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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Wow, just had a flashback. I used to have a bunch of fancy glass bottles. Thought I'd fill 'em with colored water and arrange them by a window so the sunlight would glimmer through all those pretty colors. Neat. 'Til I noticed some of that sunlight was suspiciously concentrated on nearby surfaces. End of arrangement. That may be why this recall rang a bell.
  2. Sunlight could pass through the candle-holder, igniting nearby materials:
  3. Let's see ... I use about eight gallons a week, times five bucks ... thats forty bucks a week. I just have to show up at work and I make that much, so, no biggy. If you've actually had one of the new fivers in your hands you might agree with me, it looks fake. I guess I'm just not used to so many colors on a bill. Seen the hub-bub about making denominations apparent to the blind? Makes sense, but that'll require MAJOR changes, a few new colors will pale in comparison. Re: Metric measurements. Funny and accurate as far as fooling some into thinking the price is "better" somehow, but the Metr
  4. JDoors

    My Project

    Kinda tough to see the new exhaust from those angles ...
  5. Honda, you could always pick up a rag and dust ...
  6. Somebody read the instructions ...
  7. Well, I get that if you're up against a competitor that opens a bajillion stores just to grab as much market share as they can, you HAVE to get into those markets somehow. You're not just going to give up all those customers. But you better DO it better than your competitor, or you're toast. Cheaper won't cut it, IF you can manage to undercut your competitor in the first place, which isn't likely since everyone's content comes from the same eight factories in China. You can't get better products for the same reason. Better service? Is that good enough? I'd think so, or at least I hope so, and
  8. I thought that was too easy, I got the instructions wrong and wound up with a big fat zero!
  9. I haven't even been tempted to check it out, so the twitter over Twiter isn't making much of an impression it would seem. Today, the radio, currently morning blather. Am I getting crabby?
  10. To add insult to injury, is that a boogie on that finger?
  11. On the other hand ... You don't HAVE to get old!
  12. JDoors


    It was bound to happen sooner or later ...
  13. All the podcasts I download once a week. Unfortunately, the current one, and I won't have to name names for most of you, they're yapping about Twitter and politics. Blah-blah-blah. -----
  14. Nope, no audio. I only tried it once, yesterday, didn't have any other audio running nor had I run any audio program before, so I didn't know what was up. Don't have the time today but I'm sure I'll figure it out (since all other flash-based audio works elsewhere, I'm sure it'll work ... eventually).
  15. On the other hand, it was a good day for the killer whale!
  16. In honor of their "Farewell Tour,": The Police, Every Breath You Take (greatest hits compilation) SNL did a "news" bit about how The Police were donating a million dollars to charity: "'A million dollars?,' said The Police who are NOT Sting."
  17. I never liked their stores either. Too industrial. I mean, bare bones supposedly says, "low prices," but their stores were like shopping in a dark back alley. Unnerving. (At least that's what they looked like when I stopped going there, I dunno if they spruced them up later 'cause I never went back.) And I never understood why any store would open close to an indentical store. I understand, for example, a Sears and a JC Penney being close to each other. They have a slightly different product mix and sell to a slightly different clientele. But Circuit City and Best Buy? Both have an identica
  18. I would LOVE to add some new artists to my collection, this seems like a sound idea. Uh-hem. Speaking of sound, I don't get any with that site. Kinda defeats the purpose.
  19. That's the price of a gallon of skim milk, how much is a gallon of gasoline out your way? Had a discussion with friends about how much more difficult and expensive it is to find, aquire, transport, refine, transport again then dispense gasoline compared to the production path for milk. You already know where the cows are (they're in the barn), a milking machine is basically a vacuum cleaner, you heat it, bottle it and ship it to the store (to oversimplify it). Compare that to the enormous expense of exploration, drilling, refining, transport, etc. for gas, yet both are pretty close in
  20. An off-the-wall choice (you could say, "random" ): Saffire: The Uppity Blues Women & Friends, Broad Casting. Includes such estrogen-fueled gems as: One Hour Mama Dump That Chump OBG WHY me blues Ragtime Rag, and Shake The Dew Off The Lily (a euphemism for that first bathroom visit in the morning) If I recall, I bought the CD based on hearing one or two songs and the fact that it's on Alligator Records (a local blues supporter).
  21. Straight gasoline would be illegal here. Ten percent ethanol is mandated by all our local governments to meet pollution standards (at least, they use ethanol to meet the standards, I don't know if there's some other way they could do it). I didn't think about the better mileage we'd all be getting with straight gasoline ... grr. Can't complain TOO much since our air quality has greatly improved over the years since the mandate despite tremendous growth. Regular's getting pretty close to the $4.00 mark ... it'll surely hit it this Summer. That's still half of what they pay in Europe so
  22. Thanks. I keep all the anti-malware stuff current, but I'll run a manual check just to be sure. Edit: Got another one today, the header included the "to" address, slightly scrambled, and it was for some web meds type of thing, so yeah, it's probably a new take on SPAM, just another way to trick you into opening their junk mail. -----
  23. For the last couple of days my "suspect" mailbox has had two, three or more "E-mail delivery" mails. They look like official bounce-backs, but opening one in a safe mode revealed no addresses known to me. If you're not getting them yet ... you probably will. (I could, of course, just ignore the suspect mailbox, but I check once in a while in case something slipped my mind.)