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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Thanks for the info, I usually go to RS for the fuses but they never carried the exact fuse. I've always had to go a quarter amp lower than I designed the system for. No BIG deal, but 'cause I'm out the subwoofer right now the extra strain makes that quarter amp significant. The lower spec fuses blow when they normally would not have done so had the subwoofer been 'absorbing' the lowest frequencies. I can either keep replacing the lower spec ones 'til the sub's back online, or I was hoping to find a source for the exact amperage (1 3/4 amp slo-blow). Or, of course, I can turn down the volume f
  2. I'll bet they were laughing about that one during the planning stages! (How 'bout the canned beans section?)
  3. I've done IE repair installs without needing the original disk, the necessary files were in a folder on my drive (the default installation of the OS on my machine included this folder). You may have this too. Try the repair, your OS may already know where to look on your drive for any needed files.
  4. I think I just had a record for me, a forward with so many imbedded forwards it crashed my machine before I could open them all to get to the actual content. WHY I even bothered, I don't know.
  5. Thanks for the thought, but I have yet to be sucked into the E-bay Ultraverse (or Myspace, or .... ). On the topic of the speakers, I have a sub-woofer cabinet that's HUGE with a fifteen-inch, ported woofer. I heard some unusual 'rasping' and checked out the speaker. The foam surround disintegrated at my touch. OK, I already replaced the woofers and mid-ranges in the satellites, 'bout time I replaced the sub-woofer too. Yeouch! Everywhere I look, fifteen-inch subwoofers designed for large, ported cabinets cost several hundred dollars. That's just for the driver, I didn't spend that much to bu
  6. How appropriate then is the recent Dilbert strip series?:
  7. Whoa, that's a LOT of jokes, stories and ideas!
  8. At least she looked good when she went.
  9. I hesitate to re-engineer the panel the fuses are installed into -- The panel has, in addition to the fuse holders, two toggle switches for the electronics inside the speaker box, and silk-screened labels for the fuses and functions of the switches. All this fits into a hole that's identical to the hole for the tweeter and positioned so the fuse panel and tweeter positions can be swapped depending on the orientation of the cabinet. I built them oh, twenty years ago or so, back when I had that sort of ambition for electronic projects. I'm not that interested in starting over ... So I gue
  10. Love it! Why do some people think they're exempt from the "Do Not Call" list and the "No Solicitors" sign on my front door (for example, religions & not-for-profits)? I ... do ... not ... want ... to ... be ... disturbed. (Well, in one way, I already am, but that's beside the point.)
  11. I just wish I hadn't been so freaked out and desperate to get rid of that ... thing ... as soon as possible, and had the presence of mind to get the camera before destroying the evidence. No one's gonna believe it must be what I can only conclude that it was. <DAMN! I still get the involuntary shudders when I think about ... it.>
  12. Cool idea, but I have to question the wisdom of posting a phone number on Angelfire ...
  13. I don't remember seeing "slo-blow" fuses in auto parts stores, but I'll look again (plus, haven't they all changed over to those plastic thing-a-ma-bobs with two blades?). (iccaros: That link didn't work for me, I'll try the main URL when I have more time, thanx.)
  14. Will we EVER learn? Then someone will find a bug that kills the plant, then we'll need a lizard that eats the bugs, then we need a shovel to dig us out of the hole we dug. This just breaks my heart (in spite of the brave smile):
  15. That's what they ALWAYS say, even AFTER you get bit! The only dangerous creatures 'round here are Black Widow and Brown Recluse spiders. They're not exactly "deadly," but I still wouldn't want to get bit by one.
  16. ANOTHER one I have to remember darn it. Today I used a modified version of this type of phrase. A co-worker was trying to tell another something important. The other person wasn't really paying attention. I said, "It's not that he's not listening, it's just that he doesn't care."
  17. I have speakers I built back in da-day, and the woofers use 1 3/4 amp slo-blow fuses (the small metal-tipped glass tubes). Now, thirty years later, I can't find a local source for these fuses. I occasionally find and use 1 1/2 amp slo-blow fuses in their place, but anyone have an idea where to go to find the correct fuse? Radio Shack was my source for the 1 1/2 amp fuses, they never had 1 3/4 amps, and now they sometimes don't have even the 1 1/2 amps. If I have to switch to another type of protection (can't think of the name right now, the ones you push a reset button), where would I get tho
  18. Wait a minute ... You mean I HAVEN'T won ten million dollars?!?
  19. God, I hope I can remember that one ... It's just so ... USEFUL!
  20. This one and the trooper one: Hilarious. Lots of other good ones in there too. ------ Ooo! I thought of a good use for a modified version of the above phrase, a back-handed compliment (for those times when someone does something annoyingly dumb): "Thank you, without your ignorance, my knowledge would be meaningless."
  21. I'd suit up and jump. Goodbye plane, and goodbye snake! Actually he did what anybody would do, would HAVE to do. (BTW, I'm not as scared of snakes as I am of rat-bugs.)
  22. Quick! Run it over with a lawnmower! Hey, worked for me.
  23. ... I think the cat knows something about the cows ...