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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. If you feel justified in your paranoia then I'd recommend doing a websearch for a hardware solution -- There are devices which all you have to do is unplug a dongle (or similar device) when you leave the system. Unlike just setting a password they cost money, they must be installed by someone with a certain level of skill, and whatever they actually DO can be UNDONE by an absolutely determined person with some engineering skills, but most people will have no idea what's been done or how to undo it. To them your system will simply appear to be dead. Have you been able to access the BIOS to see
  2. Many have similar opinions of the U.S., which is why I sub-titled the thread as I did. Take care.
  3. Finally! A computer that can run Vista!
  4. umm ... Yup, crazy. That was hilarious ... Imagine the glee on lawyer's faces if they pulled that stunt here.
  5. Is this immediately upon logging in, or after he runs a program (especially a game)? If it's after running a program, that program is misbehaving, changing the resolution then not changing it back (at least, that used to be the source of this type of problem -- XP may be immune, or not). If it's immediately I believe there must be a program running at startup that does this, use a Startup Manager utility to look at what starts up with his setup and see if you can figure out what might be doing this.
  6. If you're actually LEAVING it'd be fine to shut it off, wouldn't it? I know that's not your habit, but the entire reason you're looking for some security is because you're doing something unusual, which I'd say justifies shutting it down this time. As for the BIOS password I have to agree with some others that anyone willing to disassemble your case, find & remove the CMOS battery, wait, reinsert it, restart the system, hope no custom BIOS settings were necessary for the system to run, THEN access your system (after cracking whatever OS security is is place too), then Jeez, let 'em have i
  7. Would that be that thing over there, or the other one over there?
  8. So you know: Not all screensavers have a password option, hence it will be greyed out for those. I wouldn't rely on a screensaver password (it's OK for keeping the screen contents private when you step away from the system for a moment) but if you ever need one keep trying different screensavers 'til you find one with this option. The BIOS password would prevent most casual users from accessing the system: During bootup press the key combination for your system to access the BIOS (you may see the combination displayed in the text that scrolls during bootup, or you can do a web search for som
  9. Maybe I'm too sensitive, but my eyes watered at this message of love and respect for our Aussie brothers and sisters: Loyal Allies, Mate! ------ Article may be unavailable at this time -- working on finding its new location. ------ Testing new URL: Loyal Allies, Mate! ------ Works now! (Use either one.)
  10. I wonder if he realized what he had said before the bullet struck?
  11. BB does appear to have a problem being fair and impartial. Since he's been doing that for a long time I assume his superiors either support his attitude or don't care what he does. Either be very careful next time or give up on the mayhem that is G4. I'm a nobody over there so I don't expect anyone's noticed, but I went from several posts a day to one or two, if any. I recently got purty darn mad at them and deleted all the content from my posts going as far back as was practical, but I still read through the subject titles to find those rare, non-stupid threads. In comparison, here I may no
  12. It's funny 'cause it's true. (Kidding!)
  13. Unless you have an unusual ruler, you probably are measuring centimeters rather than millimeters. On a standard school ruler each hash mark represents a millimeter, grouped into ten per decimeter (which is then numbered). The wire used for a standard paperclip is approximately one millimeter wide. Good ol' U.S. of A., screw the metric system!
  14. I'd mention the importance of; test window appears in a popup (disable popup blocker), some tests are timed (so you know ahead of time, in case you get nervous about timed tests), one requires a ruler to measure your finger length in millimeters (British site), one test requires you type out words you think of (so typing skill or ability may be important), one uses money in British pounds (very simple amounts, should be no problem for anyone). ------ Whoa. On a scale of Zero to One Hundred in both Male and Female directions, I scored a big fat ZERO -- exactly in the middle! What the heck does
  15. ... I saw that one coming ... But it still made me smile.
  16. Oh whatever will people do when they can no longer blame Bill Gates for all their woes? ------ Guess I should add: I think it's wonderful, now that he's decided he's rich enough, that he'll devote much of his life to charitable works.
  17. Interesting stuff but they could have been a little more subtle with the watermark.
  18. Unique in the sense that it doesn't do anything?
  19. Hadn't thought of that! Far as I know all the local shops are gone (sad, I know), but there's certain to be one or more close enough to make a trip worthwhile. Thanks.
  20. Duuuuuuuhhhhhhh ... I steel don git it .... huh-yuck, huh-yuck. it bee timm for napp know.
  21. Particularly good ...