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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Neither Spybot nor Adaware will give you a virus. But. It's possible to get either similar programs that could (similar names) or hacked original ones (from the wrong download sites). So without knowing WHERE the person got the program from and what they have EXACTLY (the actual website address and filename), it's difficult to say what happened.
  2. Every time I see a "Greatest Hits" CD for one of those I am SO tempted. But I suspect I'll wind up scratching my head, wondering, "What was I thinking?" "Jim Dandy to the RESCUE!"
  3. I've seen enough to know that "animes have incredible storylines" is FAR too general a statement. I don't like it when someone belittles something by trivializing it (for example, there's a youtube vid that makes fun of techno music by saying "add this, that and that, and you have a techno song," obviously there more to it than that), so I won't do that for anime (even though I could), but many of them seem to have the SAME stories (interesting or not). I'll try yet another one and "Seen it" comes to mind all too often. As for American cartoons being borderline retarded, consider the intended
  4. I wondered there for a second why you'd look 'em up. I wonder "what" it actually means? (Yeah, I could look it up ... ) Oldies today: Alice Cooper Cheap Trick Emerson, Lake & Palmer Janis Joplin Paula Abdul Paula Abdul doesn't quite fit with the others, but I was pickin' "Greatest Hits" CD so that's how it got picked.
  5. I'm not entirely against additives as a temporary solution to a problem (say, radiator stop-leak until you can get it repaired, or an oil additive to get you by until you can get some engine work done), but if acetone was a beneficial and economical additive for gasoline, it'd already be in there.
  6. Oh ... I don't know ... What if your business bought the cheapest made crap you could find, forcing suppliers to drive down their costs year after year at the risk of losing your business, which means they wind up overworking and underpaying their employees and overlooking safety and child labor laws just to meet the price you demanded, then advertised the heck out the crap, filled end-racks and aisles with huge signage drawing attention to it so people would be impressed with your low, low prices, then ripped them off on the prices of all the other stuff they wind up buying? Oh, yeah, right
  7. I have seen movies that were incredible; unbelievable animation, deep storylines, you can do amazing things with animated characters and scenery that just wouldn't be the same with live action. However ... One, most of it is based or relies on Japanese cultural references; A monster made of worms, swords, martial arts, cartoon sex, anti-capitalist, anti-American, anti-war stories ad nauseum, etc. Two, since most are created in Japan they're either sub-titled or dubbed, almost always poorly. The Japanese to English translations lose a lot of the origninal meaning, and if it's dubbed the conv
  8. E85 isn't necessarily what's being discussed here. That fuel requires special parts for the fuel system and recalibration of the computer, the vast majority of cars are not equipped to use it. It's also mostly a MidWestern phenomena (we have corn, and plenty of it!). For air pollution reasons most urban areas have had 10% ethanol fuel for some time (naysayers claim it pollutes MORE, not less, though they may be specifically talking about 100% ethanol). Any car less than ten years old or so can use "up to" 10% ethanol without any problems, they've replaced any parts that might be sensitive to
  9. Today's queue: Bo Deans Clannad Enya James Blunt Leo Kottke I guess with the exception of the Bo Deans it's easy listening day.
  10. Some quotes from this column by Larry Elder:
  11. I thought the MTBE was getting into the environment the same way lead had done before: via exhaust emissions. Not from dumping (how common is that anyway?). I didn't know anyone had hiked the percentage to fifteen, hasn't happened in the Chicago area yet and they're BIG fans of ethanol here (we've had 10% for, I'd have to guess, ten years or so). You'd think with all the research that went into finalizing 10% as the best compromise they'd know what to do before they increased the amount to 15% (whatever additive is needed to keep the water at bay). There's always that stuff we MidWesterner'
  12. Darn you. I saw it coming and started welling up well before it got to the touchy-feely part. Reminds me of the story about the boy and the operator, and the Kris Kristopherson song Here Comes That Rainbow Again: The scene was a small roadside cafe, The waitress was sweeping the floor. Two truck drivers drinking their coffee. And two Okie kids by the door. "How much are them candies?" they asked her. "How much have you got?" she replied. "We've only a penny between us." "Them's two for a penny," she lied. And the daylight grew heavy with thunder, With the smell of the rain on the wind. Ain
  13. Yeah, touchscreens with multiple inputs have been around for a while, though not in a consumer product that I'm aware of. Didn't check the link, but it just sounds like they have applications that "look" snazzy for a product that's been out but not in general circulation. Hmm, Gates, "stealing" someone else's thunder? Naw!
  14. Hard to believe, but you must not have seen ... The Macarena.
  15. SNL still has its moments, and the news portion remains funny (even without Tina Fey, I thought it'd go in the dumpster without her, it hasn't). The best guarantee of a funny show? The host. Alec Baldwin, Justin Timberlake or Christopher Walken are always willing to go that extra mile for a laugh. As far as the original cast goes, oh, they had their moments too, but I still remember there were clunkers. People have just forgotten the forgettable ones.
  16. (Replyin' to myself ... ) Today's queue, all blues, all day: Alligator Records: 30th Anniversary Collection B.B. King Keb' Mo' Koko Taylor Robert Cray Susan Tedeschi
  17. Hmm, would that be an American OIL COMPANY?!? Tell him to sell! We must suppress such technology!
  18. Elevator music? I've got Enya and Moby, among others, in my collection, so I'm just kiddin'. There's a light jazz station I used to listen to when I was in the mood (back when I listened to FM at home once in a while). Today's queue: The Chemical Brothers Gorillaz k.d. lang Moby (Well, whattya know!) Yes
  19. Yeah, yesterday was better for mowing, but I went a'visitin'. Mowed today, it's hotter, I'm wasted (but still got tons o' stuff to do). Also sprayed the weeds growing in cracks and crevices where they don't belong (uh, do they ever actually "belong" anywhere? Oh yeah, the neighbor's yard!). The driveway has a large crack across the width that needs to be filled, again (when it gets unbearably hot so the mix bonds well), so hadda kill those weeds in preparation.
  20. Good thing OK-Go made choreography cool, otherwise that'd look ... strange.
  21. Wow, 2005?!? Did they even HAVE gasoline back then? (Darn whippersnappers.)
  22. When I worked as a factory mechanic the bosses would pile on one project after another, without waiting for previous projects to be completed. "This one takes priority!" Completing any one project took nothing short of a miracle. I did make the time to create a poster I hung over my toolbox: "Hot Potato List!" When they'd give me a new project I pointed to the poster and asked where, on this list, did this project fit? Hmm, I was a curmudgeon, even back then.
  23. Got the lawn maintenance done ... was it Friday? (CRS) Anywho, due to incoming rain, which has been on and off and is expected to continue that way, and because I expect not to be around Monday, my usual outdoor day. Goin' to the Niece & Nephew's for Memorial Day. Something on the grill, plus something else, and some more (I go for the company, I don't care if it's weiners and franks). A couple other relatives will be there, I haven't seen them in a long time, that'll be really nice.
  24. Right this second: James Blunt, Back To Bedlam. In the queue: John Mayer, Continuum The Magic Numbers, The Magic Numbers The Mamas and the Pappas, Greatest Hits Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs, Show Your Bones
  25. A German Opel Manta. Here's one that's been PIMPED as far as humanly possible: Link. I guess, to be fair, you should see the car as it appeared back then in advertisements: