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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Got a coupon good for $ .50 off per gallon when I did my grocery shopping. Nearly enough off to nudge me into changing where I buy gas ... (I only buy eight to ten gallons every week, week-and-a-half, so driving around to save a few bucks here and there isn't worth the effort for me.) VERY sneaky. Though I think I'd leave out all the shennanigans and just ask for the ride.
  2. JDoors

    My Project

    It's surprising the difference those little rub strips make in the appearance.
  3. Cripes, and I'm patting myself on the back 'cause the lawn got mowed! Should I set my sights a teensy bit higher?
  4. I haven't heard anything ... yet.
  5. JDoors

    My Project

    You reminded me of several things I relied on "friends" to do for me, all of which "fell through." I don't even ask any more. Just getting that hatch back on, painted, will be huge.
  6. I did say I was too tired to get any work done, so I watched a movie and hit the hay. And woke up to a Spring thunderstorm! On the downside, I had fallen asleep with all the windows open as it was in the 80's. Whoops. Lawn needs to be mowed again. Gotta see if it's too wet from yesterdays storm, and try to get it done before the next storm rolls through. I like Spring. (Made me think of all you poor souls who don't really get seasons changing things up every once in a while, I know I'd miss it something fierce.)
  7. Cripes, you do get things done. Never would have suspected you could do things like quiche in a pressure cooker ... Sounds ... strange. Supposed to be in the 80's today ... Whoa! I'll probably have to turn the air on to sleep through it, then it's supposed to get cold again and I'll have to turn the furnace back on tomorrow. However, I'm tired from workin' last night, and at the peak of sickness from a cold, and dangit I ain't a-gonna git nothin' done. (Why did I revert to talkin' like my relatives from MO? ) Blowin' the best day so far, but I can barely keep my eyes open.
  8. Makes sense to let them take care of it and who knows? They might think they're getting something out of the deal, until they figure out THEY have to dispoose of the items. So I got a pile of stuff gathered yesterday to take to the curb this morning. Trying to sleep yesterday, during the day as I work nights, was ... uh-hem ... a nightmare. The weather was nice late in the day so everyone else was out and about and piling THEIR spring cleaning items at the curb. And trucks, "garbage pickers," piled to overflowing with junk, were rumbling by, stopping, rummaging through the piles to take wha
  9. You reminded me I have to, or should, clean out the garage before this weekend, as the "spring cleaning pickup" is Saturday (where they'll pick up items of any size, any kind, no charge). Meant to get it done earlier ... Ah-hem. I remember the pressure cooker was often steaming away in the kitchen when I was growing up. Fascinated and scared me at the same time. Incredible deal on an item with just cosmetic damage to the packaging! And, <drool, drool, slobber> thanks for makin' me hungry. Should (there's that word again) tackle inside chores as it's raining again. I have a daily planne
  10. Not financially ready to upgrade yet but I went to Dell to spec out a cheap replacement. Knowing what Vista NEEDS I chose the appropriate upgrades and ... There's no such thing as a cheap Vista computer.
  11. In a previous post I listed about two dozen reasons why I hate the Honda, and half-heartedly expressed regret that I'd have to put up with its faults forever because it'll probably last that long. Mixed blessing there. Today, tomorrow, and the day after, rain. The lawn'll never look better than it does now.
  12. That made me laugh. Exactly the responses you'd expect from each of them.
  13. Newer cars are SO much better than they were in the 70's and 80's. Your Audi probably hasn't aged much, and that Jetta will still be in terrific shape eight years from now. When I bought my Explorer it was five years old and there wasn't much to distinguish it from brand new.
  14. Well, I got it all accomplished yesterday. My mower manual was right where I put it (file cabinet with all the other manuals), wrote down the plug numbers (two different types from two different manufacturers) and made note of the oil type and amount (and made a mental note to create a "measurements" list in my Daily Planner program so I can find these things easier -- which I did today). Go to the store ... and NONE of the plug numbers match anything else. Grr (and I blame that on it being a Honda). Fine, I'll go another year without replacing it. Get the oil & finish other shopping. At
