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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Are you looking for information on how to create your own website? Lots of people here would have info on that (but not me).
  2. I'd be on my third mowing too, if I hadn't put it off when I should have done it. "Oh, it could stand a mowing, I think I'll wait 'til the weekend." Bam -- Rain for a week. It'll sure be tall when I finally get the chance. I don't hesitate to use chemical weed-killers, though I have to admit they're not as effective as diggin' them up. As long as we're on the subject of lawn maintenance, I think I've mentioned this before but I feel so strongly about it, it bears repeating: I HATE MY HONDA LAWNMOWER.
  3. The yellow outlines are where you originally located the furniture, but with that arrangement you wouldn't be able to separate the two main left/right speakers far enough apart -- most of the sound would appear to be coming from directly in front of you and you'd lose sound effects that pan between the left & right sides. Just moving the furniture a little bit would allow you to speparate the left & right speakers far enough. At the price point you're looking for I'd recommend placing the speakers as close to your seating as is practical for the best sound (similar to what I showed r
  4. Do you have the latest version of QT? Videos made for the latest version will not play in an older version.
  5. Definitely among my summer favs; cut grass, masses of flowers, barbeques, that "it's gonna rain" smell, the "it just stopped raining" smell, (and any time of the year) laundry (Why is that anyway? Childhood memories?).
  6. JDoors


    The first was definitely the best all-round, though individual scenes in the others surpassed any individual scene you could point out in the first. Like some battle scenes in the later movies, unparallelled! But the later movies were (albeit intentionally) too dark (and I mean that in the sense of a lack of good lighting). The first had a brightness and light in many scenes that made everything in it magical. As for characters, something about them Elves ... I dunno, they drew my attention like no other characters (maybe I was an Elf in another life? ). Probably something to do with their a
  7. You're lucky it only took you a couple of minutes, I was stumped for, well, a while longer. In my defense however, this particular site makes it easier since you can scroll up and down to figure it out. You couldn't see the original hand on the site I first saw this on. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
  8. I only got as far as the first bold statement, 2.6T and said out loud, "Holy ----!"
  9. Why haven't we evolved an immunity to cancer? Partly because you usually live long enough to reproduce. If allergies killed people before they reproduced it would be more likely to be selected against. (Even then, there are diseases and conditions that are always fatal at a young age, so there's more going on than simple evolutionary selection.) Good luck with the presentation!
  10. If you see in on the Internet, assume it's fake. Did you see the big hub-bub over Air Force One? A video showed a graffiti vandal sneaking up to the plane & spraying the engine nacelle. I watched it thinking, "That's not possible, is it?" No, it wasn't, but even the Secret Service was temporarily fooled and launched an investigation. The vandal had actually had a different plane secretly painted in AF1 colors to make the video.
  11. I like the "idea" of it, especially considering the historic reasons we use the QWERTY layout, but since they're rare I never tried one. I'd need a typing tuter-type program though to learn it, and I've not been that keen on learning entirely new concepts of late (HTML are Networking are two recent examples, I gave up rather sooner than I would have in the past). ------ How could I have forgotten the "W" in QWERTY? I mean, it's right there!
  12. JDoors


    Once in a blue moon there is a movie (or series of movies) that changes everything in the movie business. The first one I personally experienced was 2001: A Space Odyssey. The Matrix trilogy is a more recent example. And the LOTR trilogy is the most recent example. No one can make a fantasy movie ever again that won't owe something to the LOTR movies. Umm, to answer the question, yes, I'm a fan. I never read the books however. I looked through them, saw the appendices, notes, notes on notes, maps, and said, "No way." I watched the first LOTR movie because I like the genre, and was BLO
  13. Red squares from left to right: Subwoofer (if present, many systems use one but you have yet to say what you're going to be using), left main speaker, center speaker (if present, same reasoning as for subwoofer), right main speaker. This placement will "locate" sounds in movies more accurately than your original arrangment. I didn't make any changes to the other room since the apparent size of the room makes it almost irrelevant where you place the speakers. I could be more specific if you knew you'd almost always be in one spot while listening in that room, but it doesn't appear it would mat
  14. There's no way to distinguish between the actual communications ("Hello, how's it going?"), the 'forwards' I've never seen and do enjoy (jokes, funny pictures, etc.), and the ones that I wish they knew better than to forward (warnings, "send to 15 people or <whatever>," etc.). I finally gave up with one, the "get to know you" questionaires. I actually fill those out and return them to the sender (but not to "10 other people"). I don't know WHY I gave up, but now I'm listed as "The one most likely to reply!"
