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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Moi? Non! Mostly describing MY experience with upgrades, and poking some fun. I did say that, like you've stated, when I have to replace the system I'll jump up to Vista. And I know I'll go through exactly what you've gone through, thrills, warts and all. I didn't mention it but, like others, finances played a role in my no longer upgrading every time a point-whatever version came along. Before then my friends and family would give me a hard time for grabbing every new version. "You're running the NEW version ... Why?" I dunno, 'cause it's fun?
  2. Sounds familiar. That's how I used to feel about every "new & improved" upgrade. Ohhhh! Looky there! Ahhh! I can do THIS? Been there, done that, who cares any more? Is that THE sign I'm over the hill? I used to think THE sign was when someone said, "All cars look alike now, they sure don't make 'em like they used-ta!" I guess in the digital age it's, "I don't need no stinkin' Vista, old Betsy works just fine!" As for all the "it's better here" and "it's better there," stuff, well, like I used to tell the Apple faithful when they'd flame the Windows boards, "So WHY are the forums
  3. I could be entirely wrong but, so far, I don't see a problem with collecting information on what you're doing on a public road. As long as driving is legally considered a "privilege" and not a Right, they apparently can do whatever they like (like issuing a ticket using technology, no humans involved, via cameras). My problem isn't with what they're doing, exactly, or what they MIGHT do, it's with the entire idea that mobility is a privilege. I don't see that changing, so unless we're willing to mount a Revolution to change THAT, we all will have to live with the consequences.
  4. I hope people reluctant to support her are doing so for reasons other than that she's a woman. Her views and actions are (or were) very far to the left, closer to socialism than federalism. She was also involved in a lot of scandals and, peripherally, to scandalous behavior(s). One doesn't have to be a right-wing nutcase to see she's not entirely innocent and admirable. But then, who among high-ranking politcal candidates is? Personally I think she'd make a strong President, but I disagree with so many of her views I hope that doesn't happen.
  5. When my current computer is more trouble to fix than to replace, I'll take whatever OS is on the new system. Could be next month, could be years from now. I have no desire to upgrade 'til then. ------ A long, long time ago I use to be an upgrade-aholic. I had to have every "zero-point-x" upgrade. Now, if it works, why upgrade?
  6. Yeah, Catholics suppress gays, that's for sure (as do many other religions). With such forceful suppression it's no surprise it took a long time before you discovered -- hey, there are gay people all over, and they're just people. There are rich blacks, Obama ain't poor. I don't know his net worth (I just may look it up!*) but it's significant, and puts him way above the average American regardless of race. I see no reason (though I may be naive) we can't have a black President, or a woman, or a Muslim .... well, that one will have to wait a while. ------ Holy cow: Barack Obama (D-Ill) - 20
  7. I have four days off every week and still, I need more time to get things done. I can't wait to retire!
  8. I don't know where you got information that said the previous host was canned due to her race, believe me, there were a hundred OTHER reasons for her leaving. Nowhere at any time did I get the impression it had anything to do with her race (and it would have been BIG news if there were even a HINT that it did). We haven't magically eliminated racism but I'm sure there were more objections to having an openly gay person co-host (though it was her politics that caused the most controversy) than a person of any particular ethnic group. We just might have a black President soon, but it'll be a w
  9. Went out to mow yesterday and the next door neighbors were out chopping down stuff. The original owners of the house (24 years ago!) did a good job of landscaping, but things are beginning to fall apart. A yew (or whatever it is, those tall, columnar evergreens) on the corner of the house has grown as high as the two-story house, and now's rubbing on the roof and siding (the O.O. did a good job planting it far enough away from the corner, it's just grown enormous over time). They had it partially down when I went out and completely removed by the time I finished mowing. Strange to actually SE
  10. I'm sorry ... Who are you again?
  11. All right, I can turn this into a joke for the kids: What did the clock do when it was hungry? It went back four seconds! <confused looks, oh-I-get-it, smiles, thinking of who they'll tell the joke to>
  12. I couldn't disagree more! Tons of wisdom, just less and less access to it. We're like a set of encyclopedias growing in volume and complexity every year, but it keeps getting tougher to find the articles you're looking for.
  13. PLease! I read these things in the morning ... <gag>. Gotta mow before tonight's predicted rain. Grocery shopping (also printer ink for a project). More inside chores (the usual boring stuff). Woke up, opened the blinds and saw a rabbit in the yard. Not that important, but thought I'd share.
