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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. JDoors

    Perfect Steaks

    Hmm, been watching America's Test Kitchen or reading Cook's Illustrated lately? That's their preferred method. In fact, they sear then bake a lot of things (most meats, pork, roasts, etc., as I recall). I don't watch any other cooking show but America's Test Kitchen. I like the "scientific" take on the whole process (trying dozens of combinations, non-traditional ingredients, several cooking methods, etc. until they arrive at the best recipe overall, for example), rather than just saying, "Add this, cook it this way, and gee, ain't it wonderful?" Why those ingredients? Why those amounts? W
  2. I've heard the term Australasia before so I wouldn't have been thrown for a loop (though I'd have been curious to discover exactly what it encompassed). So ... bragging about your connection, huh?
  3. I'm sure it's a coincidence. Everyone's having/had login trouble.
  4. I have Earthlink DSL. It's had its ups and downs. I'd say it's 90% reliable and satisfactory in other respects. When there is trouble it gets resolved quickly, WHEN IT'S NOT OUTSOURCED. If I'm talkin' to someone from the other side of the world, they suck.
  5. It's distinct alright, reminds me of an old Beatles album cover Mark I vaguely recall Apple Records and Apple Computer went to court over the similarity, though I don't remember who sued who. I think Record sued Computer.
  6. JDoors

    My Project

    I see the dilemma, go more original or more functional. I couldn't decide so, no opinion (though I like the "idea" of titanium -- is that the material or just a description of the color? If it's just the color then the stainless has more appeal). Would it be possible to clean up the "found" shift knob to make it worth more? Say, a going over with fine sandpaper?
  7. Priceless! We got 5 to 8 inches last night & this morning, twice that South of us. It came down in waves; light flurries, then so much snow the street plows couldn't keep up. Quite a mess goin' to work (and I'm one of those fearless loonies in the 4x4 passin' you by). Took me two hours to shovel the drive & walks as it was too deep to "push" outta the way, had to walk each shovel-full to the side & dump it. Found out my nice, warm parka isn't waterproof. I was out in the snow so much the parka got covered in snow and as it melted I started feeling wet. Once inside I could
  8. They only mention the Option-Shift-K command to clarify what the Apple-logo key does, that's why the command's in parenthesis, not to claim that key combination is copyrighted. So go ahead and use it.
  9. Yes? Is there a downside to the ads I should be aware of?
  10. I just go OVER the snow!
  11. I hate when that happens. I wind up having to WALK with each and every shovel-full to some place where I CAN throw it. The first year I owned this house it snowed like that and I had those shoulder-high piles of snow along the drive. Exhausted, I went inside. The next day I look out and, because the neighborhood was so new there were no trees, bushes or other greenery to "catch" the blowing snow, IT FILLED UP THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE DRIVEWAY, all the way up to the height of those piles. So I, along with everyone else in the neighborhood, had five FEET of snow filling the driveways. The snow
  12. I agree with your assessment. For non-controversial subjects it's my "go-to" source for detailed information (and links to information I wouldn't have thought of on my own). For controversial subjects, well, I ALREADY know what I think, why would I want to read what somebody else thinks? And I believe "traditional" sources can be (and always have been) biased too, though some people are naive enough to believe as long as it's a traditional source it MUST be true. Things are turning around there though, people are getting wise to the pervasive bias in traditional sources (for which you
  13. I guess being rich and famous doesn't magically eliminate all your troubles, though it's easy to think, "She's got EVERYTHING! Why is she throwing it all away??" Guess we should pay attention to past experience, and there are hundreds of examples, and accept that money and fame doesn't help one bit if you have personal problems (if fame and money doesn't, in fact, make things worse , though it's more likely just that it's out there for all to see).
  14. I have nothing buy sympathy for people who wind up gargantuan. If I ate everything I WANTED to eat I'd weigh eight-hundred pounds at least. Every day's a struggle. Sometimes I eat 'til I'm sick and I STILL have to convince myself it's time to stop. One of the few things that helps is seeing people who don't stop.
  15. I don't pay a lot of attention to "entertainment news," but from what I have seen, she's gone a bit beyond adolescent rebellion (vague recollections of her partying wildly, half-dressed, with a bottle of liquor in one hand). Wait a minute! I did that too at that age! There just weren't, thank God, any cameras around to record it for all posterity. Frankly, if she did HALF the things I did I'm surprised there hasn't been far, FAR worse things in the news.
  16. How about a synopsis? I'm not goin' to any ".ru" URL. I got an e-mail saying .... JK.
  17. Heh-heh, that list should be much larger. There's been a lot more exaggerations and plain ol' stupid stuff sent out since it was created.
  18. I was hanging out with a neighbor, talking into the wee hours of the night. As I was leaving the sun was coming up over the horizon. I opened the garden gate and it almost fell off. "I'll go get some tools and fix it for you," I said. I only lived two doors down and quickly got a screwdriver and some screws and fixed the gate. As I wave goodbye and start walking home she remembers to thank me, yelling, "Hey! Thanks for the screw!" Err ...
  19. I had to go look up what I'd seen her in and, to be fair, she was good in Mean Girls (a movie I loved) and A Prairie Home Companion (a movie that was fairly good). I also saw her in The Parent Trap but don't remember anything about the movie. Otherwise all I know her from is "entertainment news," an oxymoron if ever there were one.
  20. I guess I'll stop wishin' for more snow now.
  21. We've only had light dustings of snow lately, including one predicted for today and another tomorrow. The TEMPS are news though: Yesterday I saw -8F and it's still under 10 today. <-- Not a Ninja, it's me in a balaclava!
  22. JDoors


    I remember going to Grandma's farm every summer. Growing up in Chicago the farm was a WHOLE 'nother world to me. One distinct impression it made on me was, contrary to the usual impressions you might have if you have selective memory, it wasn't all sweetness and goodness ... It smelled! There were bugs! You had to KILL things if you wanted to eat! You had to MAKE things, like butter! Want a glass of water? Go outside and get to work pumping it from the well! Need to use the toilet? There's the outhouse! Warm bath? Only after you pumped the water, heated it, then poured it into a galvanized tub
  23. Yeah, I wondered about that flight too, if there were no boats I might not have thought about it, but ... Regarding helicoptors: Not sure where they're coming from but sometimes I hear helicoptors coming, go outside to watch, and I'll see from one to five black, unmarked helicoptors fly by. Now, who, exactly, is allowed to fly unmarked aircraft? Huh? And where are they coming from? Though I am by Chicago's O'Hare airport, I'm not "aware" of any covert operations there -- not that I would be aware of it, that'd kinda defeat the purpose of being "covert."