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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. What I get out of that is: Drivers have and always have had the option to drive teensy cars that get fabulous mileage. They don't want them. But they also don't want to stop complaining that their choice costs them a lot to run. Gasoline only has so much energy available and technology can only be taken so far to squeeze efficiency out of the combustion process, so less weight, i.e., smaller cars, is very nearly the only choice left (hence the teensy cars available in countries with truly high fuel costs). I wouldn't say safety standards are "the major reason," but you can't ignore the weig
  2. Will do ... thanks. ------ No go. That package doesn't support Windows '9x.
  3. I always wince when I see video of people climbing up on chairs and tables. That NEVER turns out well! What are they thinking? (Yeah, well, usually alcohol's involved so there's not much thinking taking place, is there?) Gee, back in MY day, we had to witness people making fools of themselves or no one would ever know it took place. Nowadays, you youngsters with your Intertubes ...
  4. I didn't get to it yesterday so today: Rush! Chronicles is excellent (and the VHS/DVD, which I also have, has almost all the music videos): Finding My Way Working Man Fly By Night Anthem Bastille Day Lakeside Park 2112 (a.) Overture (b.) The Temples Of Syrinx A Farewell To Kings Closer To The Heart The Trees La Villa Strangiato Freewill The Spirit Of Radio Tom Sawyer Red Barchetta Limelight A Passage To Bankok Subdivisions New World Man Distant Early Warning Red Sector A The Big Money Manhatten Project Force Ten Time Stand Still Mystic Rhythms Show Don't Tell ------ Too bad my computer's so
  5. "Scotty, we need more power!" "I kinna give you any more C'ptin!"
  6. Wow, so many calamities. Sorry to hear you're getting hit so much. On the other hand, you've probably seen how we handle natural disasters in the U.S. (Katrina ring a bell?). Internet service already? Gasoline shipped in? You guys have your act together! Hope things continue to be more of an inconvenience than disasterous.
  7. The Who, Quadrophenia, then, if I last (manage to stay awake), Rush, Chronicles.
  8. Been rainin' off and on for a while, so I'd mow 1/2 & get sprinkled on, have to wait a couple of days, then mowed the rest. Same with fertilizing, 1/2 one day, the other half a few days later (today). I have a Scott's drop spreader I bought way back when and no bag of fertilizer has this model listed any more, so I have to "guess" at the correct setting. I'm never right. I've tried keeping track, taking a snippet of the bag & writing on it what setting I used and what setting might work better next time. But then a year goes by and when it's time to do that particular fertilizing regi
  9. Saw this on this tech blog and thought it was BRILLIANT:
  10. JDoors


    Doh! Not exactly diligent with the latest food safety issues, huh?
  11. Heh-heh, I believe you missed the humor in those fictional posts.
  12. Re: the cycling portion. A guy on the outside crowded the guy on the inside, pushing him into the bridge wall. The guy on the inside PUSHED the other guy out of the way (a dubious reaction). The guy in the crowd got ticked at the unsportsmanlike behavior and ... Whoops! I don't think I'll ever understand violent reactions during sporting events.
  13. JDoors


    Another "funny because it's true" posts! I've seen it in action time after time.
  14. Make mine triple-nut fudge.
  15. I couldn't find any that allow DVD play in the first place (rather than ones that work with a particular player, feature or file type), I'll try those sites. Thanx. Garmanma, yup, I don't blame ya one bit. ------ OK then, that all looks like a bunch of alien language to me. I can't figure out if it's what I need or not, and I've been down this road before, d/l'ing "codec packs" that aren't actually what you need for, I guess, "permission" to play DVDS. Before at least, it seems those types of codecs require an OEM codec or they are useless. Terrorist, as for 'compatibility,' it's an OEM Tos
  16. I have a DVD player that came installed on my system. I have (and always have had) the software installed. Of course, with a system this old there are new and improved (software) players (like the InterActual player). It seems all players expect you to already have the DVD codecs (it's right there in the "requirements"), yet none will work with mine (they crash the system upon opening). Now even the original DVD player crashes when I try to play a DVD. I've uninstalled/reinstalled many times over. Do you think I'd have to purchase a newer DVD player to get a compatible codec?
  17. Oww! Oww! Oww! Oh! OWWWWWWWWWWWW! Oh! Oww! Oww!
  18. Holy cow! That's hilarious. That poor organist. Also reminds me how many "rock" songs could be used as hymns ("I love You," "I'll be true to You," "You mean so much to me," etc.). Today's queue: B.B. King The Celtic Circle 2 The Fray U2 Is there ANY rhyme or reason? Nope.
  19. JDoors

    Energy Saver

    Here's a crazy-car from back when gas prices (adjusted) were higher than they are now: They were absolutely serious. Now we're seeing hydrogen, ethanol, electric, blah, blah, blah. Thirty years from now (God Willing) we'll be posting pictures of THOSE crazy-cars and having a good laugh.
  20. ... like 'em all, particularly: If only this thought could make a difference. Too true! Cute. Chilling thought. Well put!
  21. JDoors

    Energy Saver

    It's not clear what form of propulsion that, err, "car", uses.
  22. What am I missing? Even if the little one drank a small bottle of the stuff it wouldn't result in a blood alcohol level high enough to be dangerous, let alone lethal. Maybe in an infant, but a baby's not likely to be sucking down a bottle of sanitizer. I don't necessarily advocate the use of hand sanitizers, I don't use them myself and I work with the public (I prefer to catch the occasional bug and let my immune system "learn" to deal with it), but to NOT use them AT ALL because someone, somewhere, MIGHT get sick if they swallow it? That's excessive.
  23. Oh God, In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida. Now THAT song was a phenomena! If you know the song you can't even say the name without running the opening notes through your mind. I'm on a Willie Nelson kick at the moment (oh Lord, I have EIGHT CD's of Willie's).