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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. An absurd example, but the point is spot-on IMO.
  2. JDoors

    Bird Flue

    I don't think there's any complacency here, they're spending millions preparing for it. But I think we have our hands full with things that ARE KNOWN to be serious and things that MIGHT be serious SOME DAY aren't on the top of our to-do list.
  3. (Thanks Liz for the ADD version.) Surprisingly, I already have all the software (and Favorites) on the list that I want. Kinda came as a shock to me, with such a comprehensive list I was sure I'd find additional gems to d/l and bookmark.
  4. JDoors

    Bird Flue

    I think it's been covered, but the bird flu is NOT a pandemic, it has not mutated to a virulent human strain, it has not, considering the populations at risk and the spread of the disease among bird populations the world over, affected many people yet (a few serious cases out of millions of people exposed to it). Malaria, to pick one widespread disease, kills MILLIONS of people every year, decade after decade after decade.
  5. I'll just repeat what I said before: " Multi-spokes are always cool."
  6. Not a fan, but had to say something: Somebody's excited about a new album?!?! I can't think of anything new that excites me to the point of purchase. Good for you!
  7. From a newsletter I subscribe to: AND IT CAME TO PASS As I stared out the rear window of the bus, I thought, 'What if I die? This may be my last night ever!' My son suggested we take an all-night bus through the Peruvian Andes down to the coast. I was prepared to be driven over high mountain passes and on winding roads. We live in the Rocky Mountains of western United States. But I was not prepared for roads so narrow that the bus had to stop and let on-coming traffic around; or the high speed at which the bus rounded hairpin curves; or roads that were unpaved for long stretches, no guardr
  8. That odd-ball, unused key is the "context menu" key. It's supposed to look like a menu. It's the keyboard shortcut for a rightclick. So if you rightclick HERE, you get a menu. If your cursor just happens to be there and you press the context menu key you also get a menu, but by using the keyboard instead of the right mouse button. Sheesh, just tryin' to explain it takes so long, no wonder it's rarely used. (I use it at work 'cause the IT guys defeat the right mouse button to keep us out of trouble, but even THEY don't know about that menu key! )
  9. A couple years ago (about) there was a 'reality' show called Last Comic Standing. My family and I watched religiously. One of our favorites, John Heffron, won that one. There are a few sound bites at his MySpace site that crack me up, especially, considering MidWest winters, his "Winter bit." His 'haircut' bit should be a classic. Go to the site and in the 'sound' section click on the names of the bits to hear them (he's not a 'blue' comic, but he is an adult so a word or two might slip in there): John Heffron Comedy MySpace (LOL thinking about those darned orange handled scissors!)
  10. I got to thinkin' (uh-oh), what key, if you were forced at gunpoint to choose one 'cause that's the only way you'd get me to wear one, would you choose? I think the Pause/Break key, a constant reminder to take a break? From PC's, the Windows key, 'cause we all worship Windows? Obviously one of our initials would make sense. F1 would be a geeky call for help (and makes my brain hurt as I try to remember what the other standards were for function keys, and if they'd be geeky to choose). I like the Delete key, while someone's "Blah-blah-blahing," you can surrepticiously press your Delete key
  11. Heh-heh, "Not found" CLICK!!! On to something else ...
  12. Do you run any programs that are, essentially, DOS programs? XP shouldn't allow those to interfere with XP drivers, but it could interfere with individual program's INI files (since those aren't under XP's control). I'd narrow it down by NOT using one or more programs that use the sound card for a while and see if the problem occurs, or goes away. Keep NOT using programs until you narrow down what's changing the settings without your permission or intent.
  13. You know, this would be a very good idea to add to computers: Individual control over ports and accessories via software controls. For example, you can use Power options to turn off the monitor and hard drive, why not be allowed to choose any powered hardware at all? I have an add-on hard drive, can't turn it off via power options. I have a lit mousepad, can't turn it off. My stereo has more options to control hardware than my computer, that makes no sense.
  14. Computer's suck. So I doublecheck WMP to ensure it's my MPEG player, it is. I turn that association off then on and click Apply just to ENSURE it's my chosen player. Then the links worked fine. Why QT tried to open them I have no idea and probably never will. I love those commercials. I always used to joke with my friends who had kids about chewable Valiums so when I first saw that commercial I thought: Hey! That was MY idea! And I had a similar incident with my webcam and someone doing something they didn't necessarily mean to have broadcast (no, not me).
  15. I'm pretty sure the power's hardwired, so no software control would be possible. It'd be possible to dig in there, find the power line to that single port, and add the necessary hardware (though I'm at a loss to figure out how to place it under software control).
  16. The site's slow as molasses, but the wheels are SO awesome I didn't mind the wait. You can light up any graphic you want on your car's wheels! Pimpstar Graphic Wheels ------ It's so slow to load I rightclicked and unchecked the PLAY menu so it would finish loading and I could watch it continuously, without fits & starts.
  17. They may be old, but they're in QT8 which won't run on Windows '98.
  18. Blacklights meant for home use won't harm your vision -- Every teenager's bedroom and every disco had 'em at one time -- Wait a minute, we're all at that age where our eyesight's going. Connection maybe? ------ So, naturally, I had no idea what UV-reactive was for, and now that I've seen one item with that 'feature' it seems every where I look one thing or another is UV-reactive. At least one item did mention having a black light in the case.
  19. The only two files I have running that bother me, that site doesn't know what they are. They're two Windows '98 patches, I know what they are and when they got installed, but most file identification sites and utilities don't.
  20. "... Each cable is UV reactive ..." Is that for "black" lights? I didn't know black lights were used in cases ...
  21. Almost every new OS either barely runs on most computers or requires upgrades. My Windows 2.0 computer (first computer with Windows) needed more memory to run 3.1, and wouldn't run '98 at all. My '98 computer may just be able to run XP, but it would be better to upgrade it. I'm sure they're more worried about including the latest and greatest features than whether or not older computers are still capable of running it. What was the timetable for dropping XP support? And as long as I'm too lazy to visit the MS site I'll ask another question: What are the requirments for Vista? And, if differen
  22. JDoors


    As others have stated, coyotes are native to most areas of the country. Not only has civilization encroached on their habitat, we've also reduced or eliminated their natural enemies and we've reduced or eliminated hunting. Oh well, if you don't want wolves or other predators in the area and you don't want to allow hunting, this is what you get. It's news because they happened to have it on tape. You might read about a loose coyote on page three of a newspaper, but if there's video, it's NEWS! LET'S REPEAT THE SAME TAPE ALL DAY LONG!
  23. JDoors

    Big Bust

    So no one connected with the show would confirm her breast size had anything to do with her dismissal, she was out for an unspecified time to recover from an injury and her breasts suddenly got much larger, and her lawyer (probably while greedily rubbing his hands together in glee) mentions that the show makes a lot of money. Yeah, nothing suspicious about that story.