  14. Umm ... Unless they're clogged (unlikely) it won't have a noticeable effect (the size of the pipe is more important ... isn't that always the case? ).
  15. Good one. Nice choice for background music too.
  16. <GAG!> How'd it wind up in the cellar? Eww, I just remember that ... that ... THING I found in my yard last year. <shudder> <more shuddering and a shiver to boot> ------ Oh yeah, projects. Nope, gonna rest this Sabbath. OK, two loads of laundry, but that's IT! I got home from work and thought, "You know, I think I have it in me to mow the lawn." Did a quick walk-around, fixed the mulch some animal had gotten into (or the neighbor's kids), then ... "Nope, going inside." I'm done. Maybe a movie.
  17. MUCH worse. Can't think of a similar example, but that probably IS an example, if you catch my drift.
  18. HILARIOUS! She's not exactly attractive (though not shockingly UN-attractive either) and her personality, or more specifically her beliefs, and particularly her tendancy to tell anyone who'll listen exactly what those beliefs are and why you're a big ol' jerk if you disagree, makes her unattractive in other ways. (On the other hand, she has loyal fans too. Only the ones that agree with her I betcha.) (Her sexual nature is irrelevant to me.) She can be funny and entertaining (she had her own "talk show" for a while) but she falls victim to, it seems, every Internet conspiracy theory an
  19. Grass is knee high and your picnic table needs work? Is there trash all over your lawn too? I didn't THINK you lived next door but ... Another overcast, chilly day with sprinkles coming and going so no work today. Tomorrow's supposed to be better but I won't feel like working and, hey, didn't God Himself say to rest on Sunday? Am I gonna argue with GOD?!? Monday, mow, again. Should be outta control by then.
  20. I hear ya on that one. The second bedroom isn't finished ... from A YEAR AGO. When I pay bills I file the statements and toss the statements that are one year old. Hey, what's this? Painting supplies from a year ago? Oh ... yeah ... when I STARTED on the second bedroom. Gotta pry all the baseboards off, prime & paint them, tear up the carpet and find something to put down in its place (without any money). Yeah, gotta do it. There, I said it ...
  21. JDoors

    Mother's Day

    Sad story: My Mom passed away when I was a kid. Schools back then weren't familiar with incomplete families. Before Mother's Day the teacher had us making projects and I asked to be excused, as I HAD no Mother. Awkward! "Don't you have anyone you could make this for?" "No, it's just my Father and Brothers and me." "How about an Aunt, or make it for your Father?" "Why would I make a Mother's Day gift for my Aunt or my Father??" "Err, uh ... " I was too young to take a useful lesson out of that, it was just awkward.
  22. I'm not surprised he's a judge (likely an ex-lawyer). THAT is why there are so many stupid lawsuits: judges don't dismiss them out-of-hand. They believe in them themselves. As for the "Satisfaction Guaranteed" signage it doesn't imply, not does the law support, that ANYTHING you wish or desire must be supplied. He'll lose and he knows it, he's just being vengeful. Yah! That's the type of people we have deciding our lives for us!
  23. Ah, reminds me of the cartoon where the kid's saying, "But Mom, if I do get in an accident I'll probably s**t my pants anyway!"
  24. Well, you reminded me of ONE good thing about the Honda mower, other than that it will probably last forever, it doesn't vibrate much. No "tingly" hands. Sprayed the weeds and upon close inspection, IF all the weeds die off, I'll have half a lawn left! Some kind of creeping groundcover-like weed's all over (clover or whatever). If I remember correctly that stuff shrivels but won't die. Not too big a deal as it matches the lawn in color and speed of growth, so ... I'll just pretend it's lawn. Also put the new "gazing globe" on its post. Hit it last year with the mower handle (while try
  25. Kitty-corner from me they left the Autumn leaves on the grass and they never clean up after their kids so there's papers and toys and junk and garbage strewn all over their lawn. They mowed right over it all, and short, right down to the base of the grass plants (below the green leafy part) ... Looks great! <mutter, mutter ... turning into a white trash neighborhood ... grumble, grumble> I've been putting off spraying for weeds (I never have the ambition needed to pull 'em), it's either "too hot" or "too cold" or "too windy" or ... Today's overcast, cold and windy. Blech.