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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. "Gimme all your lovin', all your hugs and kisses too!" <guitar lick> Good choice. Yeah, the DVD-CD player in the computer ain't workin'. Brought the boombox in from the garage but have to let it acclimate to the indoor climate, so still listenin' to that power supply fan.
  2. Just the power supply fan ... I think my CD player finally bit the dust.
  3. Saw the commercial twice last night. Hee-hee!
  4. Saw that Coors commercial where they show a house done up with lights choreographed to that Trans-Siberian Orchstra song (which I can never remember the name but it was the song that first house famously used a few years back). Can't think about that without the song goin' through my head -- da-da-dA-da-da-dA-da-da-da-da-da-DA -- ba-ba-ba-ba! Right now, Fatboy Slim.
  5. That's because it skipped you and hit here! I'm far enough North of my weather-report area they SAID we'd get a couple inches of snow, we GOT six to ten. Drivin' to work last night was nerve-wracking. I'm "that guy" everybody hates, in a 4X4, zooming along like there's no tomorrow. Not last night. Since they thought we'd get off easy all the plows were further South and nothing got done here. I'd have been OK (I'm "that guy" after all) but for some reason a large cargo truck decided to come to a complete stop in the middle of the highway. I leave plenty or room in case something happens, lik
  6. "What? I thought those were the lyrics, that's how I learned it." Me too.
  7. That's why I didn't wait for her to say anything, I too have been through the same thing before. You're calling ME? And you're accusing ME of something? And you're asking ME for information? On MY time? On MY phone? And you're LIEING to me? GTFO! I also used to try to be reasonable and have also been immediately called back when I gave up and hung up on them, and, of course, they were then extremely rude, shouting and calling me names. Which is understandable since I'm such a hateful person. So, and also due to the other changes in phone etiquette that you've mentioned (in other words
  8. Sheesh, looks like they should pare that list down a bit. Looks like it's just a collection of every banner on the web! (OF COURSE I saved it. )
  9. Well, I kinda take some of that back, since I don't know anyone personally who's quick to blame others for their kids foibles. You made me think about my friend's kids, who've had their share of mischief, and who've always taken (or been given) responsibility for their actions. Guess it still happens in some families.
  10. Today I got called a "Hateful person" by a rep from some financial company that had been auto-dialing me for a month. This time the computer message named the person they were trying to contact, it wasn't me, so I picked up, waited five minutes to get a human (what's the point of making deadbeats wait five minutes?), then let them know in no uncertain terms they were not to call this number again. The lady kept trying to intererupt, I kept talking right over her. I didn't want to hear their spiel, I've heard it before, "Do you know this person, do you know where we can contact them, blah, blah
  11. Ahh, the "good ol' " days. Whatever happened to personal responsibility anyway? You got hurt, it was YOUR fault. Imagine that! You have a potentially dangerous toy or activity, YOU WERE TAUGHT TO BE CAREFUL. Just imagine!
  12. Good to know your spirits are recovering. Finally played through all the X-mas albums, today: Styx , The Complete Wooden Nickel Recordings Wow! This brings back memories. I'd forgotten how many good songs they had before they hit it big nationally (or, at least, songs I liked). Some of them are so familiar, even after all these years, it's surprising. I have the vinyls of all four albums, but not the will or patience to mess around with 'em, so I'm happy to have this CD. The liner notes (which I always read, just one of the many reasons I buy hard copies) claim the intro for one song is
  13. That was an interesting hunch! I don't think I'd have thought about changing my reason for cancelling to avoid having to talk to an incredibly annoying, professionally trained, "anti-cancel" rep. You probably passed up the chance to be "bribed" with some free downloads though (of course, then you'd have to remember to cancel again before they hit you up for more money). AOL (whatever happened to them? ) would give you six months free, time and time again, just to keep their membership numbers up. I admit, I took advantage of 'em for the longest time.
  14. Heh-heh ... Arbitrator.
  15. Err ... What are you saying? Dad???
  16. Nice! Some of my close co-workers are now asking me to do the Elf dance at work. Yeah, I didn't think that through.
  17. JDoors


    My favs. Add: You know you're old when the word "ointment" becomes a regular part of your vocabulary.
  18. JDoors

    Oh So True

    ... And yet, who gets the last laugh? Who do you think will wind up cleaning that mess? <duck>
  19. I like that saying, "If Bill Gates had a nickel for every time Windows crashed ... wait, he does!"
  20. OK, it's time. Dragged all my Christmas CD's into the computer room. Too many to list (must be close to thirty of 'em), but it's all Christmas, all the time! Right now: B.B. King , A Christmas Celebration Of Hope
  21. I think his greatest legacy is the practice of entertaining troops. We don't see it on TV like we used to (well, maybe you guys who get HBO and the like), but comedians still go all the time (recently watched a DVD of Kathy Griffon in Iraq, then another comedian ... I think it was Ralphie May).
  22. Oh yeah, that was a good episode!
  23. Ha, I was gonna add that sometimes we're asleep, so, no, not ALL the time. (Oh wait, that happens even when we're asleep ... drat.)
  24. Holy ... ! I'm SO sorry! Man, I'm gonna be extra-extra careful. No more shoveling in tennis shoes, I'm puttin' on those boots.