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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. So ... (I'm still using 98SE) it WAS NOT cached for hard drives, by default, with no option to change it? Is there still an option to cache or not for removeable drives (as there is in 98SE)? -----
  2. Thanks for mentioning a potential liability from calling them. Got another e-mail urging I update my account. There was an 800 number prominently listed, in case I needed help updating my information. Now why would they think I might need to have a human walk me through something as simple as creating/updating an online account? Oh, right, because their site is poorly designed, that's why. I thought maybe they figured out they suck and fixed it, so I tried again with identical results. I spent a little more time trying to find information on what it was they were expecting me to put in the v
  3. Yeah, I complain about this a lot. So Scott's, the fertilizer etc. company sends me an e-mail saying they've updated their site. So? Who doesn't do that? Oh ... They're requesting I sign in and change/update my profile. I sign in and my account info comes up. Hmm, I must have given them my real name at some point (I never do that any more, must've joined ages ago). My "screenname" is automatically filled in as my last name (a no-no in my book), so I change the information, type in the password to confirm, and: Error: First name field is not within accepted parameters Error: Password f
  4. I assume they don't care that Vista's method is safer and more secure, it's slower, and that's what they actually "see." Since the service pack is supposed to speed things up (pretty dramatically according to some sources) I wonder if they skipped the write step?
  5. Too funny! And fairly typical of "those were the days" hindsight as XP received its share of criticism during its lifetime.
  6. Ha ... About the only thing worse than being stuck in bad weather, is heading INTO bad weather. That awful feeling you get as conditions rapidly deteriorate. ----- True to predictions, last night's rain's turning to snowy conditions (with that very specific sound against the siding, a sort of "tinkling," as the rain turns to sleet).
  7. This morning: Seasonable. Tonight: Rain. Tomorrow: Snow. We're above average for snow.
  8. JDoors


    Takes on another meaning, what with a fence actually being built (at least, along the Southern border).
  9. I was going to say UPN , thought about it, and for some reason thought The CW would be even funnier.
  10. JDoors


    Two women were playing golf. One teed off and watched in horror as her ball headed directly toward a foursome of men playing the next hole. The ball hit one of the men. He immediately clasped his hands together at his groin, fell to the ground and proceeded to roll around in agony. The woman rushed down to the man, and immediately began to apologize. "Please allow me to help; I'm a Physical Therapist and I know I could relieve your pain if you'd allow me," she told him. "Oh, no, I'll be all right. I'll be fine in a few minutes," the man replied. He was in obvious agony, lying in the fetal p
  11. You mean like not letting anyone steal your computer for a few minutes after you turn it off? JK!
  12. A juvenile felon AND a comedian! Sounds like a pitch for the next big TV show: Irregular Joe, lived his life on the hard streets, served his time in juvvy hall where he finds salavation putting on shows as a stand-up comedian! Meet the people in his life, old friends still scratching out a living, new friends and hangers-on ... and ... a new love! Watch flashbacks of his tough years, the discovery of his talent at juvvy hall, the biting satire of his current career, and the trials and tribulations of the life of a comedian, on the CW next fall!
  13. Security Now podcast with Leo LaPorte & Steve Gibson.
  14. Aww, you'd only be charged as a juvenile, hardly worth the effort. I've wondered about the current practice of businesses pre-printing a return address on the envelope, different from the address the envelope is to go to. Would the P.O. send an unstamped letter to the alternate address, even though it's the same company? Or would they go ahead and open the mail to determine the correct return address?
  15. Temps are going up and there's less snow so my mileage has risen to ... wait for it ... FOURTEEN! Prices went back down ten cents so we're at ten over recent prices. I'm guessin' we're going to see a LOT of volatility in gasoline prices as a matter of course from now on. Not necessarily always higher, just up or down almost daily.
  16. Regarding "tricking" the PO to deliver mail, first, it may be considered mail fraud, a felony, second, if they suspect mail fraud they WILL open the mail to determine the correct addressee. If they can determine it was mailed by YOU, you're busted for mail fraud. To save ~40 cents? The one cent increase is the amount they're now allowed to charge annually (inflation), and with "forever" stamps it doesn't cost anything extra to print up new stamps (they'll just charge the new amount for whatever they have on hand). Regarding not using stamps at all, I just signed on to my bank's site and "Onl
  17. I'm not going to get specific but some of those reasons "to switch" are basically saying, "Windows can do that too." Not exactly a compelling reason TO switch if you use a Mac. "So? I already have that feature, why should that be a REASON to switch?" Some of the reasons are phrased in such a way as to say, "The Mac should do [this or that]" instead of explaining, clearly for those who don't use Windows, WHY those things are important or better. Such as "rightclick." WHY should the Mac have that? I know why, you know why, but Mac users may not, so it's not really a compelling argument TO swit
  18. When did they change the law so the P.O. can raise rates yearly? They no longer have to "apply" for a rate increase, they can automatically raise them up to the prevailing rate of inflation, every year, apparently every March from this point on. I didn't hear about it until just recently. Seems to me you should stock up on "forever stamps," buying as many as you might need for the next few years, so you won't have to pay the now obligatory yearly increases.
  19. You can't tell ahead of time. Don't let the bad experiences color your future ones though; You may be reading too much into what happened, or misinterpreting it entirely, or any of a number of things that may not be an accurate assessment of what just happened (even if she said exactly what you think she said, she could be making things up, to make it easier on herself, or believing it will make things easier on you, or just to tick you off out of spite). Two years from now you may see things differently, if you think about it at all, eventually you'll forget all about it, so there's no good r
  20. Now I know why the 20 cent jump 'round here (well, technically, the real reason is opportunism).
  21. I've been in some scary situations in my Jeep, and some difficult situations in the Explorer but ... I dunno if I have the cajones for THAT road.
  22. Huh. I don't remember having to DO anything other than connect the DSL modem and run the software. All the settings and connections were changed automatically.
  23. Around 30 degrees (F), rain tonight, temps dropping so the rain turns to ice (yeah), then more snow tommorrow (YEAH!).