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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. ... unless he's discovered the secret to consumer-level nuclear fission ...
  2. JDoors

    Banking Help

    Credit Union National Coop -- Locate a CU in your area! Many, if not all, Credit Unions are disassociating themselves from their original affiliated groups for various reasons and will accept most anyone.
  3. I think he's cleverly misrepresenting what's going on: He's adding water to OTHER fuels. So yes, he drove 100 miles and only used four ounces of water, IN ADDITION to an unspecified amount of other fuel (apparently gasoline).
  4. Vintage Technology home page
  5. JDoors

    Old West

    Well, that about ruins every cowboy movie ever made now, doesn't it?
  6. I don't understand. What does that mean, "at the posted speed limit?" You can DO that? Really? You won't get run over or shot?
  7. I grew up in the big city, we always rented. I "dreamed" of owning a home, a place of my own, MY property, to do with as I saw fit. Then I moved to the suburbs and learned about the real world. Can't "see" the trash cans from the street, can't let the grass grow too long, can't NOT shovel snow, have to paint when someone else says so, no clotheslines (grr, I don't think we have that one but that would tick me off), no working on your car (unless you hide out in your garage, assuming you can actually fit a car in there), no outside storage of, well, most anything. What else? What othe
  8. I didn't feel like getting into the whole "logging" thing last time but ... "Profits! Profits! Profits! -- Now! Now! Now!" Sure Loblolly Pine (or whatever they use now) grows fast, but the wood sucks! Are they ignorant or something? Many (or most) lumber companies own enough acreage to revolve cutting stands less often than they do now, thus allowing REAL trees to grow REAL wood. But no-o-o-o ... As long as they ALL do it we have no choice but to scrounge around the lumber yard picking the "least worst" boards for our projects. "They" say a board with a "tight" knot is "strong enough,
  9. I thought you said "Greek Prom." Favorite quote: "I am geeky in a very, like, analog, old-school sense." Loved the "binary" F/X light.
  10. I can't imagine any adult actually watching more than one minute of that show.
  11. One of the "smells of summer" AND one of the "sounds of summer": Circular saws rippin' through wood. Barely related: A friend was remodeling his older home. Once he tore down the drywall and exposed the studs underneath I was in awe: Old-growth wood. No knots, clear and straight, every board, every square inch, perfect. It was so beautiful I was almost brought to tears ... The wood we have now is horrible by comparison (unless you pay an enormous premium, but it's not like anyone could afford to build an entire home out of premium lumber).
  12. The formatting of your text makes it difficult to know exactly what you're looking for but it appears you've looked at your firewall's log file and for whatever reason you are worried about what you found there. Don't worry at all. The firewall is blocking all that stuff, you're safe. Now, WHY is all that stuff there? Because there are hundreds of thousands of morons trying to find a bank computer or a company computer or anything interesting at all, and they use programs that scroll through every Internet address possible (which happens to include yours). If your firewall's working, they d
  13. Actually, a fake video camera would probably do the job. They have 'em with an LED (battery powered) so it looks like it's definitely turned on. And watching. And recording. "I was looking at my security tapes and they showed you must have wandered into my yard by mistake ... again." Should be enough to discourage her. And I still think tarps have potential as a compromise (plus, as long as you leave room underneath for air circulation, they'll protect your equipment).
  14. Actually, most new cars turn off the compressor (or turn it down) when idling (or they have that "feature" available as some sort of "economy" mode). At any rate, anyone buying an alternative fuel vehicle will have to accept several compromises, for now. Just saw an episode of "Great Cars" on alternative fuels and I was surprised to learn Ferdiniand Porche created the first hybrid vehicle in 1900! (Not technilogically feasible for production though.)
  15. If you're not violating any ordinances, let it go (easily said, huh?). You may be stuck with them for a long time. (What, they didn't see the neighborhood before them moved in? NOW they want to change it?) If it remains an issue you could compromise by covering it with a tarp (if not already done). Guess I've been lucky, the only complaints I remember getting have been legitimate (loud music at an inappropriate time, sump discharge turning their yard into a swamp, a roommate's dog not being leashed).
  16. Before I even looked at the site, I read in your post that you were "tweaking" the look and knew it would be one of the best-looking M/S sites I'd ever seen. Yup, it is. You evil creative genius you. Ha-ha! I found a typo!
  17. That info was in there somewhere, but I got all confused and stuff.
  18. To be fair regarding Teflon, you have to overheat it drastically for those fumes to form (but then, who hasn't left a pan on too long?). My problem with Teflon and its ilk is I don't care how "strong" they say it is, it chips and flakes and wears. Is that pepper or Teflon particles? Sometimes I wonder. Since there's no nutrition to be had it passes right through you ... but do you really want it inside you in the first place? (Maybe it counts as fiber?) On the other hand, when it's in good shape it cleans up like a charm, and you only need a little (or no) oil. When non-stick was fairly new
  19. Since there is a current virus/Trojan out there that has the effect of random reboots, I'd make sure that's not your problem first. I recommend posting a HiJackThis log in the Malware Removal board (read the instructions if you haven't done this before or need an update).
  20. My eyes began to glaze over 'til I read the project name "GlassFish." Still, it's a good thing, and a smart thing, they're doing. Though we'd have to wait to see how it's actually implemented (I can see them screwing it up, making it more trouble than it's worth).
  21. JDoors

    Google Is Full?

    -- Nevermind, I see the fine point now. --
  22. ... now I'm havin' doubts ... You're still stickin' to the "fuel" story, huh?