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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Love the one where the guy's told all his answers must be oral. Uh-hem. Reminds me of the joke about the guy who calls 911 and says his hunting buddy's dead. The operator says, "Stay calm, first, make sure he's dead." She hears a gunshot, then "OK, he's dead, now what?"
  2. I checked that out on Snopes and it's TRUE! That's the latest trick and it works as far as the lazy and ignorant go since they don't check ANYTHING anyway, that line just "proves" they can forward the message in good conscience. It's true! A friend of a friend's sister's mother-in-law SAW IT! Look it up on Snopes! Grr. Click, nothin'. Click, nothin'. Click, click, click ... Nothin'! Then it's something they've sent at least once a year for the last five years. And I thought MY memory was bad. I've tried e-mailing them and saying "don't forward this stuff" but it do
  3. As I mentioned previously the CD/DVD player in my computer died, so I brought in the boombox. The CD player in the boombox died. THAT didn't take long. I have bad luck with electronics. Anyway: The radio. Until THAT dies too.
  4. You all know how many items sent via the Internet, either by e-mail or through forums or whatever, are, well, not exactly true. One example is, on another board, someone posted why you should not frequent a certain popular coffee chain. They had their facts wrong but few seemed to care, even after being informed of the false nature of the post, evem after a link was posted where they could find accurate information, a snippet from that link was posted that contained irrefutable evidence, and they continued to post as if the message were true. I got an e-mail forward from a long-distance frien
  5. Brings back some awesome memories. I grew up in Chicago where they have an 'air & water' show every year. Since I lived by the lakefront and spent every spare moment at the lake I got to see all the practice runs. Once, while standing on the beach I looked out over the lake and saw a plane headed right at me, maybe 20-30 feet above the water. It looked odd because the nose was tilted up something like 45 degrees, which I figured, once it got close enough to tell, it had to do to fly at such an incredibly slow speed (I'd never seen a 'warplan' go that slow before!). As it reached the beac
  6. Ha! I've never seen those before. Hilarious.
  7. What kind of connection do you have? With DSL I can either listen to music online or surf the web, but not both. I'm not sure if it's the connection speed that's the limiting factor or my hamster-wheel driven confuser.
  8. Security Now podcast with Steve Gibson. Unfortunately, they're talking about cyphers and encryption in such depth that it's all gibberish to me.
  9. JDoors

    My Project

    Oh-h-h! It ALREADY does not exist. NOW it makes sense.
  10. JDoors

    G4 Down Agan?

    Always seems to happen when I've just researched some subject or gone through a lot of bother to obtain a particular pic or file, I go back to post it, and ... no response.
  11. Grrr. Not sure if I like the "solution" of printing one side of a booklet in one language, and if you flip the thing over it's done in another language. I guess it's the easiest to deal with considering the other options. Sure beats those map-like mega-folded things where you can't figure out if you've seen the entire manual or not because there's print EVERYWHERE. Another bother: TEENSY PRINT. OK, if you just bought a microscope , I guess it's ok. Don't remember what I bought but I tried to read the manual and I just gave up, "Yeah, RIGHT! Whatever!" On "hidden" features: I hate when this-
  12. JDoors

    My Project

    Wish I had written down and saved some of the more poorly translated manual instructions I've come across over the years. One went something like, "It are to be put side part B to be down to complete." Say WHAT? (No doubt there's a website devoted to such things.) That's the price you often must pay when you are on the cutting edge of technology (which I used to be).
  13. Somebody had to say it! (Great Avatar isteve!) Here's a hint about how obsessive I am: When I first got a real computer, I read the DOS manual. Cover-to-cover. Didn't know the first thing about computers. Nothin' about DOS. Didn't even understand 99% of what I was reading! But once I started using the computer, some of that knowledge had somehow leaked into my brain, and I picked up DOS pretty darn quick (well, if you don't count all the time I spent reading and re-reading what I just read 'cause I didn't have a clue what I just read).
  14. First thing I do when I get something new: Read The Manual. Cover-to-cover. Only then do I start to play with the item in question. How many of you ever crack open a manual?
  15. JDoors

    My Project

    Did you find the manual?
  16. Here's the thing. Everyone does NOT know they're lying. Everyone does not have Internet access, everyone does not own a car, etc. There are enough people who don't know about the scam, or who are not skeptical of them, yet, added to those who know but think maybe this one time it will work, plus those who are essentially addicted to buying or who are extrememly susceptible to professionally made, highly researched (as far as "what works") "pitches." It's the ages-old "Brooklyn bridge" thing. Nothing new.
  17. I'm still tryin' to grasp the "fact" that since the Universe is infinite, there will be duplicate combinations of ... everything ... somewhere else. An identical galaxy, planetary system, an identical Earth, every single thing ON Earth, duplicated, and at the exact same point in time (someone exactly like me is typing this message at this exact moment ... Arrghh).
  18. This is getting almost embarrassing, but I'm blasting Dream Theater's Systematic Chaos ... AGAIN. Man I love that album.
  19. Needs another: Because I am a Man, I do not comprehend the term "Hint." I don't know what it means, what it is, what it's used for, how to use it, I will refuse to admit such a term even exists. If you want something, tell me what it is. If you need something, spell it out s-l-o-w-l-y. If I did something wrong, I apologize and I won't do it again. Never, ever, believe that a man will "take a hint" or "get the hint" (also applies to the interchangeable term "clue").
  20. Now that I have the boombox in the room I tend to just tune in the radio rather than browse my CDs, though right now I'm listening (again) to Physical Graffiti.
  21. What if you are destined to die in your sleep? (Oh wait, that's not really funny.)
  22. JDoors

    My Project

    ... I guess ... I used to do whatever work was needed (probably the most dramatic was removing the entire dash to replace one part that sat behind it, though I've also removed and rebuilt an engine in my garage) ... But now? God, I hate crawling around working under a car (I used to do it for a living actually, my first "real" job was working on cars). In this case it's just a simple matter of removing a nut from the bottom of the link ... a relatively large nut on a stud with relatively coarse threads. Should be easy, but the link spins when you turn the nut. So, grab the link with something