  15. I'm not sure I understand the distinction between a genetic mutation and *whatever* change occurs that causes one's immune system to attack harmless substances. If the components of a person's immune system consistantly function differently than ... oh, say ... differently than most people/the norm/the way it's supposed to work, wouldn't the fact that it always misbehaves imply that the genes that code for the components in the immune system, in that person, are different than most/normal/supposed to be? That is, mutated? I guess there could be an outside factor, something that's changing the
  16. Typical one I got today re: a person with the screen name MonkeymanXXX (numbers vary) who's contacting people and killing them! Don't talk to this guy! He's already killed 56 women! Uh, and the only place we hear about this is through an e-mail forward? Fifty-six deaths doesn't make the news? Why, oh why, do I get these things ... ? I once e-mailed back that I don't want this type of stuff, but the friends who send them along have my address in some sort of macro or something so I guess they're too lazy to take my name outta there, or they're not capable of doing so.
  17. Isn't the body's reaction supposed to protect you from "poisons?" If you were breathing in a poison it would be to your advantage to have your breathing restricted, for mucous production to increase to help dispel the poison along with coughing, sneezing, etc. Allergies to products that are NOT harmful is a misfunction. There are hundreds of examples of human biology going "wrong," most are not life threatening however. I'd consider those to be 'mutations' that, in time, would either hurt or help human evolution. Modern medicine essentially protects us from such mutations -- People did used
  18. (Let's see if I can get through this time ... ) I like the program so far. It always impresses me when a program works right out of the box (no crashes, not funky graphics problems, not mysterious actions, etc.). I did a lot of manual work to get my fav icons to display correctly all the time (properties, change icon, etc.) so I haven't had the guts to use the program to d/l the correct ones yet (afraid it may not work, or may bung up the work I've done), but so far I'm happy with the way it checks the links for validity and lets me manage them.
  19. Not sure I understand the above ... If the green port is AUX out or LINE out, you can use a "Y" adaptor with a three conductor plug that goes into the port, and the two cables split from that are your left and right leads to go to your AUX or LINE in at your stereo. There should be no degradation for sound. I filled in the stuff I'd move or eliminate and redrew where I'd put stuff (solid red=speakers, one in the corner's a subwoofer if you get one): With that arrangement you'd get excellent spatial qualities with just a few minor sound level tweaks.
  20. I've noticed three-wheelers show up every time people get concerned about the price of gasoline, yet you rarely, if ever, see any on the road. Must be something else people need from their transportation other than low fuel costs ... (Sounding a little cynical there, huh?)
  21. I'd classify an Urban Legend as just a story, like a story told 'round a campfire or a fairy tale. What makes it an urban legend rather than a simple work of fiction like a fairy tale is that some people believe it, or even just parts of it, and that it spreads (often changing in the process). Whether there is, or ever was, any truth to it is irrelevant, since the entire point is to get some kind of reaction (emotional; shock, surprise, anger, agreement, ANY reaction whatsoever will do). I'm not sure where propaganda comes into play, why would anyone want anyone else to believe there are alli
  22. Dangit, someone's come up with a response to the 'cow' saying.
  23. I'm gonna hafta play around with that. Hope it's better than the manual method I've had to come up with (since IE does such a poor job of handling favorites & icons). Thanks.
  24. The only problem I see with the corner location is the main speakers would be too close to one another. You'll get little or no left and right separation (a "narrow soundstage"). Your PC likely has an AUX-OUT, a jack for the output of your sound card. Running that to an AUX or an unused TAPE input on the stereo should work fine.