  15. Still makes sense as the richer a country is, the more obesity is a problem. "I wanna be fat as an American!" Hmm ...
  16. Pretty sure the Wolfsburg Edition includes the turbo. Why did Yugos come standard with rear window defrosters? To keep your hands warm when you're pushing it. Ha. Bet that Audi's sweet!
  17. You can't do that when it's raining?!? Warm-ish, mixed clouds and sun, and windy. Lawn's looking terrible! Between the dandelions (you know the feeling, like you get them worse than everyone else?), the "puffs" of taller grass from the neighbor's dog ... umm ... playing in my yard, and it's just time to mow, I guess it has to be done. But I haven't prepped the mower yet so ... Am I THAT ambitious today? I don't know the spark plug type for the mower so that'll require one either lookin' it up or pulling it out first then going out to buy it, then there's the oil change (& lookin' up how
  18. While it was and is true, the government has created so many new laws that require S.S. numbers to be reported the original law is basically useless. Nearly all the newer regulations are for the I.R.S. to keep track of income or to track money laundering. Use credit? The government wants to know what your spending habits are. Apply for anything with even a remote connection to finances? They wanna know what you're up to. Buy a big-ticket item? They wanna know. Etc. ad infinitum. That expansion of use is partially to blame for the spread to numerous other uses, "Hey, they use it for this and t
  19. Just guessin', but ... a blonde perhaps?
  20. I used to stubbornly stick to the interval recommended in the owners manual (most have been 7500 miles) and agree only people who sell oil say to change it every 3000 miles, but I have to admit those engines were worn out at the end of the car's life (100,000 to 175,000 miles). Those WERE older cars though, from back when they were more disposable than new ones are. Any-hoo, now I use inexpensive oil and change it at 3000 miles hoping for more life out of the engine. I'm a fan of synthetic but can't justify the expense at this point in time (also, my Jeep's timing chain wore out even though I
  21. Whew, you really get busy, huh? I LOVE the recycling. Almost no trash any more. I must admit I cheat. There are a few items that ARE recyclable that they specify they don't take (certain marked plastics for example) but I throw them in the bin anyway. Let them throw them away. (Am I a bad person for that? Huh? Am I?) Today's weather is GLORIOUS <Halleluah choir sings> ... and I'm too tired from work to do anything. Bad night. Frustrating. One of those days where everywhere you turn there's some unecessary obstacle making the job more difficult (eg. someone, at some time, decided to do
  22. Let me preface this by saying, I tend to argue with people. A lot. When I was a teen I argued with my older brother about how S.S. numbers were getting to be used for too many things, were getting to be too loosely used. It was a big argument, he didn't see why we didn't use it MORE. For everything. A kind of universal ID. "What's the harm in that?" It took thirty-five years, but I've finally been proven right!
  23. You can HAVE him! 'Course when I had a roommate that was an ambitious mechanic, well, we made our share of noise too. After he rebuilt the Mustang's engine we had to drive it around thirty miles to a shop that would put on the exhaust system I wanted. Nothin' but headers. For thirty miles. We drew some attention (thank goodness none of the uniformed persuasion). [wow, I must be gettin' old, I don't remember what type of silencers we put on ...] So tomorrow I'm off and ... it's supposed to rain. No outside chores, again. ------
  24. That is SO nice! (Wish I had a CD player ... could'a had one ... long story.)
  25. Well, as soon as I got all riled up and ready to go, cold weather snuck in again (on my days off). Now that I'm back to work, it's warm. So I got a ton of inside chores done (won't bore ya with that stuff). I work nights and let me tell you, it's tough to go to bed to sleep when it's so beautiful outside (not to mention trying to sleep while the neighborhoods busy as a beehive -- kids, mowers, etc.). At least the local motorcycle fan has moved, no more Harley rumble keeping me up (must be impossible to keep those things in tune ... ).