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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Personal pleas have had no effect, I doubt an impersonal message would either. Some people are gonna forward that 5-deep e-mail you already saw four years ago no matter what you do (short of blocking them).
  2. Damn good R&R. Kind of has the clean yet complex musicality of Smashing Pumpkins with The Cure-like vocals. If a band I never heard of sounds this good it makes me wonder how many talented acts are out there with not-enough National support or exposure (though by looking at their tour dates, they're not laying around the house with nothing to do). Usually, if I ain't heard of 'em, there's a reason (i.e., they're average at best). These guys sound better than 90% of what's out there. Bookmarked the site too. Though your vid was cool & fun to watch, I can't honestly say I need to see an
  3. A woman pregnant with triplets was walking down the street when a masked robber ran out of a bank and shot her three times in the stomach. Luckily the babies were OK. The surgeon decided to leave the bullets in because it was too risky to operate. She gave birth to two healthy daughters and a healthy son. All was fine for 16 years, and then one daughter walked into the room in tears. "What's wrong?" asked the mother. "I was taking a tinkle and this bullet came out," replied the daughter. The mother told her it was okay and explained what happened 16 years ago. About a week later the second dau
  4. I can't get anything to show up ... and now that IE window's frozen. ------ I see other's have problems with the site's technology too. Probably taxes browser's capabilities to the max. My max is quite minimal.
  5. Well, I know about large insects, I just didn't think there were any in the Chicagoland area. The largest I've seen was a Rhinocerous Beetle (and I don't EVER want to see one again). Plastic would have left some residue (I would guess), so that leaves ... INSECT! <shiver> Or a new species: The Rat-bug!
  6. Sorry if I left something out that made it confusing, but I assumed the company that sold or distributed the product was American while the product was sourced from China. Since China (deservedly) has the same reputation for low-quality goods Japan had at one time, they slap the U.S. flag on the box, incorporate the word "American" in whatever way they can, and voila! You're buying American! It's clearly deceptive but what-cha-gonna do? And I feel I should repeat the point that the vast majority of recalled items are sourced from China, which bothers me no end. Not only are the products unsa
  7. Holy smokes! Look at the bore on that thing! Ker-BLAM! Yeah, you're gonna feel that one. (Bet it makes the 'pink!' of my .22 sound ridiculous by comparison.)
  8. Wow Jeff -- You look surprisingly professional there. Jumps, moves, I swear you look JUST like you belong up on stage with a famous group. You know how there are videos of people playing and they look silly, and that's part of the fun? Honestly, you look like you're rehearsing for a gig at Madison Square Gardens. (Wait a minute, I don't know if you DO play professionally ... ) As for the file, it took me 1hr 15min to d/l, but when I saw how long it was taking I began surfing pretty aggressively, so I don't know how long it'd take if left alone. I'm also not sure why a relatively short, grainy
  9. The Complete List of Losers: America Online (1989-2006) RealNetworks RealPlayer (1999) Syncronys SoftRAM (1995) Microsoft Windows Millennium (2000) Sony BMG Music CDs (2005) Disney The Lion King CD-ROM (1994) Microsoft Bob (1995) Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 (2001) Pressplay and Musicnet (2002) dBASE IV (1988) Priceline Groceries and Gas (2000) PointCast (1996) IBM PCjr. (1984) Gateway 2000 10th Anniversary PC (1995) Iomega Zip Drive (1998) Comet Cursor (1997) Apple Macintosh Portable (1989) IBM Deskstar 75GXP (2000) OQO Model 1 (2004) CueCat (2000) Eyetop Wearable DVD Pla
  10. I couldn't bring myself to follow the link to compare -whatever is there- to what I found. I'm still too creeped out to intentionally look at MORE bugs. BTW, it IS warmer so bugs are more active. I saw one out of the corner of my eye inside the house and ... well, let's just say I didn't handle it like the man I thought I was. Twern't no turtle or morrel. Turtles don't curl up when they die and morrels don't to my knowledge have quills or hair or evenly spaced 'plates' of armor. Hey, two days later and I've stopped shivering uncontrollably when I think about THE THING IN THE YARD.
  11. Far as I know Armadillos have 'hair' poking out the bottom of their 'shell,' not quills (looked to be about an eighth of an inch in diameter at the base coming to a point on the end, and two inches long, light brown/ivory in color). The 'plates' were small in width, more like a <shudder, dammit> centipede (though I've never seen a centipede as large as a rat in person). An Armadillo, as the name "nine-banded armadillo" implies, has wider plates (and the plates have a bit of hair on them, don't they? This 'thing' had none on the shell). Plus, in spite of the possiblity that Armadillos cou
  12. So I'm mowin' the lawn again. I get to the back corner of the lot, a shaded area where there's a small brush pile and the grass grows quickly. I, of course, am always scanning for foreign objects on the ground. Don't want to hit anything with the mower. I see ... something. I get closer. I don't know what that thing is. It looks like ... <shudder> an ENORMOUS ... creature of some kind. It's dead. I didn't, couldn't, get close enough to be absolutely positive it was what it appeared to be. You know what a "pillbug" is? (They go by different names.) At first glance that's what this ...
  13. While I wouldn't dismiss the potential problem, reading between the lines I see; It's a "potential" flaw not confirmed by anyone else, and the company that reported the vulnerability just happens to sell software that would protect against the flaw.
  14. I'd take issue with the blanket statement to not use IE (let's see, 90% of users use IE, and 90% of problems are associated with IE ... Duh!). The rest of it is useful (if not obvious to most people, I would hope).
  15. That's one of those Internet-spread Urban Legends. Retailers have refuted any possibility that this could occur. But then ...
  16. I receive newsletters from the Consumer Product Safety Commision regarding recalls. I am constantly surprised (or amused, or ... something) that probably 98% of recalled items are "Made In China." I don't know if that indicates that Chinese manufacturer's lack product safety protocols, or if it is just a reflection of the enormous number of Chinese-made items sold here. This was an eye-opener though (brief excerpt from recent newsletter):
  17. As they loaded I said out loud, "Whoa! Cool!" I pretty much like 'em all. I have no idea what kind of plant produces those long 'sticks' with funky little flowers hanging out along the length ...
  18. JDoors

    Hey Guys

    Oww, had a job like that. Now I work far fewer hours but I'm broke. So ... I dunno which is better. Hope you can visit regularly.
  19. If you use Internet Explorer use the Tools menu, select Internet Options. In the Internet Options dialog box select the Privacy tab. In the Websites section select the Edit button. In the textbox type the name of the websites that're forcing those cookies on you and hit Enter. For example, I have (among many others): 180solutions.com adbrite.com admonitor.com adserver.com advertising.com atdmt.com fastclick.com hitbox.com maxserving.com qksrv.net Plus a bunch with 'casino,' 'click,' and ... uh-hem ... 'sex' in the website title. You should be able to get the site name from AdAware. Once
  20. Oo-ooooo -- don't get me started on "user fees." Money that goes from my pocket to the government or government mandates are taxes and should be called what they are. There's been a lot of talk about how much we spend on education but I don't believe they include all the fees students have to pay (books, equipment, lab fees, etc.). Over 60% of my property taxes goes to education yet you still have to pay more and more and more when the kids go to school. ... ahh, what's the use. As long as education is a government-run monopoly it'll be as efficient as any other government entity.