite the angry mob behind me on that two-lane winding country road). Just filled up after a long trip (no idea what the price was as I don't pay attention). Went to figure out my mileage and, after driving enough to use 3/4 of the tank, the trip odometer stated I had driven "00000
  21. I used it for a while, made a Blues "station" and one other (so long ago I don't even remember). It was OK. I guess between having to pay attention to what was going on (to rate each song so as to improve the selection) and my connection making streaming music AND surfing an iffy proposition, I just didn't stick with it. It's apparently one of those sites where you're a member forever, they still send me the occasional note.
  22. Finally got one that was on backorder: Mark Knopfler and Emmylou Harris, All The Roadrunning. Lovin' it.
  23. Today's CD queue (far more than I have time for, but it's what I grabbed off the shelf): Totally Dance Rhythm, Country and Blues Cowboy Junkies Eurythmics King Crimson The Magic Numbers Pink Floyd
  24. The tunnel-along-the-side-of-a-cliff road in China is fantastic. What an ingeneous solution.