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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Hey, maybe you can download Gramma and Grandpa for their next visit! On top of ignoring those of us who have not, can not, or will not upgrade beyond Windows '9x.
  2. JDoors

    Barbeque Time

    Ha! Let's go outside! That's called shorts and sandals weather here, out come the motorcycles and convertibles with their tops down!
  3. Well I gave up blocking FLASH because it seems to be ubiquitous. Either sites have welcome screens with it, or they have navigation screens with it, or they direct you to other sites with either one, or the entire site is FLASH (and sometimes I do care about visiting the site), plus so many videos use flash now. Unblocking individual sites or pages is a pain (it's doable, but you gotta clickety, clickety, click each time). None of which will matter one day when everybody has fiber optic (of course someone will invent a new technology to use up all THAT bandwidth too!).
  4. Whoa, there's protective, and then there's just plain sick!
  5. You're lucky they didn't take the time to unload the trailer making even more work for you. Reminds me of the joke about gift wrapping your trash and leaving it in your unlocked parked car. Before you know it, your trash is gone!
  6. At least with Earthlink (which I've had story after story about what's wrong with) they include a popup blocker. When I was on dialup I chose the option to block ALL FLASH in addition to actual popups. I'd get a blank square, or for those pages that were entirely flash a completely blocked page. Ha. Screw ya. There are free popup blockers too and you might try one or more of them to see if any also block FLASH. Then everything's faster! Except for those PDFs. Not only do you have to wait for the PDF itself to load, but EVERY time you open your first one of the session it checks for updates,
  7. I live in a fairly urbanized suburban area. Once a year they have a "spring cleaning" pickup where they take almost anything, supposedly to help remove fire hazards and general junk. They don't take computers (you have to call a special number & pay up) so how does this relate to your question? Well, when you put everything out on the curb the junkers come along and pick out what they want. Guess what's one of the things they'll take? Computers. I put computer stuff out there (even though you're not supposed to) and it's gone before morning (along with many other items). I'm assuming th
  8. So I buy a new flavor (new to me, anyway) of Doritos: Smokin' Cheddar BBQ. Yum! On the back of the package they say they're having a "fight" between this new flavor and another, and only one will "survive." Go to doritos.com and vote by typing in a code given on the package. Well, that smokey BBQ flavor is fantastic, unique, I'd love it if it survived, so off I go next time I'm online. Flash. Not just flash, but the flashiest flash they can flash. Eventually you can skip the intro. Great (time's a-tickin' away). Now your're presented with a flash "community; buildings, cars, crowds, etc. (ti
  9. Sounds right. (Only controversial subjects are taboo ... who could argue with that post? )
  10. JDoors

    My Project

    It wasn't obvious the spoiler was carbon, my bad. Fuggetabout anything right now anyway and get established in your new job.
  11. More money, better hours and less demanding work. You say they're looking for more help? Though I have to admit that being a car nut you might want to consider the parts stores. Networking and discounts would be useful.
  12. Umm ... I fixed the toilet. Cut it out, you're making me look bad!
  13. JDoors

    My Project

    What I would do: A.) Replace those side skirts ASAP. B.) Paint the lip body color (might visually hide the small amount of mis-fit). C.) Insert some kind of grille material to hide the mechanicals peeping out, that looks hillbilly. D.) Worry about all that other stuff.
  14. JDoors

    My Project

    The "lip," good. The "skirts," bad. Don't know if I ever chimed in on the side-skirts -- They don't look right. Did somebody leave 'em out in the Sun too long? Especially now that you have a well-integrated spoiler it makes those wavy skirts look even more out of place.
  15. JDoors

    Tax Returns

    I'm sure you get your share out of the arrangement.
  16. JDoors

    Tax Returns

    Verges on the "political," but ignore the use of the "L" word and you'll see who's paying the most taxes and who's getting the most out of it: Who's Paying The Taxes? Shoot, even at what I consider to be a "meager" income, I get back less than a dollar in services for every dollar I pay. Boy! I wish I was poor! ... No, wait ...
  17. JDoors

    My Project

    Another one bites the dust.
  18. You bet your heinie young lady ... Now get off my lawn!
  19. In the meantime, is there any room for a small stand-alone cabinet or table with drawers you could use? I'm thinking along the lines of what usually goes into a bedroom, like a nightstand. I have one that has four drawers that would be really handy, and I got it at a yard sale for like a nickel.
  20. I've only heard the story in passing. Did you know most businesses have a policy of keeping this type of thing quiet? So ... how many OTHER companies has this already happened to?
  21. I bet it has the "second-to-market" curse (it's already cursed with a tongue-twister of a name), though professionals may wind up using it more than Wikipedia.
  22. JDoors

    I Survived

    So ... it'll look something like this? (OK, no more, I promise.)
  23. One large one costs less per kilowatt than enough smaller ones to generate the same amount of electricity; One set of blades, one generator, one parcel of land, one power station, etc. There are other considerations too (larger blades rotate slower potentially causing less environmental damage, etc.).