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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. JDoors

    I Survived

    Humor's the best medicine! Glad it went OK, hope it all works out OK too.
  2. JDoors

    My Project

    Since you didn't include a pic of (any) Integra I looked it up. I think you're wrong about the looks, it looks clean and racy (though I like the later cars, they do tend to be more gimicky) (Not CERTAIN this is the year you're talking about, it's from a web image search so I have to take their word for it):
  3. Well, leave me out of it, watching OTHER people play sports is BORING.
  4. Or in Minnesota where the part was made.
  5. Get well ASAP. Do they have Internet access in the recovery room?
  6. Let's see; true, true, true ... Oh heck, they'e all true!
  7. JDoors

    My Project

    I haven't had good experiences with that rust conversion technology in the past, but I'll look into the brand name you mention and see if it works better. A green scrubbie is all you need? I've used everything I have before (not professional grade equipment) and I've never had much success getting down to bare metal, and you say a green scrubbie is sufficient? (As long as I use the rust conversion paint.) Hey, I can do that! Didn't know about the fast/cheap method of coating parts or that silver paint is inherently weaker, I thought most car manufacturers were already beyond such cheapo meth
  8. JDoors

    My Project

    To clarify, it was a used car when I bought it and it's ten years old now. I found a high school ID in a compartment that leads me to believe it was driven by a teenager, so I think we can assume there was some abuse going on. I know what you mean about "hidden" problems, I found some broken glass under the rear compartment carpet, which led me to look further. The rear window defogger had fresh solder on it ... Hmm, now how did the rear window get knocked out? Just exactly what happened there? How much damage are we really looking at? I've never looked because I don't really want to know (no
  9. JDoors

    Pencil Art

    That's so bizarre. Betcha you could do a search for art with any type of object and come up with something (paperclip art, hubcap art, etc.).
  10. JDoors

    My Project

    Yeah, I should have them redone, but I'm SO lazy! (And cheap, and BROKE. ) They're factory finished with a kind of stippled silver-ish color paint. I'm well past the age where I would consider doing anything stupid, but I do look longingly at other Explorers with pristine bars. (Ahem, just a couple of minutes with a cordless wrench - Zipp! Zipp! Zipp! Zipp! -- and ... well, I wouldn't ... not really. I learned that lesson a long time ago. )
  11. JDoors

    My Project

    You know, with all your talk about how much trouble it is to; own a Honda, get the parts you want, keep it running, and how much you want some OTHER car than one you have ... well ... You shouldn't talk.
  12. Sure does sound like a dream come true ... Every single day you'll be pleased with the spaciousness and excellent design and facilities. Woo-hoo!
  13. More of an inside joke I would guess.
  14. Irish Yoga! Who thinks of these things?
  15. JDoors

    My Project

    My Explorer needs replacement "nerf" bars. $800. Aww, rust doesn't look THAT bad! I probably could get aftermarket bars for less but haven't looked yet. What bothers me is just five years ago when I bought the car (already five years old), they looked like new. Five years in MY possession and they're covered in rust. What am I doing wrong?!?
  16. Unfortunately, though the higher viscocity oil might increase the reported pressure (the pump will have a harder time moving it), it doesn't solve the actual problem (either a worn pump, or much more likely IMO, a worn engine -- larger clearances preventing high enough pressure). I've done that, changed to a higher vis. oil in a worn engine, more for the oil's ability to "stick" in the bearings and passages instead of running like water to the oil pan. Just be sure the starting system can take the extra strain when cold.
  17. JDoors

    My Project

    Man, prices are outrageous. $60 for a piece of stamped steel and some bolts? That tears it, when my car needs work I'm buying a different one.
  18. Didn't take long to see where THAT was going!
  19. What the heck IS that?
  20. JDoors

    My Project

    It's not clear WHY he would want to trade his for yours ... What does HE get out of the deal?
  21. JDoors

    Mlb Tv

    Yeah, that would be something to worry about. I have cheapo DSL and watch video in small boxes rather than full-screen, and even then there are glitches. Which I guess depends on the quality of the original feed (which doesn't matter much when viewed in small boxes). But sports? You'd want that full screen if possible. Wonder if they have a test site or video you could check out?
  22. I know a place downtown that'll do that, AND give you a tatoo.
  23. Holy cow. I clearly remember the day I was shown a 10 MEGABYTE drive and couldn't believe my eyes!
  24. JDoors


    ... not to mention you're supporting terrorists (re: recent news about companies paying for "protection").
  25. I wasn't there, but that sounds to me like they accepted you as YOU, the only difference was you had that wheelchair. Maybe I just like looking at that silver lining ... ? Guess a lot of us had our burdens, glad you surmounted them as best as you could. Are your parents Saints or something?