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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Pointless, but if it makes 'em feel a little better, makes 'em feel like they have SOME control over the situation, eh. Why not. They'd save a ton o' money if they just stuck to the speed limit. (Yeah, I know, faster equals more jobs, more pay.)
  2. And of course any problems they have after you've used their computer is because YOU did something wrong. No, it's not the malware they had, or the new malware they got, it was something YOU must have done! "What did you do???" One pet peeve is that I use IE in "kiosk" mode, there are NO buttons, toolbars, nothin' when I'm using it. Just the site and that's that. The toolbar drops down when I need it. I use someone else's computer and the site is restricted to this (to my eyes) TEENSY little window, lost among the buttons, tabs, toolbars, and I don't know what else. I can't stand it. A corro
  3. Rain, thunderstorms (which woke me up), rain, and more rain. But at least the temps will be normal for this time of year.
  4. He lives out in the boonies, on a dead-end street no less, so we're both surprised Google Streets paid a visit. I'm guessin' it's because of the County he's in, it abuts Cook County, the majority of which is the city of Chicago. The corner of the County I'm in is far more urbanized, but the REST is farmland, so I'm guessin' it'll be a long time before they see me cussin' while pickin' up the neighbor's trash out of the yard. Hope I see 'em comin', I'm gonna give them something to remember.
  5. It seems my nephew was bringing home the dry cleaning:
  6. I had to look that up. Dolores O'Riordan , then the radio (currently INXS).
  7. Was listening to the radio (Bob Marley, Buffalo Soldier was playing) but this thread reminded me I have a bunch o' podcasts to catch up on. Thanks!
  8. Raining mud? That's kinda cool, in a "thunder-snow" sort of way. We're under a Winter Storm Watch. On the first day of Spring. The warnings sound dire, but I expect an inch or two at most. It WILL be odd to have to shovel snow tomorrow.
  9. Whoa! And the worst of the Spring rains has yet to arrive.
  10. JDoors

    My Project

    Honda is a Canadian company now? STOP the presses! No point in gettin' defensive any more, Honda's products are nearly as "American" as Ford's now, though the companies remain Japanese and American, respectively (hence the continuing animosity). The only car I ever got a modified exhaust for was the Mustang. What I got was illegal, but that V8 burble sure sounded NICE! (That was back when my County was considered "rural," there were no inspections.)
  11. Well, it IS a fact that drinking water to excess, whatever the temperature, can kill you. Hey, the fact that drugs wind up in the water supply might mean anti-cancer drugs too, so drinking water can CURE cancer!
  12. JDoors


    A Texan's view of Texas:
  13. I REALLY didn't see that P.S. comin'.
  14. I was thinkin', "It's been a LONG time since I got THAT drunk," then I thought, "Wait, it doesn't matter because I've NEVER been THAT stupid!"
  15. Came home from work yesterday and turned on the local news. Caught a segment they do with a doctor who answers viewer questions. Someone wrote in and said they read that drinking cold water congeals the junk in your trunk (I'm paraphrasing), making it stick, which leads to cancer. The doctor said she knew where they must have read that information, an ad for herbal tea. The idea is bunk, it's just a made-up scare to get you to buy their tea. Today I get an e-mail forward saying if you drink cold water it congeals the junk in your trunk, making it stick, which leads to cancer! Ha! Interesting
  16. Why I love Winter and hate Summer: Ugh.
  17. On the other hand, how would a website help the local mom & pop video store, for example? How could they hope to compete with Netflix? The dive store, for one example, has the advantage of there being no 800 lb gorilla in the dive accesories market on the web. Kinda like what happened to local stores competing against the big box stores ... they can't. Some stores are going to get wiped out from large web dealers, some will adapt & add a few dollars here and there, some will do fine with or without the web. Unlike what some pundits say, that the web will "destroy" traditional marketin
  18. Pretty much ANY business better look at the web as an opportunity, or risk extinction. They wouldn't hesitate to stock new product, or purchase attractive displays, or advertise in various media, so there's no good reason to avoid the web, it's just another opportunity to sell.
  19. You spelled it wrong, it's not c-r-a-p, it's S-P-A-M.
  20. Actually, it looks like they DID! Still can't update, still no link to explain why my original info is getting rejected. Oddly enough, I can sign in using that information but if I try to update anything -- no dice. Yup, sounds like they pulled a G4!
  21. Yeah, I get the bank ones, or did until I fine-tuned my e-mail filter enough to eliminate them (though I occasionally peek in the trash to see what got rejected). I would NEVER answer a bank (or any other financial site) e-mail. But one I get regularly? That I only signed up to get the monthly e-mails? I'll be more careful though -- should'a used my 'favorites' link rather than the e-mail one just to be safe. Thanks for the reminder.
  22. In the comments section for the video someone said they lived there (or nearby) and, though it's not obvious, that's a steep hill (though looking at the street signs and lights it doesn't LOOK like a hill). ----- We get the occasional thunder-snow in the Chicagoland area, but it's so rare it's an "event" when it happens. Just recently I was typing away, snow was falling and I heard a BOOM! What the HECK was that?!? BOOM! Oh! Thundersnow! ----- Got a dusting yesterday that was gone as soon as the Sun came up, some predicted for today but I think it's supposed to pass South of where I am.
  23. Another good tip. Err, I did use the e-mail link (DOH!). I wonder if e-mail filters would catch the ACTUAL source and reject it? I have it set so if the source is not in my address book it gets rejected entirely. I know they can spoof the headers, so, would that trick an e-mail filter too? On the other hand (and to make myself feel not-quite-stupid), who would want my Scott's Lawncare screen name and password? There's no financial connection, so it's not "likely" to be a phishing attempt. I think. I hope. edit: I just remembered, when I went to the site they ALREADY had my personal i