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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Great, now One More Time is goin' through my head. A 'mix' double CD by Fatboy Slim and Paul Oakenfold.
  2. I e-mailed that to friends and family. Not sure if they'll thank me for helping to clean their monitor!
  3. Heavy thunderstorms are rolling in earlier than expected. It's before noon but looks like it's night.
  4. I always thought "Slow Children" signs were funny. So they're not as bright as the other children, why do you have to advertise the fact? Sheesh!
  5. Oh Lordy, I would have never thought of that.
  6. The Moody Blues, On The Threshold Of A Dream ... at least, I think I must be.
  7. New guy at work, walking among a thousand customers and hundreds of employees, pickin' food out of his teeth with a toothpick. I diplomatically suggested picking your teeth was an activity best done in private, he didn't seem to understand the words that were coming out of my mouth. Is he a redneck?
  8. JDoors


    Now THAT'S funny. 'Nother opportunity for this pic:
  9. Did you take offense at the term or what? Just meant I don't recall Mel Torme coming up before, though I'm not sure it'd stick in my head if it had. Josh Wink, Profound Sounds Vol 2
  10. --Three-- Four! near-perfect Spring days in a row! Warm, but not too warm, breezy, but not too breezy. Today started Sunny, then a light sprinkle, then more Sun. Perfect biking weather, which I did Sunday. We did ~20 miles -- too much for the first ride of the year but it was SO beautiful out! -----
  11. Laugh Out Loud, seriously.
  12. The Cars, Greatest Hits Boy, they had quite a run back then, huh?
  13. I can understand, to some extent, people's reluctance to let the power company trim trees. The power company has, or had, no concern whatsoever for esthetics. There are some darn ugly results from such trimming. In some case I don't see that there's any choice but to trim out the entire middle section of a tree. The only other option would be to remove the offending tree entirely and I imagine those same people would scream about that, too. One of the things I liked about my town is all newer construction has underground utilities (newer being from back when the town began expanding back in t
  14. Wow. What a ... random ... selection. The Chemical Brothers, We Are The Night Includes the "novelty" song, The Salmon Dance, with ... The Beat Boxing Puffer fish!
  15. Yeah! Warmer weather equals power outages at least once a week but sometimes daily! Yeah! It's from a combination of extreme winds, construction, and an electric company (Commonwealth Edison) that pretends to care but does not. So, let's keep a running total: Tuesday 4/15: Momentary (1) Wednesday 4/16: Slightly more than an hour (1)
  16. JDoors

    My Project

    Is that mirror-polished stainless? Coo-ool! (Unless it makes your car sound like it's farting under water ... )
  17. Uhhh....uhhhhh..... (making jealous slobbery noises) ...
  18. Ooo ... I hadn't thought about using the check to upgrade ... No, gotta pay down debt (repeat). With prices the way they are I am not as inclined as some to complain about inflation. Bread may cost twenty cents more per loaf, but you can buy an entire computer for a quarter of what you'd think it would go for.
  19. Isn't that the most amazing thing? Zealously prosecuting criminals and all the while he's breaking the law himself. It's bewildering.
  20. JDoors

    My Project

    You'd think foglights would be a mature product, but they burn out prematurely, pop fuses, short out, rust, lose brightness, etc. We wouldn't stand for it if this lack of quality applied to, say, headlights.
  21. But that happens with EVERY OS upgrade. My Windows 3.x computer needed more memory to run Windows '98, the hard drive was barely adequate, the video wasn't up to the task, I needed updated drivers, etc.. Just like every OS upgrade. Back then I was an upgrade-aholic (and I had the money to spare) so I kept up, but, in addition to my moral quibble with having to ask permission to use something I've paid for, I don't have the money for a new system. Would I like to have Vista? I bet I would! It's more secure than ever, looks great, and everything's designed for it now. The whole "does not work w