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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Ya have to wonder if it's some psychological phenomena, and if it's particular to Windows or Microsoft users (does Apple get this kind of reluctance to upgrade?). Experience shows it's NOT the software, eventually most everyone upgrades. And then, like clockwork, it happens all over again. Familiarity? Stubborness? Inbred hatred of having to make a major upgrade, with all that entails? Personally, I've refused to upgrade to software that "requires" I contact Microsoft for "permission" to use it. I bought it, I don't care what they say, that GIVES me permission to use it. Like others, no matt
  2. Whoa, didn't know the video had a guy driving INTO that avalanche! I'd poo. OK, braggin' about your nicer weather's one thing, but ... YOU HAVE TO MOW ALREADY. Ha. It's been raining and was supposed to rain all day, then be nice for the next few days, but it looks like "nice" got here already: Some kind of warm glowing yellow ball has appeared in the sky. I wonder: It's been raining so much for so long I don't think there are any Earthworms in the soil any more, they're all on the sidewalks and driveway. That CAN'T be good for the soil. I think. Also: Been raining so much the river's
  3. BT, Emotional Technology Guess you'd classify it as "epic" electronic.
  4. How's that compare to my system? System: Monorail 750Mhz Pentium III Memory: slot 1 64Meg, slot 2 64Meg Total Ram: 128Meg HDD: Fujitsu 8Gig Other drives: A couple of 1G thumbdrives stuck in the back, non-working Zip 100 drive, non-working 3.5 floppy drive, non-working DVD-ROM OS: Windows 98SE MS Apps: The accessories that come with Windows 98SE Machine Name: This is a family board so I can't go there. Is it time for me to upgrade yet?
  5. Hey! A buddy of mine had a boat just like it. Other than forgetting to put the drain plug in before the maiden voyage, uh-hem, we had a lot of good times in it.
  6. Hopefully they'll have learned from Vista's mistakes, like being more specific than "Vista Capable." I imagine with such a wide range of capabilities this will be even more important.
  7. Can't see the larger pic on the site, not sure if there's a media download available (odd extension), but that small pic pretty much says it all! Yikes. Rain here, more rain, then, it's supposed to rain. For the moment, my lawn's greener than everyone elses. Whatever grass I have apparently needs lots of water so it looks great in the Spring, then when it gets warmer and dryer I have the worst looking lawn in the neighborhood. Not this year I suspect as two across-the-street neighbors never raked leaves so their lawns are smothered, and one's got kids who trash the yards with ... trash ... s
  8. Pretty imaginitive re-interpretation of the old standby e-mail forward about us old geezers.
  9. OK, I think I can get hold of everything but the MOOSE and RECTAL SCANNER.
  10. Have to give you props, roofing's hard work. Coincidentally, a flyer in the Sunday paper listed the membrane I needed, at $100 a roll (and I'd need many of them). The weather man! It's freakin' gorgeous today! But I worked last night and am way too tired to go outside (though I came home as the Sun was rising and did a bit of cleanup 'round the yard and refreshed some mulch before collapsing inside).
  11. Color me skeptical. Far as I know, no one even remotely associated with Microsoft has said anything like that. And with the firestorm over Vista's compatibility issues how can they even think of obsoleting ... EVERYTHING? Wait ... That's why they're so into VM maybe? A way around this? -----
  12. That sounds reasonable, until you consider what LOSING lawsuit after lawsuit might do to their trademark rights. "You haven't been able to defend the use of: "An Apple" -- under any circumstances, so you lose your right to the trademark." I'm inclined to believe it's the insular corporate culture there. "Hey, WE'RE Apple!" What's next? A trademark suit against the fruit itself?
  13. Looks like something I'd have been involved with in my "yoot." In a factory I worked in there were enormous rolls of paper, stacked on their sides nearly up to the ceiling. If you arrange them just so, you can build a room accessible by squeezing in between two stacks and stock it with, whatever. "Hey, where's Charlie? He's been gone a long time!" -- runs to break up poker game --
  14. My computer's gonna drive me to drinkin', that looks like a good solution!
  15. My roof's a lot less steep but if you wanna do yours instead, well, what can I say? Yeah, that looks uncomfortably steep. I have a sort of love/hate relationship with heights. I'll climb up there and do whatever, but I feel it. But I'll do it, so I'm not "scared" exactly, but I don't feel comfortable. Don't know what you'd call that. A healthy respect? Now let't talk price. Due to the structure under my roof there's a tendency for water damming in the winter, right in the middle of a large section of roof. So I'm thinkin' I'll have to use that membrane stuff clear up to at least the m
  16. JDoors


    Boom biddum widdum waddum choo? Boop boop be doo? Doze ee doe? No idea.
  17. "I'm Client Number Nie-ee-ine!" I noticed in the "related" box another half-dozen or so similar videos. Man, you can't get away with nuttin no more.
  18. C'mon over then, I'll buy the beer. Oh, you mean YOUR roof.
  19. But ... we were told consumer prices are skyrocketing because of the increase in transportation costs. How can that be if you're not passing on your higher costs in the first place? Are they just jacking up the prices of consumer goods to take advantage of us? Naw! That'd make them as bad as gas stations that raise prices before their costs actually go up. I'm sure that since the price of fuel isn't coming down anytime soon they'll be enough industry-wide pressure to get a higher rate. Sooner rather than later, huh?
  20. ALWAYS a good choice! First, Traffic, The Low Spark Of High Heeled Boys, now the radio, currently The Rolling Stones' Midnight Rambler. They're really big on The Rolling Stones lately since the release of their concert film. -----
  21. Don't know why but that reminded me of something that, now, makes me laugh. Before I could drive I worked at a mall. My big sister also worked there and drove us to and from work. One day we're driving home in the rain and, suddenly, there was the worst downpour I have EVER experienced. You could not see beyond the windshield -- At. All. We were going about 45 mph and were approaching the busiest intersection of the drive. We couldn't see how close we were to the intersection, whether or not there was any traffic there, we couldn't see if we were still on the road. Her response? Laughter. Hys
  22. That thought crossed my mind too but of course rail relies on diesel as much as trucking, so there's that, plus we're addicted to the flexibility and point-to-point delivery trucks make possible, and of course trucks will still be needed to transfer freight from rail depots to its final destination. Where's our quantum transporter? I mean, it's the 21st Century for cryin' out loud! Somebody needs to hold Star Trek responsible for promises made but not kept!
  23. Due to some weird crossfire in my brain I read the title as, "Air Force IQ Chart For UFOs." The ID chart was good, but I think an IQ chart would be at least equally funny.
  24. What's that? You mean there are government policies that increase their fuel costs? No way! Loved the snippet from the hearings: Government Nannys: "Considering your record profits, don't you think you could lower the cost of gas?" Evil Corporate Representatives: " -----silence-----" Ha! All the sound bites from the ECR's sounded SO lame. "Oh woe is us (yeah, us po' folk have ZERO sympathy), taxes are high (whaddabout that 18 million, or is it billion , dollar tax break you guys get?), our costs are high (and yet you're making money hand over fist -- must not be TOO high!), we can't drill i
  25. Johnny Cash - Personal File. That's some good a'singin' and a'story tellin' right there.