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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. It'd have to be a utility running constantly in the background, intercepting internal Windows messages, and altering every program on-the-fly. That'd be a dangerously powerful program, especially considering a large number of applications do not adhere to the proper Windows protocols (programmers often try to do things "better"). That utility might intercept the title bar text, try to change it to what you've specified, but the program doesn't use the proper protocols and you'd get a crash instead. I recall exactly that type of utility from back in the 3.x days and it didn't catch on then, pa
  2. This'll blow over just as XP's "phone home" scheme has. Some will revolt (as users of alternative OS's already have, or as I have by not upgrading to XP), but most will simply accept it (especially since it should have no effect whatsoever on legitimate users). Worries about how much further they might go is pointless as they'll take it as far as the market will allow and as far as crooks and thieves force them to go. Microsoft is a business and they do care, believe it or not, about their customers, image and profits. Look how long they 'extended' support of '98. They did it in response to t
  3. Whoa, that sounds like a great way to serve leftovers (umm, or whatever you call it when you intentionally cook more than you need to serve). I'd add the diced tomatos and lettuce AFTER nukin' them though. Some more ideas, here: Butterball Turkey - leftover turkey recipes
  4. You know, you CAN tell us what's going on -- I think. Unless the terror of it will make our minds explode or something. Even then, you'd get some satisfaction out of that too.
  5. THAT'S what I was missing ... MS will screw things up. Actually, we're gonna hear endless whining about how "My copy's legit why is Microsoft doing this to me they suck so much I'm never gonna buy another MS product but I have to get my stuff off this thing so I might as well pay them son's o' b's even though like I said my copy's legit but I swear I'll never ..." I'm tired of listening to it already and it hasn't even begun!
  6. Sure explains a lot 'round here ...
  7. Unless I'm missing something, it's OK by me. Shareware has nag screens, why not commercial products?
  8. You'll do it and like it sonny! It's the hidden stuff you really should worry about though, at least SS and Fed taxes are spelled out for you. For example, no tax on the Internet, right? Did you BUY your computer? Does it use electricity? Do you use an ISP? Taxed, taxed, and taxed. Nearly everything you touch has a tax associated with it. Do you BREATHE? Government mandates, that cost plenty o' money to implement, make that air expensive to keep clean. Water too. Need I mention the percent of gasoline prices that are actually TAXES? OK, OK, chill out J ... ------
  9. ... to tell ... or NOT to tell ... I'm not tellin'!
  10. Oh dear -- best to keep my mouth shut here.
  11. If only it were true, or feasible ...
  12. For the "ideal" sound it would be necessary to know what you're getting before you can say where they go. In a smaller, less powerful system it would be better to have the speakers closer to the listening area, if you had a ton o' power that wouldn't matter as much. The number of speakers depends on what you're getting too. A basic surround system could need anywhere from four speakers (plus the built-in speaker in the TV) to seven or even more. Adding more speakers than you have 'channels' isn't necessary (and could distort the sound stage among other things, like burn out your amplifier).
  13. If you're in the 35% bracket you don't pay 12% Social Secuity 'cause there's a limit to the amount you pay, then you don't pay any more. Too much math for me to figure it out so I refuse to ever get rich so I don't have to.
  14. Or use PrintScreen to save a bitmap of what you're seeing, save it, host it on a free hosting site and post it. The phrase "blank space on both sides of the page" sounds more like an issue with your screen resolution vs. the design of the site. If a site designs their page to fit on a screen with a lower resolution than you're using it may simply display empty bars on one or both sides of the page (sort of like the black bars some movies display on TV sets, the width/height of the movie doesn't match that of the TV and the remaining space just gets filled with blank space). There are some tr
  15. There is NO doubt in my mind that was designed by the ACTUAL Microsoft graphic artists. I especially liked the part, "Let's clarify 5 Gb," then they proceed to add a long paragraph of teensy type. That's MS all right!
  16. I can definitely relate. Though stepping into the garage, barefoot, and "finding" the present my cat left was worse. The guts of a rabbit she had beheaded. I'd rather step in partially digested cat food any day.
  17. To THIS day I remember the first time I played "telephone" as a kid (where you whisper something to the person next to you, they whisper it to the next person and so on, then the last person repeats what they heard). I was ASTOUNDED (if a six-year-old can even BE "astounded") that the words or phrases had been altered into something entirely different from the original. I could not believe it, I thought everyone was playing a joke on me or something. And to this day I remain skeptical of something I "heard" or "read" that I did not witness myself. Yet, my friends keep sending me this stuff.
  18. Just news & info so I don't think it belongs in another forum: PC Pitstop Tech Report Re Direct Revenue lawsuit
  19. JDoors

    Blizzard Of 06

    Send it along! Yowza, that's a LOT of snow. I must have missed that on the news, all I recall is mention of "snow," not a huge freakin' blizzard. I can barely remember the last time we had snow piled up over our heads. Yeah, that's right, I'm sayin' it out loud: We hardly ever get that much snow. (Go ahead Mother Nature, I DARE you!)
  20. JDoors


    I've seen a few of them before ... On the web, not in real life. I don't think people are ready to give up their typewriter-style boards just yet though. Note the viewer's comment on the page: Very nice! I found a place where you can make some nice extra cash secret shopping. Just go to the site below and put in your zip to see what's available in your area. I made over $900 last month having fun! [link]make extra money[/link] Nice SPAM!
  21. Got a list of reasons to suspect a story is an UL, but no list of UL's. Actually, there's one here on the boards: The smarty-pants job application. It's made up. I got one version of it recently that was attributed to an older person applying at Wal-Mart instead of the usual kid & McDonald's. These things always make me wonder why people create them in the first place, and why people tend to tack on things like "pass this on or ... " whatever. Is it something in human nature? Something in the nature of people who spend a lot of time online? I don't get it. Why not just call it wha
  22. Now THAT was funny. I think we all feel the pain. IF it's actually 60%, well, ya gotta pay for that universal health care somehow. (U.S. varies, up to 35% I believe. Of course anyone IN that bracket is going to structure their income so they don't pay that much, they didn't get rich by being STUPID.)
  23. It's cute and fairly well made. Yeah, the point is "the others are a bunch of dorks." If that's their only selling point, that everything else is stupid, they need to hire a new P.R. person. The one they have now is a poopy-head.