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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. King Crimson. Probably'll play that Rolling Stones one again after.
  2. JDoors

    My Project

    I had a thought today (just one), get another car. Not a replacement mind you, just something to drive that A.) Gets better mileage (for commuting, long trips, etc.), B.) I never have transportation when the Explorer's in the shop (so I sit at home and wait for the repairs to be done), and C.) I used to have two cars and miss having that option, and the backup when needed. I somehow managed to squeeze out the cash for the monthlies on the Explorer, and that's been paid off for about a year now, so ... another payment? Doesn't hurt to start looking. Unfortunately, if past experience is anyth
  3. JDoors

    My Project

    Well, count me skeptical that a spoiler has any discernible effect at highway speeds, but whatever keeps you shiny-side-up is good, and they look good too. (Think about how large the spoilers and wings are on race cars, and they have to go 100, 150, 200 miles per hour to create enough downforce to have a major effect. Sprint cars may go slower, but their wings ARE FREAKIN' HUGE, half the size of the entire vehicle ... so ... a lip? I dunno.). Of course, when I had a sporty coupe I added a front dam and a rear spoiler, so there you are.
  4. JDoors

    My Project

    So I'm drivin' to work and hear rattle-rattle-clatter every time I hit a bump, comin' from the front left corner. After work I jack up the car, slide underneath, and the left front swaybar link is broken. Tried to take off the link but it's not budging without power tools. On a hunch, I look at the right link. Of course, it's broken too! I wonder how long THAT'S been there? Call my mechanic (since I can't budge the bolts), start telling him about the noise and he says, "So the swaybar link's broken?" Uh-yep, how'd ya know? He couldn't get it done that day so I have an appointment Monday.
  5. I had a good laugh, I mean, Sears?!? Then I remembered: That's where I bought MY first computer! Oops.
  6. JDoors


    You'll get used to it. Welcome, and good luck if you enter the drawing!
  7. Wah-wah-wahwahwah, wahwahwahwahwahwah, wah-wah-wah! Friend & co-worker gave me: The Best of The Rolling Stones: Jump Back and AC/DC, Back In Black (remastered). I didn't have any of either before (on CD, have 'em on vinyl). I kept lookin' in the bins and thinking, "Sheesh, they have fifty-ka-jillion albums! Where do I start?!?" This is as good a place as any.
  8. That'sss ssssoooooo cuuuuute!
  9. Wonderin' if Kahlua kills bacteria ...
  10. Genius (now officially elevated from "brilliant"). Can't use Vista, will likely be workin' or sleepin' when the chat takes place, but good luck and have fun with it. And good luck to all who enter!
  11. JDoors


    Happens all the time. Just in my own work history I've seen drug abuse, theft, assault, etc. There was a murder at work just last year (an estranged husband killed someone I work with).
  12. Wow, you've been Googling each other for over two years!
  13. You're not alone. These guys are describing their FIRST machines and everybody's chuckling about how weak and backwards they were, but some of their first machines have better specs than the one I'm using now! And this is my third system! Started with some Commodore dead-end system (DOS, Windows hadn't come out yet), then a 386SX clone (Windows 2.x), now this one (with Windows 98SE).
  14. JDoors

    My Project

    I hear ya on navigation. I used to be lost-lost-lost. Not sure what happened or when, I think it was just an attitude change, but now I never "feel" lost. Whatever road I'm on will eventually lead to a major road and I'll get back on track. It also helps that the Explorer has a compass (wow, compared to a TomTom that's embarrassingling low tech, isn't it?). At least with that I know which WAY I'm going: You know the feeling, you're on some road going generally in the direction you want to go, the road curves here and there, and now you have NO idea if you're still headed in the right direction
  15. The 2007 Grammy Nominees CD. I listed 'em before but here's some: Gnarls Barkley Mary J. Blige Corinne Bailey Rae John Mayer Red Hot Chili Peppers Carrie Underwood Imogen Heap Christina Aguilera Natasha Bedingfield Sheryl Crow Pink KT Turnstall James Blunt John Legend Paul McCartney Daniel Powter Black Eyed Peas Death Cab For Cutie The Fray Keane And more. If you can't find something you like out of those you're dead. (Or maybe you like the crappy ones I left off the list!)
  16. The light mist last night turned into horizontal snow squalls as the cold front moved through. Very high winds. Came home to find one element from my TV antenna sticking up out of the front yard, broke off the mast and skewered right into the ground! I left it there 'cause it looks funny.
  17. I've been shoppinng online for years. I'm still occasionally surprised at what you can get online that would be nearly impossible to track down in any stores nearby. Back in the early eighties I got an LP that was one of those "perfect" albums, every song a gem. Well, that was before CDs came out, not every LP from back then is going to be released as a CD and I had about given up hope that this one would be (believe me, I looked). Lo and behold, on a hunch, I searched for the title. Amazon had it! A relatively obscure six-string guitar player's LP on CD. Perfect! And clothes! I'm a BIG guy a
  18. Dangit, I'd move next door to ya if I weren't so attached to living here. Yes, I love snow that much. I know, ya'll are thinkin': -->
  19. JDoors

    Earth Quake

    Wow, 6.9. Thank God for the somewhat limited injuries (can't help thinkin' what a 6.9'er would do to L.A., San Fransico, etc.). Watch out for the after-shocks.
  20. An option I didn't have with the computer sound system, the radio: WXRT Chicago's Finest Rock
  21. JDoors


    Then you don't even want to know the place we went to wedges a DingDong onto the rim of each glass.
  22. Music on this system just isn't an option (too old, too anemic, eg. an 8G hard drive). Hard to justify buying anything new for it (like a replacement CD player, however cheap they may be -- if they're even available any more), though I do have a few "parts" systems I might try to scavenge for one (worried about working drivers for it though). Anyway, the boombox is an excellent one (nearly as good as the PC's sound system, one of the few things I have upgraded on the system,), so: DREAM THEATER! (What else? ) -----
  23. Philosophy: unintelligible answers to insoluble problems. --Henry Brooks Adams The philosophy of one century is the common sense of the next. --Henry Ward Beecher
  24. JDoors


    Went out yesterday and had a rather large amount of adult beverages. Whoa. Hadn't done THAT in a while. I don't like the taste of alcohol so it's easier for me to just not drink than it is to find something I like to drink. Two words: Chocolate Martini.