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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. My tastes are so varied you pose an impossible question. First music I actually listened to: The Beatles. I hated them (but then, I was a widdle-bitty kid when they came out). "I wanna hold your hand! I wanna hold your hand! I wanna hold your hand!" God, I thought they were morons or something. As a teen I listened mostly to psychedelic and what's now Classic Rock (and older); Janis Joplin, early Black Sabbath, Todd Rundgren, early Stones, Carole King, Alice Cooper, The Moody Blues (quite a variety there already). Throw in some Donovan, David Bowie, The Allman Brothers, Styx (the early years
  2. You grew up with a clock with a face? (Prop from Rocky Horror Picture Show movie.)
  3. You'll probably have to search out a local shop, national chains are less likely to carry unusual rounds. There's a local shop here that has 'em but shipping ammo ... I dunno.
  4. Take a quick quiz here. ------ Hmm, I only got 75%.
  5. Expensive though ... Digital Clock T-Shirt!
  6. Geek's Paradise! The Nerd Jackpot! OK, I'm done.
  7. Fry's is still regional though they're expanding. So, why does anyone go to a brick-and-mortar store any more? I go when I need something RIGHT NOW, otherwise I shop online.
  8. Just so ya know: Computers you buy today were assembled a while ago, and the software they have at the factory was received a while before that, so that's why you sometimes get older drivers. If the system is state-of-the-art the original drivers can almost be called experimental, they'll discover reasons to update the drives once the system is "out in the wild" (meaning: People have bought and are using them and are discovering the flaws in the original drivers).
  9. < < > > You tryin' to tell us somethin'? Do you know the source of that?
  10. One hundred text messages A DAY?!? I barely SPEAK a hundred words a day! (OK, that's an exaggeration.) I don't have a cell so a basic question: EACH time you hit send counts as ONE message? Even if they're all to one person? So, "Hey," "Yeah," "Me too," "Tomorrow," "OK," "CYA." That's FIVE messages you have to pay for? (And the five the other person sends you costs them too?) I'm in the wrong business ...
  11. ... Why am I picturing hyperactive mice? They're hanging around in a bulk coffee shipment, all they have to eat is coffee beans -- and they're zipping around, blowing their poo right and left at breakneck speed! nibble-nibble-zip-zip-poo!-poo!
  12. I have to second that, no freeware or shareware drafting software is worth the price (and it's FREE). I am none too happy with commercial software from Broderbund nor others I've tried (though Broderbund is relatively inexpensive so you might want to start there to see if it suits your needs).
  13. I'm not surprised they are taking their time with International transactions, there's a lot of fraud "overseas." Like that darn guy in Ethiopia, still hasn't sent me my millions. What a liar!
  14. So, you drink boiled s#$%
  15. Post cards got you on a watch list?!? Tax dollars at work. My dad modified a rifle in an, umm, highly unusual way. The guy he got the parts from got caught with illegal parts and through his records they nailed my dad. For years after that I got the same kind of strange phone problems you mentioned. We'd say "Hi" to the agents right in the middle of our conversations (not that they ever responded). As for AT&T I imagine software ignores everything BUT the stuff they're actually looking for, so we're getting ignored, not tapped. Unless you're doing what they're looking for. Which I can't
  16. Just so you have some idea where you're at: The BIOS information tells your computer how to start up and is stored on a chip that retains that information even if the computer is turned off. Upgrading rewrites the information on that chip. The old information might not be capable of recognizing new hardware or processes, for example. If the upgrade fails, the chip may be useless. The computer starts up, reads the chip, the information is not correct (possibly scrambled beyond recognition) and your computer cannot start up. So depending on what part of the upgrade failed, you may be able to r
  17. Good luck to the guy ... If you didn't catch the game's site it's here: Kaos War.
  18. Ewww! Funny because it's NOT funny then. (Guess I should do more than glance at the Enquirer as I wait in line at the grocery store, I didn't know that about her.)
  19. ? ... I don't get it ... But I suspect it's better left unexplained!
  20. Good idea, postin' pics of our systems, but with my old POS it'd be a project worthy of a Federal Mandate: Let's see; go to the store & buy batteries for the digital camera (they die within days whether it's in use or not), clean up the most embarrassing messes (not sanitize, just make it appear I'm not the slob that I am), take the shot (or several, as I use the camera so infrequently there's bound to be some experimenting), shut down every program running (to prepare for the camera being plugged in, its software is a CPU hog), plug in the camera, troubleshoot why the camera software isn